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Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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FAR 12.211 (Technical Data) and 12.212 (Computer Software) and, for the Department of Defense, DFARS 252.227-7015 (Technical Data - Commercial Items) and DFARS 227.7202-3 (Rights in Commercial Computer Software or Computer Software Documentation). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Avvio e funzionamento del Controller 4UHV dal pannello frontale (modalità LOCAL) Arresto del 4UHV Arresto di Emergenza Manutenzione Pulizia Compatibilità elettromagnetica EN55011/CISPR11 Dichiarazione EMC di Classe A della Corea del Sud ICES/NMB-001 Smaltimento Servizio Post Vendita Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Installation Vorbereitung zum Einbau Set-up Fixieren des 4UHV Start und Betrieb des 4UHV-Controllers von der Vorderteil (LOCAL-Modus) Abschalten des 4UHV Not-Aus Wartung Reinigen Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EN55011/CISPR11 Südkoreanische Klasse A EMV-Erklärung ICES/NMB-001 Entsorgung Service Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Fixation de l’4UHV Démarrage et fonctionnement du contrôleur 4UHV depuis le panneau avant (mode LOCAL) Arrêt de l’4UHV Arrêt d'urgence Entretien Nettoyage Compatibilité électromagnétique EN55011/CISPR11 Déclaration CEM Classe A Corée du Sud ICES/NMB-001 Élimination Service Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Puesta en marcha y funcionamiento del Controlador 4UHV desde el Panel Frontal (Modo LOCAL) Apagado del 4UHV Parada de emergencia Mantenimiento Limpieza Compatibilidad electromagnética EN55011/CISPR11 Declaración EMC Clase A de Corea del Sur CIEM/NMB-001 Eliminación Servicio Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Transport & Storage Product Description Installation Preparation for Installation Set-up Fixing the 4UHV Ion Pump Controller Startup and Operation of the 4UHV Ion Pump Controller from the Front Panel (LOCAL Mode) 4UHV Ion Pump Controller Shutdown Emergency Stop Maintenance Cleaning...
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How to work with non Agilent pump Set Point Autostart How to set the Analog signal Connection of Input Remote Serial Connector Examples Window Protocol Communications Format Communications Protocol Error Description Error Code Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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GSD File State Machine Message Mapping Configuration Buffer Structure Configuration Output Structure Configuration Input Structure Diagnosis Management Standard diagnostic User diagnostic Controller Fails User Parameter Mismatch Diagnostic Buffer (15 byte) Accessories and Spare Parts Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Contents Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Avvio e funzionamento del Controller 4UHV dal pannello frontale (modalità LOCAL) Arresto del 4UHV Arresto di Emergenza Manutenzione Pulizia Compatibilità elettromagnetica EN55011/CISPR11 Dichiarazione EMC di Classe A della Corea del Sud ICES/NMB-001 Smaltimento Servizio Post Vendita Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Controller 4UHV possa utilizzarlo in sicurezza e garantire la perfetta efficienza, per tutta la sua durata. Conservare questo manuale, insieme a tutte le pubblicazioni ad esso correlate, in un luogo accessibile, conosciuto da tutti gli operatori/personale di manutenzione. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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I messaggi di avvertenza attirano l’attenzione dell’operatore su una AVVERTENZA procedura o una pratica specifica che, se non eseguita in modo corretto, potrebbe provocare gravi lesioni personali. Le note contengono informazioni importanti e forniscono maggiori dettagli su NOTA passaggi specifici. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Presenza di tensioni Dichiarazione Europea Pericolo generico pericolose di Conformità Rifiuti di Certificazione CSA Apparecchiature Sito di produzione Elettriche ed Elettroniche Certificazione Certificazione UK CA RoHS China Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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I seguenti simboli appaiono sullo strumento per vostra informazione. Presenza di tensioni pericolose Pericolo generico Certificazione CE Certificazione CSA Certificazione RoHS China Rifiuti di Apparecchiature Elettriche ed Elettroniche Certificazione UK CA Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Agilent Technologies declina ogni responsabilità per danni alla macchina o per la sicurezza fisica dell'operatore o di terzi, derivanti dal mancato rispetto delle norme di sicurezza indicate nella documentazione tecnica.
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Istruzioni per l’uso Uso improprio Agilent Technologies declina ogni responsabilità derivante dall'uso improprio del Controller 4UHV. L’uso improprio comporterà la perdita di tutti i reclami per responsabilità e garanzie. L’uso improprio è definito come: installazione del dispositivo con materiale di montaggio non specificato ...
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Per evitare danni alle apparecchiature e per prevenire lesioni al personale AVVERTENZA operativo, è necessario seguire scrupolosamente le istruzioni di installazione fornite nel presente manuale! Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Manuale di istruzioni ed ogni altra informazione addizionale fornita dall’Agilent prima dell’utilizzo dell’apparecchiatura. L’Agilent declina ogni responsabilità dovuta alla mancata osservanza totale o anche parziale delle istruzioni fornite in questo documento, all’uso improprio dell’apparecchiatura da parte di personale non addestrato, all’esecuzione di interventi non autorizzati o alla mancata osservanza delle specifiche normative nazionali.
