atecpool ATEC50 Manual página 9

The chlorinator and its different menus are controlled with a four key keypad. The
keys Λ and MENU also have a secondary function (SHOCK and ON/OFF
respectively) accessible by holding down the key for 2 seconds.
NOTE: At some points of activity or during a change of function the keyboard may
seem as it is not responding immediately. This is completely normal. Just wait a few
seconds for the task to be completed and the display will respond.
6.1 ON/OFF
The ON/OFF function (MENU key + 2 seconds) turns the chlorinator alternatively
ON and OFF. Once switched on, the Production Screen will appear:
Production: 70%
This screen indicates the current production rate and the existing salt level in the
water. It may take a few seconds for the salt level to appear. If you are on a
different screen you can always come back to the production screen by pressing the
MENU button repeatedly.
To increase or decrease the chlorine production rate press the
chlorinator modules the production by varying the operating time in periods of 10
minutes. At 100% the chlorinator works constantly.
You will soon get to know the needs of your pool which will depend on the different
conditions (number of users, temperature, etc.) allowing you to anticipate in the
production setting. In general, to enjoy the benefits of salt water chlorination, we
recommend setting the minimum production rate that produces a crystal clear water
in your pool. Avoid chlorinating during high sunshine hours because chlorine will
quickly disappear due to the UV radiation and won't have the time to disinfect your
pool thoroughly. We recommend to program the chlorinator during the night or at
low sunshine hours.
Shock Mode
The shock mode allows you to apply a shock treatment (chlorinator at 100%) for a
selectable period of time with automatic return to the previous production rate once
the shock period has ended. This feature is useful if the chlorine level has fallen
suddenly for some reason and you want to recover it quickly.
To activate the shock mode, go to the Production Screen and press
a few seconds. The following screen will appear:
7 h
Select duration
Select a number of hours, by using the
MENU to exit. If you click OK, you will enter into the Shock mode and the following
screen will be displayed:
(SHOCK) for
arrows and press OK to accept or
El clorador debe permanecer totalmente desconectado durante
esta operación y hasta que la sal se encuentre completamente
disuelta. El funcionamiento del clorador con sal sin disolver podría
dañar irreversiblemente la célula y la fuente de alimentación y la
garantía quedaría anulada.
Calcule el volumen de la piscina y vierta de 5 a 6 kg de sal por metro cúbico.
Asegúrese de que el clorador está desconectado y haga funcionar la depuradora
durante al menos 24 horas antes de conectar el clorador.
Si su piscina es de cemento y acaba de ser construida espere al
menos cuatro semanas de curado antes de verter la sal.
Puede acelerar el proceso de disolución de la sal utilizando el limpia fondos.
Compruebe con un kit de medida del comercio que la concentración de sal se
encuentra entre 5 y 6 kg/m
El funcionamiento del clorador no conlleva ningún consumo de sal. Con el tiempo,
sin embargo, la concentración de sal puede verse reducida a causa de la lluvia o de
otros aportes de agua dulce (relleno, lavado del filtro). Cuando tenga que corregir
la concentración de sal, vierta la sal lo más cerca posible de los impulsores. Nunca
en los skimmers o en el sumidero.