El TEMO·450 está fabricado de acuerdo con la directiva CE 2002/96. Esta
directiva regula la eliminación de los dispositivos eléctricos y electrónicos
con la finalidad de proteger el medio ambiente de forma sostenible.
De acuerdo con la normativa local, puede entregar el motor a un punto
de recogida. Desde allí, se transportará a instalaciones especializadas de
tratamiento .
Written declaration of conformity
Name of manufacturer : TEMO
Address : 2 rue Alfred Kastler
Town : Nantes
Post code : 44300
Equipment Trade Name : TEMO
Type or model : TEMO.450
Harmonised standards or other reference documents used
Directive 2013/53/UE du 20/11/2013 - relating to pleasure craft and
nautical motor vehicles
Norm EN ISO 25197 : 2020 - Small craft - Electrical/electronic control
systems for steering, shift and throttle
Norm EN ISO 16315 : 2016 - Small craft — Electric propulsion system
Directive 2006/42/CE du 16/05/2006 - relating to machines
Norm EN ISO 12100 : 2010 - Safety of machinery General principles for
design Risk assessment and risk reduction
Directive 2014/30/UE du 26/02/2014 – relating to the harmonization of the
laws of the member states concerning electromagnetic compatibility
Norm NF EN 60945 : 2003 - Maritime navigation and radiocommunication
equipment and systems - General specifications - Test methods and required
Nom EN 55014 1: 2017 - Mains-powered devices - Requirements for
household appliances, electrical tools and similar devices - Emission
Norm EN 55014 2: 1997 / A1: 2001 / A2: 2008 * - Category 4 device (F> 15
MHz) Requirements for household appliances, electrical tools and similar
devices - Immunity
Norm EN 61000 3 2: 2014 - Limits for harmonic current emissions (current
drawn by devices 16 A per phase)
Norm EN 61000 3 3: 2013 - Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in
low voltage networks for equipment with a rated current
and not subject to conditional connection.
This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. It is valid for all copies
manufactured according to the plans and specifications forming part of the technical documentation required in
the regulatory framework. I, Alexander SEUX, acting as President of TEMO France says the manufacturer, the
equipment mentioned above conforms to the essential requirements of standards and reference materials, as
mentioned above.
Signed up on 08/12/2020, in Nantes
Name and function :
Alexandre SEUX – President
Stamp & Signature :
2 rue Alfred Kastler
44300 Nantes
Enrgistrée sous le numéro 844724021
au RCS de Nantes
Country : France
16 A per phase