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Durante l’operazione di disimballo, prestare particolare attenzione a non lasciar cadere il controller e a non sottoporlo ad urti. Il materiale dell’imballo è completamente riciclabile e risponde alla direttiva CEE 94/62 per la tutela dell’ambiente. Figura 1 Imballo del Controller Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Cavo di alimentazione: il cavo corretto per i collegamenti elettrici è a tre conduttori (L+N+PE). La sezione del cavo deve essere almeno AWG18, 0,83 mm PIN 1 = Connettore positivo PIN 2 = Connettore negativo PIN 3 = Terra di protezione Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Assicurarsi che l’isolamento del dispositivo connesso al controller abbia un isolamento adeguato anche in condizione di guasto singolo come previsto dalla normativa EN 61010: 2010 AMD 1 (2017). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Durante il funzionamento, occorre che siano rispettate le seguenti condizioni ambientali: Temperatura: da 0 °C a +40 °C Umidità relativa: 0 – 90 % (senza condensa) Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Se si vuole utilizzare un cavo HV senza interlock nel sacchetto accessori è fornito NOTA un apposito kit di cavetti per interlock preassemblato. Con questo utilizzo si perde la funzionalità di sicurezza offerta dall’utilizzo dell’interlock. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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HV tra il controller e la pompa e del cavo di interlock. Se si monta il cavo di interlock fornito nel sacchetto accessori fare molta ATTENZIONE attenzione affinchè nessuna parte cada accidentalmente all’interno del controller. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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“Mode”. Selezionare l’opzione “LOCAL”. Tenere premuto il pulsante HV ON/OFF (2) mentre si preme il pulsante HV-x (3,4,5,6) dove x è il numero del canale che si vuole accendere o spegnere. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Istruzioni per l’uso (3) (4) Figura 4 Pannello Frontale del Controller 4UHV Figura 5 Pannello Posteriore del Controller 4UHV Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Il Controller 4UHV non richiede alcun intervento di manutenzione. Qualsiasi tipo di intervento sull’unità deve essere eseguito da personale tecnico autorizzato. In caso di guasto è possibile usufruire del servizio di riparazione Agilent o del "Agilent advanced exchange service", che permette di ottenere un controller rigenerato in sostituzione di quello guasto.
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Se questa apparecchiatura causa interferenze dannose alla ricezione radio o televisiva, che possono essere determinate spegnendo e riaccendendo l'apparecchiatura, si consiglia di adottare una o più delle seguenti misure: assicurarsi di utilizzare cavi appropriati per collegare il dispositivo alle periferiche Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Istruzioni per l’uso variazioni o modifiche non espressamente approvate da Agilent Technologies potrebbero inficiare l'autorizzazione dell'utente a utilizzare la presente apparecchiatura. Dichiarazione EMC di Classe A della Corea del Sud Questa apparecchiatura è di Classe A, è adatta all'uso professionale ed è destinata all'uso in ambienti elettromagnetici esterni alla casa.
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Figura 6 Logo "WEEE" Per maggiori informazioni consultare: http://www.agilent.com/environment/product/index.shtml Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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È necessario completare il modulo “Request for Return” per restituire il prodotto ad Agilent per l'assistenza (fornito alla fine di questo manuale). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Installation Vorbereitung zum Einbau Set-up Fixieren des 4UHV Start und Betrieb des 4UHV-Controllers von der Vorderteil (LOCAL-Modus) Abschalten des 4UHV Not-Aus Wartung Reinigen Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EN55011/CISPR11 Südkoreanische Klasse A EMV-Erklärung ICES/NMB-001 Entsorgung Service Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Personal, das die 4UHV verwendet, diese in Sicherheit verwenden und die perfekte Funktionstüchtigkeit für ihre gesamte Betriebsdauer garantieren kann. Diese Betriebsanleitung muss zusammen mit allen mit dieser zusammen- hängenden Veröffentlichungen an einem zugänglichen Ort, der allen Bedienern/Wartungspersonal bekannt ist, aufbewahrt werden. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Verfahren oder einen spezifischen Vorgang, der schwere Verletzungen von Personen zur Folge haben könnte, wenn er nicht korrekt ausgeführt wird. Die Hinweise enthalten wichtige Informationen und liefern weitere Details über HINWEIS spezifische Arbeitsschritte. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Ein dreieckiges Symbol weist auf eine Warnung hin. Die Bedeutung der Symbole, die neben Warnhinweisen in der Dokumentation oder auf dem Gerät selbst erscheinen können, ist wie folgt: Europäische Hochspannung Allgemeine Gefahr Konformitätserklärung Elektro- und CSA certification Herstellungsbetrieb Elektronikaltgeräte RoHS- UKCA-Zertifizierung Chinazertifizierung Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Wenn Sie dieses Symbol sehen, finden Sie in der jeweiligen Betriebs- oder Wartungsanleitung das richtige Verfahren, auf das sich dieses Warnschild bezieht. Die folgenden Symbole werden zu Ihrer Information auf dem Instrument angezeigt. Hochspannung Allgemeine Gefahr CE-Zertifizierung CSA-Zertifizierung RoHS-Chinazertifizierung Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräte UKCA-Zertifizierung Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Sicherheitsbedingungen ineffizient machen und Unfälle bei den Bedienern der Maschine verursachen. Agilent Technologies lehnt jede Verantwortung für Schäden an der Maschine oder für die physische Sicherheit des Bedieners oder Dritter ab, die sich aus der Nichtbeachtung der in den technischen Unterlagen angegebenen Sicherheitsregeln ergeben.
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Betriebsanleitung Unsachgemäße Anwendung Agilent Technologies lehnt jede Verantwortung ab, die sich aus der unsachgemäßen Benutzung vom 4UHV Controller ergibt. Bei unsachgemäßer Verwendung verfallen alle Haftungs- und Gewährleistungsansprüche. Unsachgemäße Verwendung ist definiert als: Montage des Geräts unter Verwendung von nicht vorgesehenem ...
