DEHN + SÖHNE DEHNguard M DG M TNC 440 FM Instrucciones De Instalación página 2

Publication No. 1671 Update 11.12
Instruções de segurança
Informazioni di sicurezza
L'allacciamento ed il montaggio dell'appa-
A ligação e a montagem do aparelho apenas
devem ser efectuadas por electricistas. Cumprir
recchiatura possono essere effettuati solo da
as normas nacionais e as disposições de
personale qualificato. Sono da osservare le
segurança (IEC 60364-5-53 (VDE 0100 Teil
prescrizioni e le disposizioni di sicurezza
nazionali (IEC 60364-5-53 (VDE 0100 Teil
Antes da montagem, controlar se o aparelho
apresenta danos exteriores. Não se pode
Prima del montaggio, controllare che
proceder à montagem do aparelho, se for
l'apparecchiatura non presenti danneggiamenti
detectado um dano ou qualquer outro defeito.
all'esterno. Nel caso in cui dovesse essere
constatato un danneggiamento o un altro
A utilização do aparelho só é permitida no
âmbito das condições referidas e indicadas no
difetto, non montare l'apparecchiatura.
presente manual de montagem. No caso de
L'impiego dell'apparecchiatura è consentito
cargas superiores aos valores indicados, podem
esclusivamente in presenza delle condizioni
menzionate ed indicate in queste istruzioni sul
ser causados danos no aparelho, assim como
nos meios de produção eléctricos ligados a
montaggio. In caso di carico superiore ai valori
este. As intervenções e as alterações no
dimostrati, l'apparecchiatura e l'impianto
aparelho causam a perda do direito à garantia.
elettrico collegatovi possono subire gravi
danneggiamenti. Interventi o modifiche
all'apparecchiatura comportano la perdita del
diritto di garanzia.
Aansluiting en montage van het apparaat mogen
Tilslutning og montering af aflederen
enkel door een erkend elektricien uitgevoerd
må kun udføres af en fagkyndig.
worden. De nationale voorschriften en veiligheids-
Forskrifter og sikkerhedsbestemmelser
bepalingen dienen opgevolgd te worden (IEC
skal overholdes. Se SB Afsnit 6, Del 5, Kap 53
60364-5-53 (VDE 0100 Teil 534:...)).Voor de
- 534.
montage dient het apparaat op uitwendige schade
Før monteringen kontrolleres a flederen for
nagekeken te worden. Indien schade of een andere
udvendige skader.
fout vastgesteld wordt, mag het apparaat niet
Hvis der konstateres skader eller andre mangler
gemonteerd worden. Het gebruik van het apparaat
må, aflederen ikke monteres.
is alleen toegelaten binnen het kader van de in
Aflederen må kun monteres og anvendes i
deze montagehandleiding opgenoemde en
overensstemmelse med denne
getoonde omstandigheden. Bij belastingen die
hoger liggen dan de getoonde waarden, kunnen
Ved belastninger der overskrider de
zowel het apparaat als de aangesloten elektrische
anførte værdier, kan aflederen såvel som de
werktuigen beschadigd worden. Verkeerd gebruik
tilsluttede installationer og apparater
en veranderingen aan het apparaat leiden tot het
verlies van het recht op waarborg.
Åbning og indgreb i aflederen medfører
bortfald af enhver garanti.
Special technical information referred to UL 1449 3rd edition:
1. Safety Instructions
The DEHNguard series SPD is to be installed only by a qualified personnel and to be done so in compliance with all local and National Electrical Code requirements. For proper system protection coordination with other SPD's must be
considered; contact our application engineer for assistance if in doubt. Installation and connection to service must be done only when the system is de-energized. Its application is to be compliant with its rating and therefore must
not be installed in a more severe environment subjecting it to higher voltages, currents or energy levels than for which its technical specifications provide. It is designed for indoor applications and must be placed in a suitable rated
NEMA enclosure if the system is to be in a harsher environment. Opening or tampering with the thermoplastic enclosure may damage the effective operation of the SPD and is inadvisable and will void the warranty.
