mini receiver with self-learning,
it manages standard codes from 12 till 64 and rolling hCs©
► ConnECTIon of ThE rECEIvEr.
powEr sUpplY (3 and 4). The receiver can be powered from 12 to
24 volt in AC and DC as well. The polarity must be used in case of DC
(positive on clip nr. 4).
anTEnna (1 and 2). The antenna must be connected with positive
(the spirit) on the clip n° the 1 and negative (stocking) on clip n° 2. If
only one is used (17cm for freq. 433,92 Mhz), this has to be connected
to clip n°1.
oUTpUT (from 5 to 9). The normally opened rele´of exit 1 is on clips
n° 7 and 8 while the normally closed contact is on clips n° 8 and 9. For
output 2 the normally opened contact is present only on clips n° 5 and
6. It is recommended not to connect such contacts to high tension and
to make sure that the current not exceed 1 ampere.
► UsE of rECEIvEr:
This operation cancels all the present codes in the memory. It is
necessary to execute the memory´s reset before learning the fi rst TX,
so that the previously codes and the code that are not used, are not
in the memory.
Make sure that the exits are disactivated (relais contact open)
Make sure that the receiver is not learning. The red led must
be switched off.
Keep pressed the button till the red led it is switched on. (10
seconds) and then release it.
Wait that the red led will be switched off or fl ashing.
mEmorY CoDEs´s CapaCITY
The receiver is in a position to manage till 200 rolling code transmitters
(till 4 bottoms for transmitter) and till 200 transmitters with standard
code (1 bottom each transmitter)
TYpE of CoDEs´s managE.
This receiver is in a position to manage the standard codes from 12
to 64 bit and rolling codes type HCS©. The fi rst learned transmitters
give the type of code that the receiver has to manage, consequently
the following learned transmitters must have the same code. So if
the fi rst remote control is a HCS©, rolling code remote control, the
receiver can manage only HCS© rolling code until the next memory
code (cancellation of all codes)
► aCTIvaTIon or DEaCTIvaTIon of ThE
rollIng CoDE fUnCTIon.
This operation activate or deactivate the rolling code counter. If this
function will be activated the receiver will only accept rolling code with
priority key (key from the producer) and it will check that the remote
couldn't be copied.
Make sure that the outputs are deactivated and not learning
Press and release the button. the red led is lit.
Press and release the button again. the red led twickle four
times and it will lit.
Press and release the button. The red led turn off if the function
will be deactivated, while it twickle shortly if the operation has
been activated.
► CoDE's mEmorIzaTIon
mEmorIzaTIon of a rEmoTE ConTrol In ThE oUTpUT no.1
Make sure that the outputs are not activated.
Press and release the button. The red led lit on.
Press within 10 seconds the button of the remote control. If the code
has been memorized the red led twickle fastly. If the red led twickle
shortly it means that the memory is full. If the red led doesn't twickle
it means that the remote control is not compatible. To memorize
more codes, repeat from point no.1
mEmorIzaTIon of a rEmoTE ConTrol In ThE oUTpUT no.2
Make sure that the receivers´exit has to be desactivated.
Push and release the push-button TWICE slowly and wait that the
led fl ashes for 4 times. The red led remains switched on.
Press the transmitter´s botton within 10 seconds. If the code has
been memorized, the led fl ashes fast. If the red led doesn't fl ash
it means that the remote control is not compatible. To learn other
codes in exit Nr. 2 repeat operation no.1.
► fUnCTIons
sTEp-BY-sTEp fUnCTIon
The receiver´s exit can be made also used for the operation step by step .
To active or disactive the operation it is suffIcient to push the botton when
only the relative exit is active (led switched on). If the exit was in normal, the
operation step by step will be operating, while if the following operation was
already active, the exit will return to the normal function.
TransmITTEr's CanCEllaTIon
This operation can cancel one single transmitter.
Press and leave the button. The red led is lighting .
Press the transmitter's button. If it is already on the memory, the red
led is fl ashing for 4 sec. and then retur to the normal status. During
this time press the button again.
oUT 2
oUT 1