If you are missing parts or have any questions about this product, contact our customer service representative first!
You can also order parts by writing to the address listed below. Please include the product model
number, color and a detailed description of the part.
DO NOT leave children unattended on or beside the recliner.
DO NOT use your recliner as a step stool.
DO NOT sit on the edge of the seat, armrests or on the backrest as this could make the recliner tip over.
* Ensure that all parts and components are located before beginning assemble.
* Assemble on soft surfaces to prevent damage to the product finish.
* Read all instructions before use of the recliner.
* Do not use the unit if it is damaged or broken.
* Caution: Adult assembly required.
* Assembly will require 2 people.
* Estimated assembly time: 5 minutes.
Dust regularly with a clean, dry cloth to avoid soil build-up. A damp cloth may be used occasionally to
clean surface. Buff dry. Keep leather soft and supple by applying a leather care product occasionally.
Avoid contact with oil, furniture polish and varnish.
Check connecting points periodically to ensure none have come loose during use.
Dorel warrants its product to be free from defects in material and workmanship and agrees to remedy any such
defect. This warranty covers 1 year from the date of original purchase. This warranty is valid only upon
presentation of proof of purchase. This is solely limited to the repair or replacement of defective furniture
components and no assembly labor is included. This warranty does not apply to any product which has been
improperly assembled, subjected to misuse or abuse or which has been altered or repaired in any way. Any
wearing, tearing or fading of the leather is not covered under the warranty. This warranty gives you specific legal
rights and other rights which vary from State to State.
WARNING: Should this product
become damaged, and/or components
are broken or missing, DO NOT USE.
CALL 1-800-295-1980
Customer Service Department No. 413
12345 Albert-Hudon Boulevard, Suite 100
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H1G 3L1