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Zur Vermeidung des Risikos einer Beschädigung interner Komponenten dürfen die in dieser Bedienungsanleitung beschriebenen Ionische pumpen-Steuergeräte nicht vom Benutzer geöffnet werden. Um Geräteschäden und Verletzungen des Bedienpersonals zu vermeiden, WARNUNG sind die in diesem Handbuch enthaltenen Installationsanweisungen unbedingt zu beachten! Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Bestimmungen übernimmt die Firma Agilent keinerlei Haftung. In den folgenden Abschnitten sind alle erforderlichen Informationen für die Sicherheit des Bedieners bei der Anwendung des Geräts aufgeführt. Detaillierte technische Informationen sind im Anhang " Technical Information " enthalten. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Der Controller wird mit einer speziellen Schutzverpackung geliefert. Eventuelle Transportschäden müssen sofort der zuständigen örtlichen Verkaufsstelle gemeldet werden. Das Verpackungsmaterial muss korrekt entsorgt werden. Es ist vollständig recyclebar und entspricht der EG-Richtlinie 94/62 für Umweltschutz. Abbildung 7 Verpackung der Controller Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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(AWG18) betragen. Stromanschlusskabel: Das richtige Kabel zur elektrischen Verkabelung ist ein dreidrahtiges Kabel (L+N+PE). Der Kabelquerschnitt muss mindestens 0,83 mm (AWG18) betragen. PIN 1= Positiver Steckverbinder PIN 2= Negativer Steckverbinder PIN 3= Schutzleiter Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Isolierung des Gerätes, das an den Controller angeschlossen ist, auch bei Einzelstörungen, wie sie von der Vorschrift EN 61010: 2010 AMD 1 (2017) vorgesehen sind, angemessen isoliert ist. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Schutzvorrichtungen versehen werden, um zu verhindern, dass die Räumlichkeiten durch den Rauch verschmutzt werden. Während des Betriebs müssen folgende Umgebungsbedingungen eingehalten werden: Temperatur: von 0 °C bis +40 °C Rel. Luftfeuchtigkeit: 0 - 90 % (nicht kondensierend). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Soll ein HV-Kabel ohne Interlock zum Einsatz kommen, befindet sich in dem HINWEIS Zubehörbeutel ein dafür bestimmtes Kabelset für vormontierte Interlock-Teile. Bei diesem Gebrauch geht die Sicherheitsfunktion verloren, die man bei der Interlock- Verwendung hat. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Auf der Abbildung “Anschlüsse” sind die richtigen Anschlüsse der Erdungen, des HV-Kabels des Controllers an die Pumpe und des Interlock-Kabels ersichtlich. Beim Montieren des im Zubehörbeutel mitgelieferten Interlock-Kabels gehen Sie VORSICHT sehr vorsichtig vor, damit dabei kein Teil in den Controller fällt. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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“Mode”. Wählen Sie die Option “ LOCAL”. Taste HV ON/OFF (2) gedrückt halten und gleichzeitig die Taste HV-x (3,4,5,6) drücken, wobei x für die Nummer des Kanals steht, der ein- oder ausgeschaltet werden soll. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Betriebsanleitung Abbildung 10 Vorderteil 4UHV Ionenpumpen-Controller Abbildung 11 Rückenteil 4UHV Ionenpumpen-Controller Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Für den 4UHV ist keine Wartung erforderlich. Jeder Eingriff unterliegt autorisiertem Personal. Vor jedem Eingriff, die elektrische Versorgung unterbrechen. Bei einem Störfall kann der Reparaturservice Agilent oder der Service “Agilent Advanced Exchange service” in Anspruch genommen werden, durch den man einen regenerierten Kontroller als Ersatz für den defekten erhält.
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Maßnahmen zu ergreifen: Sicherstellen, dass geeignete Kabel für den Anschluss des Gerätes an Zusatzgeräte verwendet werden. Änderungen oder Umbauten, die nicht ausdrücklich von Agilent Technologies genehmigt wurden, können dazu führen, dass der Benutzer die Berechtigung zum Betrieb des Geräts verliert.
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Südkoreanische Klasse A EMV-Erklärung Dieses Gerät entspricht der Klasse A und ist für den professionellen Einsatz und die Verwendung in elektromagnetischen Umgebungen außerhalb des Wohnbereichs geeignet. ICES/NMB-001 Dieses ISM-Gerät entspricht den kanadischen Bestimmungen ICES-001/NMB-001. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Endabnehmer sollte daher den Lieferanten des Geräts - d. h. die Muttergesellschaft oder den Wiederverkäufer - kontaktieren, um den Entsorgungsprozess zu starten, nachdem er die Verkaufsbedingungen geprüft hat. Abbildung 12 Logo "WEEE" Für weitere Informationen siehe: http://www.agilent.com/environment/product/index.shtml Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Sie sich bitte an den örtlichen Händler oder direkt an die Email-Adresse: [email protected][email protected] Das Ausfüllen des "Request for Return" formulars ist erforderlich, um das Produkt zur Wartung an Agilent zurückzusenden (am Ende dieses Handbuchs angegeben). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Fixation de l’4UHV Démarrage et fonctionnement du contrôleur 4UHV depuis le panneau avant (mode LOCAL) Arrêt de l’4UHV Arrêt d'urgence Entretien Nettoyage Compatibilité électromagnétique EN55011/CISPR11 Déclaration CEM Classe A Corée du Sud ICES/NMB-001 Élimination Service Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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4UHV en toute sécurité et pour garantir un fonctionnement parfait pendant toute sa durée de vie. Veuillez conserver ce manuel et tous les documents connexes dans un lieu accessible connu de tous les opérateurs et du personnel de maintenance. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Les remarques contiennent des informations importantes et fournissent des NOTE précisions sur certains passages particuliers. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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à côté des avertissements dans la documentation ou sur l’appareil lui-même sont les suivantes. Déclaration européenne Tensions dangereuses Danger générique de conformité Déchets d’équipements Certification CSA électriques et Site de fabrication électroniques Certification Certification UK CA RoHS Chine Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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étiquette d’avertissement. Les symboles suivants apparaissent sur l’appareil pour votre information. Tensions dangereuses Danger générique Certification CE Certification CSA Certification RoHS Chine Déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques Certification UK CA Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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à ceux qui utilisent la machine. Agilent Technologies décline toute responsabilité pour les dommages causés à la machine ou pour la sécurité physique de l’opérateur ou des tiers résultant du non- respect des règles de sécurité...
