In any of the following situations, the smart clamp turns on protection mode:
LED Indicator
The red/green led will flash
The green light is always on
The red light is always on
The red light flashes slowly
The red LED flashes quickly
The green light flashes slowly
Security Indication
1. Use the original smart clamp to start the car.
2. DO NOT use this unit if any cable clamp or cord is damaged.
3. Start only for 12V vehicles,or it will cause serious damages to the unit.
4. Do not jump start your car when the battery capacity of BR400 is lower than 30%.
5. Do not connect two clamps together when the starter is powered on. And do not
connect both cable clamps to the same piece of metal.
6. If the engine does not start on the first try, disconnect it from the car battery and wait
for at least 20 seconds before reconnecting. Maximize three attempts in two minutes.
7. Once the engine is successfully started, disconnect the clamps within 30 seconds.
Ready to work
Work status
1.battery clamp is reversely connected
--- check whether the clip is reversely connected
2.The clamp is short-circuited
---check whether two clamps together connect or
connect both cable clamps to the same piece of metal
Back charge protection, the voltage of the car battery is
higher than 12.6V
-No jump starter needed, the car battery is enough to
start your car
The temperature of the clamp exceeds 65(+/-5)degrees
--- remove the clamp until the red-green led flash
The voltage of the starter is too low
--try to replace the startup power supply or change it in