Cosco 5891500PCOM Instrucciones De Montaje página 34

To covert your unit from a changing table to a dresser, remove parts (I,
J, S & T). Unscrew the seven screws (14) in the back rail (J) and the
screw (16) attaching the small angle bracket (15) to the top (D).
Para convertir la unidad de una mesa para cambiar pañales a un
aparador, eliminar partes (I, J, S & T). Afloje los siete tornillos (14) en el
carril de vuelta (J) y el tornillo (16) de fijar el soporte pequeño ángulo
(15) a la parte superior (D).
Pour convertir votre appareil à partir d'une table à langer à une
commode, éliminer les parties (I, J, S & T). Dévisser les sept vis (14)
dans le rail de retour (J) et la vis (16) de fixation de l'équerre de petite
taille (15) au début (D).
Certificate of Conformity
1. This certificate applies to the Ameriwood Industries Inc. product identified by this instruction manual.
2. This certificate applies to compliance of this product with the CPSC Ban on Lead-Containing Paint (16 CFR 1303).
3. This product is distributed by: Ameriwood Industries Inc.
4. Site of Manufacture:
□ Tiffin OH
5. See front page of instruction manual for date of manufacture.
410 East First Street South
Wright City, MO 63390
34 /34
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B345891500PCOM 0