2. General installation Instructions
Section 250 of the NEC and IEEE Green Book, Standard 142 should be consulted. Local electrical codes and/or the Canadian Electrical code have to be considered. System voltage: Make sure that the SPD is correctly rated for the
system where the SPD should be applied. The maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) must not be exceeded. Mounting: Make sure that the SPD is installed as close as possible to the device to be protected. The conductor
length for these connections must be kept as short and as straight as possible. The SPDs are to be mounted on the 35 mm DIN rail. The DIN rail is to be securely mounted to the back of the interior of the panel using ¼ inch bolts
every 8 inches (200 mm). The SPDs can either be slid on the DIN rail from open end or put on the DIN rail by compressing the spring loaded clamping device on the lower back of each unit. The SPDs shall permit sufficient clearance
for conductor power and signaling connections. Conductor Connections: Phase connections to the SPD and ground side connections from the SPD to the ground bus must be of the wire size indicated in the technical specifications.
Insulation should be stripped back as described on the previous page. All conductor terminal screws shall be tightened to the torque indicated in the technical data. Grounding: Make sure that the grounding of the SPD is as short and
straight as possible with the specified wire size according to the technical data. Use a local equipotential bonding bar if possible. For proper operation the SPD must be connected to a low impedance ground. Remote Contact
Signaling: In case of a device with remote contact signaling make sure that the torque is as indicated in the technical data. Problem Diagnostics: If there should be any problem please contact your local DEHN representative.
Indicaciones de seguridad
La conexión y el montaje del aparato sólo
deben ser realizados por un electricista
Deben observarse las normativas y
disposiciones de seguridad nacionales (IEC
60364-5-53 (VDE 0100 Teil 534:...)).
Antes de iniciar el montaje, debe comprobarse
que el aparato no presente daños externos. En
caso de observar daños u otros defectos, no
debe efectuarse el montaje del aparato.
El empleo del aparato está limitado a las
condiciones indicadas y mostradas en estas
instrucciones de montaje. Si las cargas superan
los valores indicados, puede dañar tanto el
aparato como los medios de producción
eléctricos conectados al mismo.
La manipulación interior o la modificación del
aparato invalidan el derecho de garantía.
Apparaten får endast anslutas och monteras
av behörig elektriker. Nationella föreskrifter
och säkerhetsbestämmelser måste beaktas (IEC
60364-5-53 (VDE 0100 Teil 534:...)).
Kontrollera apparaten på yttre skador innan
den monteras. Om skador eller andra brister
föreligger, får apparaten inte monteras.
Apparaten får endast användas under de villkor
som nämns och åskådliggörs i denna
monteringsanvisning. Vid belastningar som
sträcker sig utöver nämnda värden, kan
apparaten samt anslutna elektriska driftenheter
Ingrepp i och förändringar av apparaten leder
till att alla garantianspråk bortfaller.
Hans-Dehn-Str. 1
Postfach 1640
92306 Neumarkt
Tel: +49 9181 906-0
Fax: +49 9181 906-1100
Consignes de sécurité
Safety Instructions
Montage et branchement de l'appareil à faire
The device may only be connected and
effectuer exclusivement par un électricien
installed by an electrically skilled person.
qualifié. Respecter les normes et les
prescriptions de sécurité en vigueur localement
National standards and safety regulations
(IEC 60364-5-53 (VDE 0100 Teil 534:...)).
must be observed (see IEC 60364-5-53 (VDE
Avant montage, procéder à un contrôle visuel
0100 Part 534:...)).
extérieur de l'appareil. Ne pas monter celui-ci
The device must be checked for external
en cas de dommage manifeste ou si tout autre
damage before installation. If any damage
défaut est présenté.
or other faults are detected in this check,
La mise en œuvre de l'appareil n'est autorisée
the device must not be installed.
que pour la destination et aux conditions
présentées et explicitées dans les présentes
Its use is only permitted within the limits
instructions de service. Des charges non
shown and stated in these installation
comprises dans les plages de valeurs indiquées
instructions. The device and the equipment
pourront abîmer l'appareil ainsi que les
connected to can be destroyed by loads
matériels électriques qui lui sont raccordés.
exceeding the values stated.
