All objects, solid, liquid or gas, emit energy by
radiation. The intensity of this energy depends
on the temperature of the object. The TEMPO
EASY Non-contact infrared thermometer is
therefore able to measure the temperature of
a person by the energy the person emits. This
measurement can be taken thanks to an exter-
nal temperature probe on the device which per-
manently analyses and registers the ambient
temperature. Therefore, as soon as the operator
holds the thermometer near the body and acti-
vates the radiation sensor, the measurement is
taken instantly by detection of the infrared heat
generated by the arterial blood flow. Body heat
can therefore be measured without any interfe-
rence from the heat of the surrounding environ-
Core temperature
Core temperature is the most precise measure-
ment and involves measuring the temperature
in the pulmonary artery by means of a catheter
equipped with a thermal probe which can read
the temperature in situ. The same method is
employed for probes measuring the oesopha-
geal temperature. However, such invasive tem-
perature measurement methods require specific
equipment and expertise.
Rectal thermometry
Rectal temperature adjusts slowly in comparison
to the evolution of the body's internal tempera-
ture. It has been demonstrated that rectal tem-
perature remains raised long after the internal
temperature of the patient has started to drop
and vice versa.
Furthermore, rectal perforations have been
known to occur as a result of this method and
without appropriate sterilisation techniques, rec-
tal thermometry can spread germs often found
in faeces.