2. Maintenance
The Combifoamer is maintenance-
free. However, the fi lters should be
cleaned at regular intervals (approx.
1-3 months) depending on the cal-
careous content of the water.
2.1 Filter
(Fig. 8)
1. Press "0" on the control panel
to stop the Combifoamer.
2. Close the ball valve for the inlet
3. Open a tap to release the sys-
tem of pressure.
4. Remove the fi lter and place it in
a scale loosening solvent until
the calcerous substance has
been dissolved.
5. Rinse the clean fi lter thoroughly
and remount.
2.2 Long stops
If long production stops are
plan ned (more than 6 months) and
the pump is emptied of water, it
is recommended that the pump is
protected as follows:
1. Remove the coupling guard.
2. Spray a couple of drops of
silicone oil on the shaft between
the pump head and the coupling.
Carefully follow the instructions
given in the manual provided by
the pump supplier.
3. Start
N.B. Do not start the pump until
it has been vented and fi lled with
N.B. Check that the fl ow switch is
correctly fi tted, see Fig. 9. The fl ow
switch should be placed parallel to
the pipe so that the cable emerges
in the direction of fl ow.
Fig. 9
Fig. 8
3.1 New units
To prevent problems when start-
ing a new unit, the system should
be rinsed thoroughly through and
Venting of pipe system
1. Turn on the water supply to rinse
and vent the entire system. If
satellites are installed, open the
tap furthest away until no air or
dirt comes out. Then rinse and
vent the next tap and continue
until the tap closest to you has
been rinsed and vented.
2. Mount satellites, if any.
Venting of pump
3. Loosen the drain plug (A, Fig.
10) one or two turns until water
and air come out.
N.B. Never loosen the drain plug
while the pump is running. This
can damage the gasket.
Fig. 10
4. Retighten the drain plug.
5. Start the pump so that the last
air pockets can be pressed to
the top of the pump.
At the same time, check that
the discharge direction of the
pump is correct. See the ar-
rows on top of the motor.
6. Stop the pump.
7. Loosen the drain plug one or
two turns again until only water
comes out.
8. Retighten the drain plug.
The Combifoamer is now ready for
ope ra ti on. Press "I" on the control
4. Daily operation
4.1 Start
1. Turn on the water supply which
must be above the main sta ti on.
2. Open the air supply placed
inside the main station (see A,
Fig. 11
Fig. 11).
3. Press "I" on the control panel to