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Mode d’emploi Utilisation appropriée Agilent Technologies décline toute responsabilité en raison de l’utilisation inappropriée du 4UHV Controller. Une utilisation inappropriée entraînera l’annulation de toutes les créances et garanties. Une utilisation inappropriée est définie comme suit : installation de l’appareil à l’aide de matériel de montage inadapté...
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Pour éviter d’endommager les équipements et prévenir les risques de AVERTISSEMENT blessure des opérateurs, respectez rigoureusement les instructions d’installation fournies dans le présent manuel. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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à l’utilisateur de lire attentivement cette notice d’instructions ainsi que toute autre indication supplémentaire fournie par Agilent, avant l’utilisation de l’appareillage. Agilent décline par conséquent toute responsabilité en cas d’inobservation totale ou partielle des instructions données, d’utilisation incorrecte de la part d’un personnel non formé, d’opérations non autorisées ou d’un emploi contraire aux...
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à ne lui faire subir aucun choc. Le matériel est entièrement recyclable et il est conforme aux directives CEE 94/62 en matière de protection de l’environnement. Figure 13 Emballage du contrôleur Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Câble d’alimentation : le câble d’alimentation électrique doit être constitué de trois fils (L+N+PE). La section du fil doit être d’au moins AWG18, 0,83 mm PIN 1= Connecteur positif PIN 2= Connecteur négatif PIN 3= Terre de protection Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Veiller à ce que le système d’isolation du dispositif branché au contrôleur soit adapté, même en cas de pannes individuelles, et ce, tel que prévu par la norme EN 61010: 2010 AMD 1 (2017). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Pendant le fonctionnement, il est nécessaire de respecter les conditions d’environnement suivantes : Température : de 0 °C à +40 °C Humidité relative : 0 – 90 % (non condensante). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Si l’opérateur veut utiliser un câble HV sans interlock, le sachet d’accessoires NOTE contient un kit spécial de câbles pour interlocks préassemblés. L’utilisation de ces accessoires provoque la perte des fonctions de sécurité offertes par l’utilisation de l’interlock. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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“Connexions des masses”. En cas d’utilisation du câble d’interlock contenu dans le sachet d’accessoires, il ATTENTION faut veiller en particulier à ce qu’aucune pièce ne tombe à l’intérieur du contrôleur. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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« MODE ». Sélectionner l’option « LOCAL ». Maintenez enfoncé le bouton HV ON/OFF (2) tout en appuyant sur le bouton HV-x (3,4,5,6) où x est le numéro du canal à activer ou désactiver. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Mode d’emploi Figure 16 Panneau avant 4UHV sur le contrôleur de pompe Figure 17 Panneau arrière 4UHV sur le contrôleur de pompe Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Le contrôleur n'exige aucun entretien particulier. Toute intervention doit être effectuée par un personnel agréé. En cas de panne, on peut s’adresser au service de réparation Agilent ou au service “Agilent advanced exchange service” qui permet d’obtenir un contrôleur régénéré en substitution de celui endommagé.
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Vérifier que les câbles appropriés sont utilisés pour raccorder l’appareil à l’équipement périphérique. Tout changement ou modification n’ayant pas été expressément approuvé par Agilent Technologies risque d’annuler l'autorisation de l'utilisateur à exploiter l'équipement. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Cet équipement de la Classe A est adapté à un usage professionnel et est conçu pour être utilisé dans des environnements électromagnétiques hors domiciles. ICES/NMB-001 Ce dispositif ISM est conforme à la norme canadienne ICES-001/NMB-001. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Figure 18 Logo « DEEE » Pour plus de précisions, veuillez consulter : http://www.agilent.com/environment/product/index.shtml Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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écrire directement à : [email protected][email protected] Vous devez remplir le formulaire de “Request for Return” pour retourner le produit à Agilent pour l’entretien (fourni à la fin du présent manuel). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Puesta en marcha y funcionamiento del Controlador 4UHV desde el Panel Frontal (Modo LOCAL) Apagado del 4UHV Parada de emergencia Mantenimiento Limpieza Compatibilidad electromagnética EN55011/CISPR11 Declaración EMC Clase A de Corea del Sur CIEM/NMB-001 Eliminación Servicio Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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4UHV pueda operarla de manera segura y garantizar un rendimiento perfecto, durante toda su vida útil. Guarde este manual, junto con todas las publicaciones relacionadas, en un lugar conocido y accesible para todos los operadores/personal de mantenimiento. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Las notas están previstas para llamar la atención sobre información importante y NOTA proporcionar más detalles en relación con pasos específicos. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Declaración Europea Voltajes peligrosos Peligro genérico de Conformidad Equipo de Desecho Certificación CSA Lugar de fabricación Eléctrico y Electrónico Certificación China Certificación UK CA RoHS Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Los siguientes símbolos aparecen en el instrumento para su información. Voltajes peligrosos Peligro genérico Certificación CE Certificación CSA Certificación China RoHS Equipo de Desecho Eléctrico y Electrónico Certificación UK CA Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Agilent Technologies niega cualquier responsabilidad por daños al producto o la seguridad física del operario o terceras partes derivados del incumplimiento de las reglas de seguridad indicadas en la documentación técnicaAdvertencias CEM...
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Instrucciones de uso Uso incorrecto Agilent Technologies niega cualquier responsabilidad derivada del uso incorrecto del Controlador 4UHV. El uso incorrecto anulará todas las reclamaciones por responsabilidad y garantías. El uso incorrecto se define como: instalación del dispositivo con material de montaje no especificado ...
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Para evitar daños al equipo y prevenir lesiones al personal operativo, se ADVERTENCIA deben cumplir estrictamente las instrucciones de instalación indicadas en este manual. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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El usuario debe leer atentamente el presente manual de instrucciones y cualquier otra información adicional proporcionada por Agilent antes de utilizar el equipo. Agilent no se responsabilizará por cualquier evento que ocurra debido al incumplimiento de estas instrucciones, por el uso indebido por parte de personas no capacitadas, por interferencia no autorizada con el equipo o por cualquier acción contraria a lo previsto por las normas nacionales específicas.
