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SFP Transceiver,
SFP Transceiver

Resumen de contenidos para Linksys 100BASE-FX

  • Página 1 USER GUIDE 100BASE-FX MiniGBIC BUSINESS SERIES SFP Transceiver, 100BASE-LX MiniGBIC SFP Transceiver MFEFX1, MFELX1 Model:...
  • Página 3 Need to contact Linksys? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • Página 4 Connect the Transcever Introduction Thank you for choosing the MiniGBIC SFP Modules . These Modules insert into the MiniGBIC ports on Linksys switches . Each MiniGBIC SFP Module is hot-swappable, meaning you can connect them even when the switch is running .
  • Página 5 Connect the Transceiver Remove the MiniGBIC SFP Module’s rubber port cap . Remove the Rubber Port Cap Connect the fiber cable’s LC Connector to the MiniGBIC SFP Module’s port . Connect the Fiber Cable MnGBIC SFP Transcevers...
  • Página 6 Chapter 1 Connect the other end of the cable to an SFP Module to verify that the fiber connection is complete . Connected Fiber Cable Removal Instructions Press the fiber cable’s connector and pull to remove the fiber cable from the MiniGBIC SFP Module . Remove the Fiber Cable MnGBIC SFP Transcevers...
  • Página 7 Connect the Transceiver To remove the MiniGBIC SFP Module, begin by pulling the Module’s bail latch down . Pull the Bail Latch Down Remove the MiniGBIC SFP Module . Remove the Module MnGBIC SFP Transcevers...
  • Página 8 Appendx A Appendx A: Specfcatons MFEFX1 Standards SFP MSA, ITU-T G .253 Core, FDA 21CFR 1040 .10,11 and IEC 60825-1,2 Connector Type Duplex LC Wavelength Typical (Tx) 1310 nm Wavelength Range (Tx) 1270 nm (min) to 1380 nm (max) Wavelength Range (Rx) 1260 nm (min) to 1570 nm (max) Performance Average Output Power...
  • Página 9 Specifications MFELX1 Standards SFP MSA, ITU-T G .957 and G .958, FDA 21CFR 1040 .10,11 and IEC 60825-1,2 Connector Type Duplex LC Wavelength Typical (Tx) 1310 nm Wavelength Range (Tx) 1261 nm (min) to 1360 nm (max) Wavelength Range (Rx) 1260 nm (min) to 1580 nm (max) Performance Average Output Power...
  • Página 10 Appendx B Appendx B: Swtch Compatblty Lst Linksys 100M SFP Switch Support and Minimum Software Release Requirements MFELX1 - 100 SFP Swtch Model MFEFX1 - 100 SFP SRW208G Firmware 1 .0 .3 Firmware 1 .0 .3 SRW208L Firmware 1 .0 .3 Firmware 1 .0 .3...
  • Página 11 Warranty and Regulatory Informaton Limited Warranty Linksys warrants to You that, for a period of one year (the “Warranty Period”), your Linksys Product will be substantially free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use . Your exclusive remedy and Linksys’...
  • Página 12 Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to You . Please direct all inquiries to: Linksys, P .O . Box 18558, Irvine, CA 92623 . MnGBIC SFP Transcevers...
  • Página 13 Warranty and Regulation Information FCC Statement This product has been tested and complies with the specifications for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules . These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation .
  • Página 14 Appendx C Industry Canada (Canada) This device complies with Industry Canada ICES-003 rule . Cet appareil est conforme à la norme NMB003 d’Industrie Canada . IC Statement Operation is subject to the following two conditions: This device may not cause interference and This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device .
  • Página 15 2002/96/EC on Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) This document contains important information for users with regards to the proper disposal and recycling of Linksys products . Consumers are required to comply with this notice for all electronic products bearing...
  • Página 16 Appendx C Dansk (Dansh) - Mljønformaton for kunder  EU EU-direktiv 2002/96/EF kræver, at udstyr der bærer dette symbol på produktet og/eller emballagen ikke må bortskaffes som usorteret kommunalt affald . Symbolet betyder, at dette produkt skal bortskaffes adskilt fra det almindelige husholdningsaffald . Det er dit ansvar at bortskaffe dette og andet elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr via bestemte indsamlingssteder udpeget af staten eller de lokale myndigheder .
  • Página 17 Warranty and Regulation Information Español (Spansh) - Informacón medoambental para clentes de la Unón Europea La Directiva 2002/96/CE de la UE exige que los equipos que lleven este símbolo en el propio aparato y/o en su embalaje no deben eliminarse junto con otros residuos urbanos no seleccionados .
  • Página 18 Appendx C Italano (Italan) - Informazon relatve all’ambente per  clent resdent nell’Unone Europea La direttiva europea 2002/96/EC richiede che le apparecchiature contrassegnate con questo simbolo sul prodotto e/o sull’imballaggio non siano smaltite insieme ai rifiuti urbani non differenziati . Il simbolo indica che questo prodotto non deve essere smaltito insieme ai normali rifiuti domestici .
  • Página 19 Warranty and Regulation Information Malt (Maltese) - Informazzjon Ambjental għal Kljent fl-Unjon Ewropea Id-Direttiva Ewropea 2002/96/KE titlob li t-tagħmir li jkun fih is-simbolu fuq il-prodott u/jew fuq l-ippakkjar ma jistax jintrema ma’ skart muniċipali li ma ġiex isseparat . Is-simbolu jindika li dan il-prodott għandu jintrema separatament minn ma’...
  • Página 20 Appendx C Norsk (Norwegan) - Mljønformasjon for kunder  EU EU-direktiv 2002/96/EF krever at utstyr med følgende symbol avbildet på produktet og/ eller pakningen, ikke må kastes sammen med usortert avfall . Symbolet indikerer at dette produktet skal håndteres atskilt fra ordinær avfallsinnsamling for husholdningsavfall . Det er ditt ansvar å...
  • Página 21 Warranty and Regulation Information Slovenčna (Slovak) - Informáce o ochrane žvotného prostreda pre zákazníkov v Európskej ún Podľa európskej smernice 2002/96/ES zariadenie s týmto symbolom na produkte a/alebo jeho balení nesmie byť likvidované spolu s netriedeným komunálnym odpadom . Symbol znamená, že produkt by sa mal likvidovať...
  • Página 22 Appendx C Svenska (Swedsh) - Mljönformaton för kunder  Europeska unonen Det europeiska direktivet 2002/96/EC kräver att utrustning med denna symbol på produkten och/eller förpackningen inte får kastas med osorterat kommunalt avfall . Symbolen visar att denna produkt bör kastas efter att den avskiljts från vanligt hushållsavfall . Det faller på...
  • Página 23 800-546-5797 (LINKSYS) Or fax your request in to: 949-823-3002 If you experience problems with any Linksys product, you can call us at: 800-326-7114 Don’t wish to call? You can e-mail us at: support@linksys .com If any Linksys product proves defective...

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