Thank you for purchasing this product.
In order to ensure the correct use of this product, please read the user manual carefully
before use. Please keep this manual in a place where it can be easily founded at any time. Our company is
not responsible for any abnormal phenomenon or injury caused by use, maintenance, and storage which not
in accordance with the requirements of the manual, and will not provide free repairs to such malfunction.
If the current dangerous or unsafe operation is not avoided, it may result in death, serious personal injury
or property damage.
With the increasing pressure of life and work, people's bodies will have various problems. It is a safe,
efficient, reliable, painless, drug-free and natural solution of body pain relief. Provides pleasant relaxation
of muscle, provides targeted and more humanized relief, and can feel awe-inspiring comfort.
Suitable for neck, shoulders, chest, back, arms, abdomen, waist, hips, knees, feet, elbows and other body
parts. (Which parts of the body the product can be used on is determined by the characteristics of the