Position part C as shown.
10. Colocamos una de las ruedas como
se muestra en la imagen.
Position part C as shown.
12. Repetimos el paso 11 con las ruedas restantes y sus respectivos bloqueadores
drilled holes
de ruedas, tal y como se muestra en la imagen.
10. Position one of part E as shown.
10. Position one of part E as shown.
12. Repeat step 11 with remaining part E
ail us your
Repeat step 11 with remaining part E
and both parts F.
tions. Also if you have any problems assembling our products then don't hesitate to ask Al:
lso if you have any problems assembling our products then don't hesitate to ask Al:
11. Fijamos la rueda con los tornillos
de 10 mm en los lugares establecidos
y en la dirección indicada en la imagen.
11. Fix in place through the pre-drilled holes
11. Fix in place through the pre-drilled holes
using 10mm screws.
using 10mm screws.
and both parts F.
Fix in place through the pre-drilled hole
13. ¡Disfrútalo!
Fix in place through the pre-drilled holes
using 35mm screws.
13. Enjoy. Display items not included.
13. Enjoy. Display items not included.
using 35mm screws.
10. Position one of part E as shown.
Email us your