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Assembly InstructIons
InstructIons D'AssemblAGe
InstruccIones De ensAmblAJe
Do not discard these instructions / Ne pas jeter ces instructions
Conserve estas instrucciones / Не выбрасывайте эту инструкцию

Resumen de contenidos para Bello WMFC504

  • Página 1 WmFc504 Assembly InstructIons InstructIons D’AssemblAGe InstruccIones De ensAmblAJe ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО СБОРКЕ Do not discard these instructions / Ne pas jeter ces instructions Conserve estas instrucciones / Не выбрасывайте эту инструкцию...
  • Página 2 fOR yOUR SAfETy, PLEASE fOLLOw ThESE PRECAUTIONS: ! Do not PlAce Items on the shelVes WhIch eXceeD the mAXImum WeIGht lImIts oF 100 lbs. For toP shelF, 50 lbs. For the center chAnnel sPeAKer/sounDbAr shelF, 35 lbs. For the InterIor GlAss mIDDle shelF, AnD 75 lbs For the bottom shelF.
  • Página 3 PArts lIst / nomenclAture Des PIÈces / lIstA De PIeZAs / ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ ДЕТАЛЕЙ Quantity Quantity Part / Pièce / Pieza / Деталь Part / Pièce / Pieza / Деталь Quantité Quantité cantidad cantidad Количество Количество...
  • Página 4 Assembly InstructIons / InstructIons D'AssemblAGe InstruccIones De ensAmblAJe / ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО СБОРКЕ note: remArQue : notA: ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Fig. 1 stAnD eXPAnD AttAch PlAcer DÉPloyer AttAcher coloQue eXtIenDA FIJe ПОСТАВЬТЕ РАЗДВИНЬТЕ ПРИКРЕПИТЕ...
  • Página 5 Fig. 2 screW APPly APPly Insert Press VIsser Poser Poser InsÉrer APPuyer AtornIlle APlIQue APlIQue Inserte PresIone ВВИНТИТЕ ПОМЕСТИТЕ ПОМЕСТИТЕ ВСТАВЬТЕ НАЖИМАЙТЕ...
  • Página 6 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 slIDe Insert mAKe sure Press DoWn slIDe NOTE (!) : The metal clip should be at the top of the Panel. enFIler InsÉrer s'Assurer APPuyer NOTE (!): Le clip de métal devrait être au sommet du panneau. DeslIce Inserte AseGÚrese...
  • Página 7 Fig. 6 InstAll mAKe sure mAKe sure screW tIGhten Be careful not to overtighten. NOTE (!): Always make sure the furniture is on a level surface, and that all shelves are level and properly supported before attempting to place any components on them. Poser s'Assurer s'Assurer...
  • Página 8 In order to provide you with timely assistance, please thoroughly inspect your furniture for missing or defective parts immediately after opening the carton. To receive replacement or missing part(s) under this warranty, go to our website at www.bello.com or call our Customer Service Department at 1-888-235-7646. Please have the model number and part number(s) for reference. You will also need your sales receipt or other proof of purchase.