When assembling your Berkey water filter, it is important that you work hygienically.
Wash your hands before use and lay all the parts out in front of you. Follow the step-
by-step instructions below to ensure the proper installation of your Berkey water filter.
1. Grasp the knob (1) and turn the screw (3) located at the bottom of the knob (1), with
a small screwdriver.
2. Insert the screw (3) from the knob (1) through the lid (2) and tighten it securely.
3. Take your Black Berkey (5), with the rubber ring (10), and put it through the hole in
the top chamber (4). Attach the wing nut (11) to the protruding threads on the Black
Berkey. Note: The Black Berkey filter elements must always be primed before use.
The instructions on how to prime your Black Berkey filter elements can be found on
the next page.
4. Grasp the tap (7), the two rubber
washers (8) and the wing nut (9).
5. Place a rubber ring (8) around the tap
(7), then insert the tap (7) through the
lower chamber (6). Place the other
rubber ring (8) around the protruding
thread of the tap (7). Tighten the tap
(7) with the wing nut (8).
Before use, it is necessary to prime the Black Berkey and PF-2 filters. This is sometimes
easier, sometimes more challenging. This is due to compressed air being trapped in
the filters; it needs to be flushed out. This operation is called "priming". You need to be
patient because some filters are more difficult to prime than others. Follow the step-
by-step instructions to prime your filters correctly.
Place the brown ring onto the Black
Berkey screw thread.
Position the brown ring against the tap
and let the tap flow smoothly. The water
now slowly flows into the filter, which
gradually becomes heavier.
The water drips slowly out of the filters.
It looks like the filters are sweating.