The water detector activates the relay output when the sensor detects the presence or absence of water. The
potentiometer in the circuit allows the detection sensitivity to be adjusted. Includes presence mode switch -
absence of water, sensitivity adjustment potentiometer, work indicator LED, protection against polarity inversion
and connection terminals.
POWER SUPPLY : Connect the 12 VDC power supply to the POWER terminal, respecting ± polarity. Install a
switch for circuit protection and your own safety, according to CE standard.
Before activating the switch, make the rest of the circuit connections.
To supply 230 V AC you can use our recommended FE 103 or FE 300 power supplies.
OPERATION : Connect the sensor to the indicated terminal. If the sensor connection cable exceeds 30 cm, you
must use shielded cable.
With all circuit connections made, turn on the power switch.
Move the sensitivity adjustment potentiometer to check how the relay connects and disconnects according to the
conductivity of the water. The indicator led will light up when the relay is activated. With the switch presence -
absence of water, select work mode in presence mode will connect the relay when the sensor detects water, in
absence mode it will connect the relay when the sensor does not detect water. To install outdoors, use a sealed
plastic box to protect the circuit from water and dust.
Probes : The I-6 can be used with different types of liquids by changing the probe.
Originally supplied PCB for these models depending on the type of liquid.
C-7235 vertical probe with electrical insulation for clean and drinking water.
C-7236 horizontal probe, with electrical insulation, for clean and drinking water.
C-7237 vertical probe with electrical insulation for gasoline and diesel.
C-7238 horizontal probe with electrical insulation for gasoline and diesel.
Level detector for drinking water
Détecteur de niveau pour eau potable
Detector nivel para agua potable
Detector nivell per aigua potable
12 VDC
I – 6
Technical characteristics
Voltage : 12 V. DC.
Consumption :
water conductive
Sensor included
Output type
Max. Output load
Operating Indicator Led :
Protection Inversion Polarity :
72 x 42 x 17 mm.
Weight :
28,5 gr.
Din rail : C-7562
5 to 60 mA
Relay - NO / NC
7A ( 2A for inductive loads)