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El material de embalaje es completamente reciclable y cumple con la Directiva EEC 94/62 para la protección del medio ambiente. Figura 19 Embalaje de los 4UHV Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Cable de alimentación: el cable correcto para el cableado eléctrico es un cable de tres hilos (L+N+PE). La sección del cable debe ser como mínimo AWG18, 0,83 mm PIN 1= Conector positivo PIN 2= Conector Negativo PIN 3= Puesta a tierra Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Asegúrese que el aislamiento del dispositivo conectado al controlador proporcione un aislamiento adecuado incluso en el caso de una sola condición de falla según lo requerido por EN 61010: 2010 AMD 1 (2017). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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El controlador debe utilizarse en las siguientes condiciones ambientales: Temperatura: 0 °C to +40 °C Humedad relativa: 0 – 90 % (sin condensación). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Si se va a utilizar un cable de alta tensión sin enclavamiento, la bolsa de accesorios NOTA contiene un kit específico de cable interlock premontado. Sin embargo, con este tipo de uso, se pierde la capacidad de seguridad proporcionada mediante el enclavamiento. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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"Conexiones a tierra". Cuando utilice el cable interlock suministrado en la bolsa de accesorios, PRECAUCIÓN asegúrese que ninguna pieza caiga accidentalmente dentro del controlador. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
Página 94
Compruebe que el modo LOCAL esté habilitado, presionando “MENÚ” y luego “MODE”. Mantenga presionado el botón HV ON/OFF (2) mientras presiona el botón HV-x (3,4,5,6) donde x es el número del canal a encender o apagar. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Instrucciones de uso Figura 22 Panel frontal del Controlador de la bomba de iones 4UHV Figura 23 Panel trasero del Controlador de la bomba de iones 4UHV Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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En caso de avería, es posible ponerse en contacto con el servicio de reparación Agilent o el servicio “Agilent advance exchange service” que permite obtener un controlador regenerado en sustitución del averiado.
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Asegúrese de utilizar los cables apropiados para conectar el dispositivo al equipo periférico. Los cambios o modificaciones no aprobados expresamente por Agilent Technologies podrían anular la autorización del usuario para operar el equipo. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Este equipo es Clase A apto para uso profesional y ha sido diseñado para su uso en entornos electromagnéticos fuera del hogar. CIEM/NMB-001 Este dispositivo ISM cumple con la norma ICES-001/NMB-001 de Canadá. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Casa Matriz o con un revendedor, para iniciar el proceso de recolección y eliminación después de verificar las condiciones contractuales de venta. Figura 24 Logo "WEEE" Para más información, consulte: http://www.agilent.com/environment/product/index.shtml Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Es obligatorio completar la “Request for Return” para devolver el producto a Agilent para mantenimiento (proporcionada al final del presente manual). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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使用说明 韩国 A 类 EMC 声明 本设备为适合专业用途的 A 类设备,适用于家庭以外的电磁环境。 ICES/NMB-001 此 ISM 设备符合加拿大 ICES-001/NMB-001标准。 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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使用说明 处置 标签中的“WEEE”徽标含义。 按照 EC WEEE(废电子电气设备)指令应用以下符号。 此符号(仅在欧盟国家有效)表示所适用产品不得与家庭或工业垃圾一起处置,必 须送至专门废弃物回收系统。因此,欢迎最终用户联系设备供应商(无论是母公司 还是零售商),在检查销售合同条款后启动回收和处置流程。 图 30 Logo "WEEE" 有关更多信息,请参考: http://www.agilent.com/environment/product/index.shtml Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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使用说明 服务 客户如需要后期的更换或维修服务,敬请联系当地经销商,或直接发送电子邮件至: [email protected][email protected] 需要填写 ”Request for Return” 表才能将泵退回到 Agilent 维修部门(在本手册末尾 会提供)。 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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取扱説明書 韓国クラス A EMC 宣言 この装置は、業務使用に適したクラス A であり、家庭外の電磁環境での使用を目 的としています。 ICES/NMB-001 この ISM 機器は、カナダの ICES-001/NMB-001に準拠しています。 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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取扱説明書 サービス お客様が最新交換サービスまたは修理サービスが必要な場合は、現地代理店もし くは下記まで直接ご連絡ください: [email protected][email protected] サービスのために製品を Agilent に返送するには、「Request for Return」フォー ムに必要事項を記入する必要があります (このマニュアルの最後に記載されてい ます) 。 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Transport & Storage Product Description Installation Preparation for Installation Set-up Fixing the 4UHV Ion Pump Controller Startup and Operation of the 4UHV Ion Pump Controller from the Front Panel (LOCAL Mode) 4UHV Ion Pump Controller Shutdown Emergency Stop Maintenance Cleaning...
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NOTE 4UHV can operate it safely and guarantee perfect efficiency, for its entire life span. Keep this manual, together with all the related publications, in an accessible place known to all operators/maintenance personnel. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Warning messages draw the operator's attention to a specific procedure or WARNING practice which, if not performed correctly, could result in serious personal injury. Notes are intended to call attention to important information and provide more NOTE detail regarding specific steps. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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A triangular symbol indicates a warning. The meanings of the symbols that may appear alongside warnings in the documentation are as follows: European Declaration Dangerous voltages Generic hazard of Conformity Waste Electrical and CSA certification Manufacturing Site Electronic Equipment RoHS China certification UK CA certification Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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The following symbols appear on the instrument for your information. Dangerous voltages Generic hazard CE certification CSA certification RoHS China certification Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment UK CA certification Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Agilent Technologies declines all responsibility for damage to the product or for the physical safety of the operator or third parties deriving from the non-observance of the safety rules indicated in the technical documentation.
