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PleAse NOTe: wheN yOu OPeN The CARTON CARefully CheCk The uNIT
ANd MAke suRe TheRe Is NO dAMAge. If yOu hAve ANy PRObleMs wITh
AsseMblINg The uNIT, wITh hOw The vARIOus fuNCTIONs wORk OR wITh
dAMAge OR MIssINg PARTs PleAse CAll 1-800-459-4409 (9:00 AM -
5:00 PM esT) IMMedIATely fOR seRvICe.
NOTe: dO NOT ReTuRN uNIT TO The sTORe befORe CAllINg The TOll fRee NuMbeR.
dO NOT dIsPOse Of yOuR CARTONs uNTIl yOu ARe COMPleTely sATIsfIed wITh
yOuR New fIRePlACe heATeR.
NOTE: Light bulbs may become loose during shipping. If the flame effect is dim or does
not work, please check that light bulb or bulbs are finger tight in socket. See instructions
for replacing bulb or bulbs.
NOTE: The electric fireplace heater may emit a slight harmless odor when first turned
on. This is caused by activating the internal heater components for the first time and
should not occur again.
1) Find a location for the electric fireplace heater that is protected from direct sunlight.
2) Do not plug the unit into the power outlet before reading all instructions.
wheN usINg eleCTRICAl APPlIANCes, bAsIC PReCAuTIONs shOuld AlwAys
be fOllOwed TO ReduCe The RIsk Of fIRe, eleCTRIC shOCk, ANd INJuRy
TO PeRsONs, INCludINg The fOllOwINg:
1) Read all instructions before using this electric fireplace heater.
2) This electric fireplace heater is hot when in use. To avoid burns, do not let
bare skin touch hot surfaces. The grill directly in front of the heater outlet
becomes hot during heater operation. keep combustible materials, such
as furniture, pillows, bedding, papers, clothes, and curtains at least 3 feet
(0.9 m) away from the front of the unit and keep them away from the sides
and rear.
3) extreme caution is necessary when any heater is used by, or near, children or
individuals with disabilities and whenever the fireplace is left operating
and unattended.
4) Always unplug the electric fireplace heater when not in use.
5) do not operate any electric fireplace heater with a damaged cord or plug or
after the heater malfunctions, has been dropped or damaged in any manner.
6) do not use outdoors.
7) This electric fireplace heater is not intended for use in bathrooms, laundry
areas and similar indoor locations. Never place heater where it may fall into a
bathtub or other water container.
8) do not run cord under carpeting. do not cover cord with throw rugs, runners,
or similar coverings. Arrange cord away from traffic area and where it will
not be tripped over.
9) To disconnect the electric fireplace heater, turn controls to off, then remove
plug from outlet.
10) Connect to properly grounded outlets only.
11) do not insert or allow foreign objects to enter any ventilation or exhaust
opening as this may cause an electric shock or fire, or damage the heater.
12) To prevent a possible fire, do not block air intakes or exhaust in any manner.
ElEctric FirEPlAcE
Model: MM624-32AACO
do not use on soft surfaces, like a bed, where openings may become blocked.
13) A heater has hot and arcing or sparking parts inside. do not use it in areas
where gasoline, paint, or flammable liquids are used or stored.
14) use this electric fireplace heater only as described in this manual. Any other
use not recommended by the manufacturer may cause fire, electric shock, or
injury to persons.
15) Avoid the use of an extension cord because the extension cord may overheat
and cause a risk of fire. however, if you have to use an extension cord, the
cord shall be No. 14 Awg minimum size and rated not less than 1875 watts.
16) Caution: do not plug this product into a receptacle controlled by a wall switch
or dimmer.
17) when storing or transporting the unit and cord, keep in a dry place, free from
excessive vibration and store so as to avoid damage.
heATeR ON AuTOMATICAlly, ReMeMbeR TO ObseRve All sAfeTy wARNINgs
AT All TIMes. The fIRePlACe heATeR hAs sAfeTy OveRheAT PROTeCTION. If
APPROxIMATely 5 -10 MINuTes. IT shOuld ReseT AuTOMATICAlly ONCe The
uNIT COOls dOwN.
PROCeduRes ANd TeChNIques If NOT CARefully fOllOwed wIll ResulT
IN dAMAge TO The equIPMeNT ANd wIll exPOse The useR TO The RIsk Of
seRIOus INJuRy, IllNess OR deATh.
ThIs eleCTRIC fIRePlACe heATeR Is fOR use ON 120 vOlTs. The CORd hAs
A Plug As shOwN AT A IN IllusTRATION belOw. AN AdAPTeR As shOwN AT
C Is AvAIlAble fOR CONNeCTINg ThRee-blAde gROuNdINg-TyPe Plugs TO
TwO-slOT ReCePTACles. The gReeN gROuNdINg Plug exTeNdINg fROM The
gROuNded OuTleT bOx. The AdAPTeR shOuld NOT be used If A ThRee-slOT
gROuNded ReCePTACle Is AvAIlAble.