Toute revendication en garantie sera exclue
Opening or tampering with the device
dans le cas d'une intervention sur l'appareil ou
invalidates the warranty.
d'une transformation de celui-ci.
Õðïäåßîåéò áóöáëåßáò
Tämän laitteen liittämisen saa suorittaa vain
Ç óýíäåóç êáé ç óõíáñìïëüãçóç ôçò óõóêåõÞò
sähköalanammattimies. Maakohtaisia määräyk-
åðé ô ñÝðåôáé íá äé å îá÷ôïýí ìüíï áðü êÜðïé ï í/êÜðïé á
siä jaturvallisuusmääräyksiä on noudatettav
(IEC 60364-5-53 (VDE 0100 Teil 534:...)).
ÐñÝðåé íá ôçñïýíôáé ïé åèíé ê Ýò äé á ôÜîåé ò êáé ïäçãßåò
Kone on tarkastettava ennen asennusta
mahdollisten ulkoisten vaurioiden varalta.
(IEC 60364-5-53 (VDE 0100 Teil 534:...)).Ðñéí ôç
Todettaessa vaurio tai muu puute, ei laitetta
óõíáñìïëüãçóç ç óõóêåõÞ ðñÝðåé íá åëå÷ôåß ãé á ôõ÷üí
saa asentaa.
åîùôåñé ê Ýò âëÜâåò. Äåí åðé ô ñÝðåôáé ç óõíáñìïëüãçóç
Koneen käyttö on sallittua vain näissä
ôçò óõóêåõÞò óå ðåñßðôùóç ðïõ åîáêñé â þóåôå êÜðïé á
asennusohjeissa mainituissa ja osoitetuissa
æçìé Ü Þ Üëëï
olosuhteissa. Laite sekä siihen liitetyt
Ç ÷ñÞóç ôçò óõóêåõÞò åðé ô ñÝðåôáé ìüíï óôï ðëáßóé ï
sähkökäyttövälineet saattavat vaurioitua
ôùí üñùí ðïõ áíáöÝñïíôáé ó´ áõôÝò ôéò ïäçãßåò
kuormituksilla, jotka ylittävät annetut arvot.
óõíáñìïëüãçóçò. Óå ðåñßðôùóç åðéâáñýíóåùí ðïõ
Kajoaminen laitteeseen ja muutokset siinä
õðåñâáßíïõí ôéò ðñïäéáãñáììÝíåò ôéìÝò ìðïñåß íá
johtavat takuuvaatimuksen mitätöitymiseen.
êáôáóôñáöïýí ç óõóêåõÞ êáé ïé óõíäåäåìÝíïé ì´ áõôÞí
ðüñïé .
ÅðåìâÜóåé ò êáé ìåôáôñïðÝò óôç óõóêåõÞ ïäçãïýí óôçí
áðþëåé á ôùí áîé þ óåùí ðïõ áðïññÝïõí áðü ôçí åããýçóç.
Der Anschluss und die Montage des Gerätes
darf nur durch eine Elektrofachkraft erfolgen.
Die nationalen Vorschriften und Sicherheits-
bestimmungen sind zu beachten (siehe auch
IEC 60364-5-53 (VDE 0100 Teil 534:...)).
Vor der Montage ist das Gerät auf äußere
Beschädigung zu kontrollieren. Sollte eine
Beschädigung oder ein sonstiger Mangel
festgestellt werden, darf das Gerät nicht
montiert werden.
Der Einsatz des Gerätes ist nur im Rahmen
der in dieser Einbauanleitung genannten
und gezeigten Bedingungen zulässig. Bei
Belastungen, die über den ausgewiesenen
Werten liegen, können das Gerät sowie die
daran angeschlossenen elektrischen
Betriebsmittel zerstört werden.
Eingriffe und Veränderungen am Gerät
führen zum Erlöschen des Gewährleistungs-
     
     
    
    
   
DG M TNC 440 (FM)
Rated Voltage [V]
(50/60 Hz)
In [kA]
4-14 Cu Solid or Stranded
35-45 Lbs-in
SPD classification
Component (Type 4) SPD for SPD
Type 2 applications
14-22 Cu
3 Lbs-in