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Instructions for Use Improper use Agilent Technologies declines all responsibility, deriving from the improper use of the 4UHV. Improper use will cause all claims for liability and warranties to be forfeited. Improper use is defined as: installation of the device with unspecified mounting material ...
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To avoid damage to equipment and to prevent injuries to operating WARNING personnel the installation instructions as given in this manual should be strictly followed! Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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This equipment is intended for professional use. Prior to using this equipment the user must carefully read this Instruction Manual in its entirety and any additional information provided by Agilent. Agilent declines all responsibility for damage caused by the total or partial misuse of the instructions provided herein, by the...
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When unpacking the controller, be particularly careful to avoid dropping it or knocking it against anything. The packaging material is totally recyclable and complies with EEC directives 94/62 for the safeguard of the environment. Figure 37 Controller Packaging Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Power supply cord: the correct cable for electrical wiring is three wires cable (L+N+PE). The Wire section has to be at least AWG18, 0.83 mm PIN 1= Positive connector PIN 2= Negative Connector PIN 3= Protective Earth Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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The controller must be used in the following environmental conditions: Temperature: 0 °C to +40 °C Relative humidity: 0 – 90 % (non-condensing). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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It is assumed that the controller will be used together with the high voltage cable having a safety interlock. 4UHV Figure 38 Ground Connections Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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“Ground Connections” figure. When using the interlock cable furnished in the accessories bag, make sure that CAUTION no parts drop accidentally inside the controller. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Instructions for Use Startup and Operation of the 4UHV Ion Pump Controller from the Front Panel (LOCAL Mode) To switch on the High Voltage (HV), the interlock of the HV cable (cable interlock) NOTE must be closed (connector inserted). Proceed as follows to power the controller and apply voltage to the high voltage...
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Instructions for Use Figure 40 Front Panel 4UHV Ion Pump Controller Figure 41 Rear Panel 4UHV Ion Pump Controller Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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When the main switch is turned off, the HV unit is switched off. Maintenance The 4UHV Ion Pump Controller does not require any maintenance. Any form of servicing on the unit must be performed by authorized personnel. If servicing is needed, contact Agilent Technical Support or subscribe to the “Agilent Advanced Exchange Service”...
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Make sure that appropriate cables are used to connect the device to peripheral equipment. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Agilent Technologies could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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South Korean Class A EMC declaration This equipment is Class A suitable for professional use and is for use in electromagnetic environments outside of the home. ICES/NMB-001 This ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001/NMB-001. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Parent Company or a retailer, to initiate the collection and disposal process after checking the contractual terms and conditions of sale. Figure 42 Logo "WEEE" For more information refer to: http://www.agilent.com/environment/product/index.shtml Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Should a customer need an advanced exchange or repair service, please contact local distributor or directly e-mail to: [email protected][email protected] Completion of the “Request for Return” form is required to return your product to Agilent for service (provided at the end of this manual). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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How to work with non Agilent pump Set Point Autostart How to set the Analog signal Connection of Input Remote Serial Connector Examples Window Protocol Communications Format Communications Protocol Error Description Error Code Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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GSD File State Machine Message Mapping Configuration Buffer Structure Configuration Output Structure Configuration Input Structure Diagnosis Management Standard diagnostic User diagnostic Controller Fails User Parameter Mismatch Diagnostic Buffer (15 byte) Accessories and Spare Parts Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Technical Information 4UHV Ion Pump Controller Description The 4UHV Ion Pump Controller is a power supply for Ion pumps. It supplies a high voltage on output, selectable as 3 kV, 5 kV or 7 kV, and measures the output current.
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Front panel with keypad and a 4-row display (4x20, 146 x 62 mm) for displaying the operating values (voltage, current, pressure) Remote I/O card with DB37 connector RS232 and RS485 serial communication or profibus option. Figure 43 4UHV Ion Pump Controller Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Two independent channels with a maximum of 200 W power per channel One 200 W channel and two 80 W channels. One 120 W channel. The 4UHV Ion Pump Controller can be operated in the modes: LOCAL, SERIAL or REMOTE. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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EN 61326-1 2013: Electrical equipment for measurement control and laboratory use EMC requirements Installation category Max altitude 2000 m Pollution degree Internal use only Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Technical Information Output curve (200W) Output curve (80W) 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 Current (mA) Figure 44 Output voltage vs Output current Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Technical Information Controller Outline The outline dimensions for the 4UHV Ion Pump Controller are shown in the following figures: Front View 400.50 211.40 141.20 Rear View Figure 45 Controller Model Dimensions Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Serial, Front, Remote. You exit from this display automatically after 5 seconds. By keeping this key pressed for a long time (> 2 sec), you enter the menu. To exit from the menu, press the Mode key again for a long time. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Protect on Without mark Protect off Blinking mark Protect error 3. SP-x Solid mark Set Point activate Without mark Set Point not active 4. Step-x Solid mark Step Without mark Fixed Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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The HV connectors (1, 2, 3 or 4 according to model) The interlock connectors associated to each channel The fuses The DB9 connector for RS232 and RS485 serial communication The DB37 connector for Remote I/O signals. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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In order to guarantee a proper working of the interlock connection, the user must take care that the total resistance between the ground controller and the input of the interlock cable (connected to the ion pump) is less than 400 Ohm. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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In this way, you will be sure to reduce the influence of the external noise and to accomplish the EMC requests. In picture d is showed the cable assembled. Figure 49 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Change from one mode to another can be done with the high voltage switched on. NOTE However, the channels switch off if Remote mode is selected but no commands for switching on are present on the remote connector. