°C/°F - Mantener pulsado el botón ON/OFF cinco segundos cuando se enciende el
TRIM - Pulsar los botones MAX/MIN y ON/OFF al encender el aparato durante cinco
segundos para entrar (aparece 'Offset' en el visualizador). El botón MAX/MIN entonces hace
que el valor trim cambie (bucle continuo) en pasos de 0.1 hasta ±2.0 ºC (3.6 ºF). Pulsar ON/
OFF para guardar el valor y salir de la función Trim.
ADVERTENCIA: El alcohol isopropílico y otros disolventes pueden causar daños en la
carcasa y la pantalla de este instrumento.
ADVERTENCIA: Apretar demasiado el conector de la sonda podría dañar la sonda. No es
necesario que el conector quede a ras de la carcasa para lograr un sellado impermeable,
ya que tiene una junta tórica en la parte inferior que crea un sello.
GUARANTEE - This instrument carries a two-year guarantee against defects in either
components or workmanship. During this period, products that prove to be defective will,
at the discretion of ETI, be either repaired or replaced without charge. This guarantee does
not apply to probes, where a six-month period is offered. The product guarantee does not
cover damage caused by fair wear and tear, abnormal storage conditions, incorrect use,
accidental misuse, abuse, neglect, misapplication or modification. Full details of liability
are available within ETI's Terms & Conditions of Sale at etiltd.com/terms. In line with our
policy of continuous development, we reserve the right to amend our product specification
without prior notice.
SPECIFICATION - Full specification details are available at etiltd.com.
Manufactured by
Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd
Worthing · West Sussex · BN14 8HQ
545-141 WEB/24.07.23