Hints for Great-Tasting Coffee:
Always use fresh, cold water.
For stronger or milder coffee, increase or decrease the amount of coffee grounds to suit your taste.
Finer coffee grinds, such as Drip and Automatic Drip Coffeemaker (ADC) coffee grounds, promote a
full extraction of flavor and a rich, full-bodied coffee.
Store unused coffee grounds in a cool, dry place.
After opening a package of coffee grounds, tightly reseal it
and store it in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.
For optimum coffee taste, buy whole coffee beans
and finely grind them just before brewing.
Do not reuse coffee grounds; this greatly reduces
the coffee's flavor.
Reheating coffee is not recommended as coffee is at its peak flavor immediately after brewing.
A clean Coffeemaker is essential for making great-tasting coffee. Clean regularly as specified in the
"Care and Maintenance" section.
Prevent an oily buildup: A small amount of oil on the surface of brewed coffee is due to the release of oil from
roasted coffee beans. Heavily roasted coffee beans release more oil than others. Regularly cleaning your
Coffeemaker will prevent an oily buildup.
Care and Maintenance
WARNING: Always unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet and allow the product to cool completely
before cleaning or storing.
The Mug, Mug Lid, and Filter Basket may be placed on the upper rack of a dishwasher for cleaning or
hand washed in warm, soapy water. The Reusable Mesh Filter must be washed by hand.
NOTE: When washed in a dishwasher, the parts colors may appear to fade. Restore by polishing them with a
soft, dry cloth.
Wipe the exterior surface of the Coffeemaker with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use metal scouring pads
or abrasive cleaners.
Removing Mineral Deposits:
To keep your Coffeemaker operating efficiently, remove mineral deposits left by water. At least once a month,
use a water and vinegar household cleaning solution as described below to prevent the buildup of mineral
deposits. If the water in your area is especially high in minerals, do this every two weeks.
Fill the Mug with one part of white vinegar and three parts of cold water.
Pour the water and vinegar mixture into the Water Reservoir.
Place the Mug (Lid off) onto the Base.
Press the Start Button; the Indicator Light will illuminate. NOTE: During cleaning, more steam occurs
than when brewing coffee.