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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To change mode, press the Mode key again. The three modes will be displayed in a cyclic fashion: Local, Serial, Remote. After selecting the required mode, wait approximately 5 seconds to return to the previous screen. Main power switch Figure 50 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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800 StarCel 2.0E-3A 5.0E-5A 500 StarCell 9.0E-4 A 2.5E-5 A 300 StarCell 5.5E-4 A 1.6E-5 A 150 StarCell 3.0E-4 A 8.5E-6 A 75-55-40 StarCell 1.3E-4 A 3.8E-6 A 20 StarCell 6.5E-5 A 1.9E-6 A Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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150 Diode 75-55-10 Diode 20 Diode 10 Diode 2 Diode 0.2 Diode 75-55-45 SEM 35-25 SEM 10 SEM 1000 StarCell 800 StarCell 500 StarCell 300 StarCell 200 StarCell 150 StarCell 75-55-40 StarCell 20 StarCell Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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300 StarCell 200 StarCell 150 StarCell 75-55-40 StarCell 20 StarCell Positive Pumps 1000 Diode 500 diode 300 diode 200 diode 150 diode 75-55-40 diode 20 diode 10 diode 75 Sem 25 Sem 10 Sem Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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5 seconds of inactivity, the unit exits form programming menu automatically. Make sure that the interlock is connected; refer to to the warning at the “Fixing the 4UHV Ion Pump Controller” paragraph. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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It’s possible to set the Set Point either related to current or to pressure. Press the key MODE for 3 seconds to exit the programming menu, otherwise after 5 seconds of inactivity, the unit exits form programming menu automatically. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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If the HV channel is in OFF status and the main power supply fails, when the supply is restored the HV channel stays in OFF. If the Autostart is disabled: The HV channel returns always OFF after that the main power fails. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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If you select “Threshold” the two cooling fan are switched OFF if the output current of each HV channel is below of the 1mA. Reset standard settings If “yes” is selected, the settings are restored to the standard unit configuration. Figure 52 I/O Pin out Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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CH1 NO Set Point Relay Channel 2 Input Pin 9 CH2 on/off Pin 10 CH2 protect Pin 11 CH2 step Pin 22 Digital Gnd Analog Output Pin 2 Analog 2 Pin 3 Analog Gnd Digital Output Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Digital Gnd Analog Output Pin 21 Analog 4 Pin 3 Analog Gnd Digital Output Pin 32 CH4 NC Set Point Relay Pin 33 CH4 (Common) Relay Pin 34 CH4 NO Set Point Relay Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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I > 2.25mA Analog Output 0-5V when proportional range to pressure 0-10V when proportional to current Output Relay 24V , 1A max +24 Vdc 24V +/- 10% - 60mA max Figure 53 Recorder Output Pressure Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Analog remote vs Pressure 1.3E-6 kPa Analog remote (Volt) 1.3E-12 kPa 1.0E-12 1.0E-11 1.0E-10 1.0E-09 1.0E-08 1.0E-07 1.0E-06 1.0E-05 Pressure (kPa) Figure 54 Analog remote vs Pressure (kPa) Figure 55 Analog remote vs Pressure (mbar) Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Technical Information Analog Voltage vs Output Current (A) 1,00E-07 1,00E-06 1,00E-05 1,00E-04 1,00E-03 1,00E-02 1,00E-01 1,00E+00 Current [A] Figure 56 Analog Voltage vs Output Current (A) Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Connection of Input Remote In order to activate the inputs remote (CH on/off, Ch protect, CH Step) connect the pins as following. +24V 4,7 KΩ Input pin Digital GND Customer Controller device’s Figure 57 Input Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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This is a 9-pin D-type serial input/output connector that allows the 4UHV to be controlled via an RS232/485 or profibus (optional). Table 8 PIN No. Signal Name +5 V (OUT) TX (RS232) RX (RS232) Reserved A + (RS485) Reserved B - (RS485) Reserved Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Technical Information Connector Examples Controller Figure 59 RS–232 Connection controller 1 controller 2 Figure 60 RS–485 Connection Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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The controller answers with an ANSWER + CRC to the host. The MESSAGE is a string in the following format: <STX>+<ADDR>+<WIN>+<COM>+<DATA>+<ETX>+<CRC> When data is indicated between two quotes (‘...’), it implies that the data indicated is NOTE the corresponding ASCII character. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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MESSAGE. Using the RS485 interface, the message structure is identical to that used NOTE for the RS232 interface, the only difference being the value assigned to the ADDRESS <ADDR>. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Out of Range The value expressed during a write command is not within the range value for the specified window. Win Disabled 1 byte (0x35) The window specified is Read Only or is temporarily disabled. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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I protect CH1 [1,100] step 1 mA Set Point CH1 [X.XE-XX] Device Number CH2 (see Device section) Power max CH2 20 W – 80 W V target CH2 [3000,7000] V step 1000; def=7000 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Temperature [0, 200] °C V measured CH1 [0, 7000] V ; step 100 V I measured CH1 [1E-10, 9E-1] A Pressure CH1 [X.XE-XX] V measured CH2 [0, 10000] V ; step 100 V Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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[0, 10000] V ; step 100 V I measured CH3 [1E-10, 9E-1] A Pressure CH3 [X.XE-XX] V measured CH4 [0, 10000] V ; step 100 V I measured CH4 [1E-10, 9E-1] A Pressure CH4 [X.XE-XX] Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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ADDR Read Pressure (win 812) Channel 1 → Controller ADDR WINDOW → Controller ADDR WINDOW DATA Data=1.5E-8 Read Voltage (win 810) Channel 1 → Controller ADDR WINDOW → Controller ADDR WINDOW DATA Data=3000 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Operating mode (Win 601) Autostart ON → Controller ADDR WINDOW DATA → Controller ADDR Autostart OFF → Controller ADDR WINDOW DATA → Controller ADDR Protect (Win 602) → Controller ADDR WINDOW → Controller ADDR WINDOW DATA Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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“31”=1). So it means activate the protect on CH3, while protect on CH1,2,4 will be not activated. Status Set Point (804) → Controller ADDR WINDOW → Controller ADDR WINDOW DATA Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Power input error from PFC 0000000001000 Overtemp PFC 0000000010000 Error communication CPU-HV 0000000100000 Interlock cable 0000001000000 Overtemp HV 0000010000000 Protect 0000100000000 Measurement error 0001000000000 HV out error 1024 0010000000000 Short circuit 2048 0100000000000 HV disabled Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Interlock cable error + Overtemp HV Error code (Win 206) Error interlock ADDR WINDOW ADDR WINDOW DATA Channel selection (Win 505) Read ADDR WINDOW ADDR WINDOW DATA Write 1 ADDR WINDOW DATA ADDR Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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WINDOW ADDR WINDOW DATA Channel selection (Win 505) Write 2 ADDR WINDOW DATA ADDR Error code (Win 206) Interlock not present error because channel 2 has been selected: ADDR WINDOW ADDR WINDOW DATA Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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The “Binary Protocol” serial protocol used by some old controllers is no longer supported. For new projects, Agilent advises that the new protocol “Window protocol” be used. Nevertheless, for compatibility with the old systems, some commands of the “Binary Dual” have been implemented.
