S T E P 2
I n s t a l l t h e B a c k s p l a s h ( i f d e s i r e d )
1. Ensure vanity is in its location and all plumbing is in place
2. Apply a bead of silicone to the back and bottom edge of the
backsplash and secure it to the vanity
Important: Backsplash is very fragile, assembly should be done with
two people
3. Fill in any gaps with silicone sealant
4. Wipe away any excess silicone immediately
5. Allow silicone sealant to fully dry for 24 hours
Ensure to apply the silicone
to the rough edge, and that
the smooth face is facing
the front
24 hr
Stone Sealer
1 (833) 66 BEMMA