Product Care Advice : AR 8 Pro
Adjustable Telescopic Lance
Storage places to avoid:
Areas subjected to rain, high humidity or dirty environments.
In direct sunlight, or places of extreme heat such as a closed car on a hot
summers day or extremely cold environments.
Places which experience strong vibrations.
Moisture will cause clogging of dust that can cause a blockage. Store your lance in
dry conditions, with an empty powder chamber.
Caring for your AR 8 Pro:
Use a soft brush or soft, dry cloth to remove dust from the lance, hose and carry
Do not scratch hard objects against the lance.
The product should be cleaned with a soft, dry cloth only. Do not use volatile
substances or cleaning products as these can cause damage.
Maintenance Instructions: AR 8 Pro
Adjustable Telescopic Lance
When ordering a replacement pole section, they are referenced (AR8-01 to
ARP-11), with section 1 (AR8-01) being the handle (thickest) and section 7
(ARP-11) being the top section connecting to the powder chamber.
1. Remove the main tubing by pulling
through the lance. (KEEP FOR REUSE).
3. Remove the damaged section from
the lance.
5. Put the hose kit back through the lance
as shown above.
For detailed videos on the maintenance process see:
Replacing a damaged pole section
2. Pull the rubber end foot off the lance.
4. Insert the new section by sliding it
back into the lance.
6. Refit the rubber end foot to the lance.