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See description of commands (byte 0 command, byte 1 subcommand). No channel Channel High Voltage 1 High Voltage 2 High Voltage 3 High Voltage 4 Data See description of commands Checksum XOR of all bytes (checksum excluded) in and with 7Fh. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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48h 30h Iprotect 4Bh 30h Set Point 50h 30h V meas. 53h 30h I meas. 54h 30h P meas. 55h 30h Set Point status 67h 30h Interlock status 5Dh 30h Error status 7Ah 30h Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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HV2 Cable Interlock Table 18 Bit Field Interlock Coding (active if 1) Cable Interlock Excess temperature Power input error FAN Error Protect 31h 30h Short-circuit 31h 31h HV out error 31h 32h Zero Measurement Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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The voltage on all the four channels can be displayed simultaneously, or the current of all four channels, or the pressure. To do this, press the “V/I/P” key; the following screens appear cyclically. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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11 Display the voltage and operation mode 7 0 0 0 “Step Mode” – “Fixed mode” for each 7 0 0 0 channel + 7 0 0 0 + 7 0 0 12 Press “V/I/P” Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Fixed-Mode, keep the Fixed Step key pressed while you press the HV-x key, where x is the number of the channel for which you want to change the output voltage. The output voltage changes cyclically between “STEP 7 KV, 5 KV, 3 KV”. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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value is saved and starts to flash. If it is not possible for all the choices to be displayed simultaneously, the values will scroll across (the titles of the menus remain fixed). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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N E R A ■ C O N F G E N E R A L F a n H R E S H O L D ■ A L W A Y S Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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A N A L O G G U R H V 1 H V 2 X X X X X ► H V 3 H V 1 H V 1 M a x Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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The address value sets by the 2 switches is expressed in hexadecimal notation, so value from 00 to 7D are permitted; this setting is read by the interface during the power-on phase, so any change of the switch position after the power-on is ignored. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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This failure has priority (in the indication) over the previous. Blink fast Gateway fail (internal check) or wrong address set (address > 0x7D or address not stable during power-on). Blink slow Gateway operating properly. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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From the software point of view, the interface can be seen as two devices (one for ProfiBus and the other for RS-485) linked together. Each device has its own state machine to manage the device operation. Figure 62 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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The profibus communication and the serial communication use the same link NOTA inside of the controller, then you can not use at the same time the profibus communication and the serial communication. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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4 = 35d (23hex) and byte offset 5 = 5d (FBhex) Example 2: if you want to set the Set Point A to 1.0E-9 you have to write: byte offset 4 = 10d (0Ahex) and byte offset -5 = -5d (F7hex) Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Set Point C to channel 4 you have to write byte offset 13 B = 0100 if you want assign the Set Point D to channel 1 you have to write byte offset 13 B = 0001 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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→ 1=remote, 2 = local, 3= Profibus (1) It is not possible to switch between profibus mode and serial mode using the NOTA profibus communication you can switch between these two modes only in Local mode. Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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1 bit = 100V Channel 1, High voltage measured 1 bit = 100V Channel 2, High voltage measured 1 bit = 100V Channel 3, High voltage measured 1 bit = 100V Channel 4, High voltage measured Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Channel 1, Pressure measured selected Pressure unit 4 (floating point) Channel 2, Pressure measured selected Pressure unit 4 (floating point) Channel 3, Pressure measured selected Pressure unit 4 (floating point) Channel 4, Pressure measured selected Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Format error Write not allowed while HV ON Write not allowed while HV OFF 10 Write allowed only in serial mode The Profibus external diagnosis services are used to report following unexpected situations: Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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If the user sets one or more parameters out of their allowed range, a Profibus external diagnostic service is required and some bits in the diagnosis frame signals which parameter is wrong (i.e. over range or under range). Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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→ reserved → diag deactivated (slave is parameterised by another master) Reserved Master Add (master address after parameterisation. FF= without parameter) Ident number high Ident number low External diagnosis “Header” length indication including header Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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→ HV1 Fixed/Step Mode diagnostic status 7…4 → HV2 Fixed/Step Mode diagnostic status 3…0 → HV3 Fixed/Step Mode diagnostic status 7…4 → HV4 Fixed/Step Mode diagnostic status 3…0 → Serial/Remote/Local/Profibus diagnostic status 7…4 → Not used 3…0 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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HV bakeable cable, radiation resistant, 20 meter Power Cord 9699958 Mains Cable US/NEMA plug (3m long) 9699957 Mains Cable EU plug (3m long) 8121-0703 Mains Cable CHINA plug (3m long) 9499399 Power Cable IEC 320 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual...
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Agilent Vacuum Products Division/Sales and Service Offices Request for Return Form United States India (Sales) India (Service) Agilent Technologies Agilent Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. Agilent Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. 121 Hartwell Avenue Unit Nos 110- 116, & Part of 101 & 109...