A 15 AMP CIRCuIT Is RequIRed TO OPeRATe ThIs heATeR. If The bReAkeR
TRIPs wheN The heATeR Is used TheN yOu MAy Need TO MOve The heATeR
CIRCuIT. If yOu RequIRe AN exTeNsION CORd use ONe ThAT Is RATed AT 1875

Resumen de contenidos para Quality Craft MM624-32AACO

  • Página 1 ElEctric FirEPlAcE HEAtEr Model: MM624-32AACO IMPORTANT: do not use on soft surfaces, like a bed, where openings may become blocked. PleAse NOTe: wheN yOu OPeN The CARTON CARefully CheCk The uNIT 13) A heater has hot and arcing or sparking parts inside. do not use it in areas ANd MAke suRe TheRe Is NO dAMAge.
  • Página 2 PArtS liSt Fireplace insert...................... 1 A) Top panel ......................1 B) Base panel ...................... 1 C) Side panels ..................... 2 D) Front panels ....................2 E) Upper front panel ..................... 1 F) Lower front panel ..................... 1 S) Connectors ...................... 2 T) Short KD screws ....................
  • Página 3 Step 3: Attach panels C to panels D with 6 KD screws. See Fig. C. Step 6: Carefully place the insert into the unit opening. The front of the insert should be flush with front of the mantel. Once the insert is in place, attach 2 mounting brackets [V] with 2 KD screws onto the bottom of insert (1 screw for each bracket).
  • Página 4 OPErAtiON BY tHE cONtrOl PANEl Step 9: Attach top panel [A] to the unit as shown in Fig. I with 5 KD screws. The controls are located behind the grill below the glass and can be accessed by pulling the grill from the top, forward and down. WARNING: DO NOT TOUCH.
  • Página 5 rEPlAciNG tHE liGHt BUlBS rEPAirS Step 1: Remove 4 screws on the back of fireplace and open the rear cover. If any problems are found with the original parts during mantel assembly, such as the panels cannot be installed with the plastic connector, try to solve by one of the Step 2: You will find 1x40W type B-10 bulbs under the log-set bed.
  • Página 6 The company’s sole obligation is to repair or replace the unit. This warranty is void if in the opinion of Quality Craft the unit has been tampered with, altered, misused, damaged, abused or used with the wrong power source.
  • Página 7 CHIMENEA ELÉCTRICA Modelo: MM624-32AACO IMPORTANTE: 10) Enchufe únicamente en un tomacorriente con conexión a tierra. 11) No inserte ni permita que entre ningún objeto en ninguna abertura de DEsPués DE AbRIR lA CAjA, vERIfIquE Muy bIEN El APARATO y AsEgúREsE ventilación o de salida de aire, ya que puede producir un choque eléctrico, un...
  • Página 8 LISTADO DE PIEZAS Chimenea......................1 A) Panel superior ....................1 B) Panel inferior ....................1 C) Paneles laterales ..................... 2 D) Panel delantero....................2 E) Panel delantero superior .................. 1 F) Panel delantero inferior ..................1 S) Conectores ...................... 2 T) Tornillos cortos KD ...................
  • Página 9 Paso 5: Sujete el panel F a los paneles D con 2 tornillos KD. Vea la fig. E. TRAsERO Fig. A Paso 2: Sujete todos los conectores plásticos [X] a los paneles C, D y E, como se muestra en la fig. B (2 tornillos KD para cada conector plástico). Fig.
  • Página 10 Paso 8: Sujete 3 ganchos de montaje [U] a la parte superior del inserto y asegúrelos en el lugar con 3 tornillos KD cortos [T]. Vea la fig. H. Fig. J TRAsERO OPERACIÓN TRAsERO Fig. H Después de leer las instrucciones, verifique que todos los controles de la chimenea estén a la posición APAGADO.
  • Página 11 750W: Para obtener la función de bajo nivel de calor: presione este interruptor mientras el interruptor de encendido o apagado (ON/OFF) está en la posición de encendido a fin de lograr un bajo nivel de calor. La luz indicadora se encenderá. 1500W: Para obtener la función de alto nivel de calor: presione este interruptor mientras los interruptores ON/OFF y 750W están en la posición de encendido a fin de lograr un alto nivel de calor.
  • Página 12 4. Sujete el conector plástico y asegure con tornillos KD, como se muestra en la fig. D. La única obligación de la empresa es reparar o cambiar la unidad. Esta garantía carece de validez si, a criterio de Quality Craft, la unidad ha sido manipulada, alterada, usada de manera inapropiada, dañada, maltratada o utilizada con una fuente de energía inadecuada.