10. Motor adjust:
01: Strobe
02: Pan
03: Tilt
04: Color
05: Gobo
0 6 : Prism
0 7 : Prism rotation
08 : F ocus
09 : Frost
1 0 : Motor zero :
*Can be set password afterwards to prevent unwanted modifying
1 1 : Save
*Can be set password afterwards to prevent unwanted modifying
1 2 : Exit.
11. Control:
01. Control select :
*These function have not been finished now, they would be finished
afterward according to your suggestion
02. Auto run program
*Select the program you want to run in certain mode
03. Auto run speed
*Set running speed for program
04 : Exit.
13. Help info:
*I nclude copyright, company information, etc.
14. Exit
BEAM 195
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[ password
[ password
[ DMX,
: [1~9]
User Manual/Manual de uso
Auto , M usic,
Slave ]
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