Backyard Grill 720-0783B Manual De Instrucciones página 24

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Warning: To ensure that it is safe to eat, food must be cooked to the minimum internal
temperatures listed in the table below.
Beef, veal and lamb (pieces and whole cuts) - medium-rare
Beef, veal and lamb (pieces and whole cuts) - medium
Beef, veal and lamb (pieces and whole cuts) - well done
Pork (pieces and whole cuts)
Poultry (e.g. chicken, turkey, duck) - pieces
Poultry - whole
Ground meat and meat mixtures (e.g. burgers, sausages, meatballs, meatloaf,
casseroles) - beef, veal, lamb and pork
Ground meat and meat mixtures - poultry
Egg dishes
Others (hot dogs, stuffing and leftovers)
From: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Fo o d
We ig h t o r th ick n e s s
V egetables
1/2 to 3/4 inc hes
Ground Meats
1/2 to 3/4 inc hes
1/2 or f ull rac k
Hot dogs
Poultry -Cut
1/4 to 1/2 pounds
Poultr y W hole
2 to 3 pounds
Fis h
3/4 to 1 inc h
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Grill Cooking Chart
T e m p e r atu r e
W hole
High- Medium
Low or Medium
T im e
Slic e or c hop v egetables and dot w ith butter or
8 to 20 minutes
margar ine. W r ap tightly in heav y duty f oil. Gr ill
turning oc c as s ionally .
W r ap indiv idually in heav y duty f oil. Cook
40 to 60 minutes
r otating oc c as s ionally .
Pre-heat grill f or 15-20 minutes then s ear
s teaks on eac h s ide f or tw o minutes . Nex t, grill
4 to 15 minutes
3 to 5 minutes on eac h s ide or until des ir ed
donenes s .
Gr ill tur ning onc e w hen juic es r is e to the
s urf ac e or until des ir ed amount of donenes s .
8 to 15 minutes
Do not leav e hamburger s unattended s inc e a
f lare- up c ould oc c ur quic kly .
Gr ill tur ning oc c as s ionally . During las t f ew
20 to 40 minutes
minutes brus h w ith barbec ue s auc e, turn
s ev eral times .
Gr ill tur ning f our times . 2-4 minutes on eac h of
5 to 10 minutes
f our s ides .
Gr ill tur ning oc c as s ionally . During las t f ew
20 to 40 minutes
minutes brus h w ith barbec ue s auc e if des ired,
turn s ev eral times .
Us e poultr y s tand and brus h f requently as
1 to 1- 1/2 hours
des ir ed.
Us e poultr y s tand and brus h f requently as
40 to 60 minutes
des ir ed.
Gr ill tur ning onc e to des ir ed donenes s . Brus h
8 to 15 minutes
w ith melted butter , mar garine or oil.
63°C (145°F)
71°C (160°F)
77°C (170°F)
71°C (160°F)
74°C (165°F)
85°C (185°F)
71°C (160°F)
74°C (165°F)
74°C (165°F)
74°C (165°F)
Sp e cial in s t r u ct io n s an d tip s

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