1. Turn the machine on by se ng the power switch ❶ to the "I" posi on.
The green power indicator light ❷ and the " 80mic" indicator light ❸ are
ligh ng up.
2. If the machine is not in use, set the power switch ❶ to the "0" posi on and
the power indicator (green light) ❷ is off.
3. Use the selector bu on ❹ to select the desired pouch type.
COLD lamina ng:
Press the selector bu on❹ and selector "COLD"❸,and the"COLD" indicator
light❸ starts to flash blue. At this me,the machine enters the warmup cycle.
As soon as the indicator light "COLD" ❸glows permanently the machine is
ready for cold lamina ng.
Hint: For cold lamina ng special lamina ng pouches have to be used, which are
not part of the included starter pack.
HOT lamina ng:
80mic pouches: the green indicator light❸ for "80mic" starts to flash green as
soon as the power switch is set to the "⼀"posi on. At this me,the machine
enters the warmup cycle. As soon as the indicator light "80mic"❸ glows
permanently the machine is ready and lamina ng of 3 mil pouches can begin.
125mic pouches: Press the selector bu on ❹ and select "125mic", and the
"125mic" indicator light ❸ starts to flash green. At this me, the machine
enters the warm-up cycle. As soon as the indicator light "125mic" ❸ glows
permanently the machine is ready and lamina ng of 125mic pouches can begin.
To switch from 125mic to 80mic or to COLD lamina ng press the selector bu on
❹ to choose the desired lamina ng method. The desired mode indicator ❸
will start to flash. It will take several minutes to cool down the device.
Lamina ng of the desired pouch type may only start if the respec ve indicator
light ❸ glows permanently. Otherwise the laminated document could be
damaged which may also lead to damage to the machine itself.