Yarvik Tablet Manuál
Pokud si zákazník nepřeje, aby došlo ke zrušení platnosti záruky nabízené níže, měl by používat pouze
oficiální software, aplikace a aktualizace dostupné na webové stránce společnostiwww.yarvik.com.
Neměl by být používán žádný jiný software a firmware, takové použití způsobí automatické pozbytí platnosti
záruky a podpory. Společnost Yarvik nepodporuje používání jakéhokoli softwaru nebo firmwaru než toho,
který byl nainstalován do výrobku výrobcem nebo který je k dispozici na oficiálních webových stránkách
společnosti Yarvik www.yarvik.com. Společnost Yarvik výslovně odmítá odpovídat na jakékoli požadavky
vztahující se k neoprávněným změnám, neschválenému softwaru a firmwaru.
Important Information
Wireless LAN-Regulatory information
Depending on the model, the wireless LAN built-in into tablet devices can only be used in the following
countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
Conditions of use
When using the IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN standard, channels 1 to 13 (2.4 GHz...2.4835 GHz) are
selectable for both indoor and outdoor use, however with restrictive conditions applying in France, Italy and
Norway, as follows:
• France: When using this product indoor, all channels can be used without restrictions. Outdoor only
channels 1 to 6 are allowed. This means that in Peer-to-Peer, the WLAN feature can only be used outside if
the peer sets up the communication on an authorized channel (i.e., between 1 & 6). In infrastructure mode,
please make sure the access point is configured to a channel from 1 to 6 before setting up the connection.
• Italy: Use of the RLAN network is governed: Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic
- with respect to private use, by the Legislative Decree of 1.8.2003, no. 259 ("Code of Electronic
Communications"). In particular Article 104 indicates when the prior obtainment of a general authorization is
required and Art. 105 indicates when free use is permitted;
- with respect to the supply to the public of the WLAN access to telecom networks and services, by the
Ministerial Decree 28.5.2003, as amended, and Art. 25 (general authorization for electronic communications
networks and services) of the Code of electronic communications.
• Norway: Use of this radio equipment is not allowed in the geographical area within a radius of 20 km from
the centre of Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard.
WEEE Symbol Information
file:///Volumes/Product_Data/TAB10-211/Sent_artwork/Manual/internet/Yarvik/Manual/manual_cz.html[14-08-13 14:54:53]
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