HORNET200 Key Fob
Compatible 433MHz Receivers
Notes on operation:
Each key fob transmitter is pre programmed with a unique identity (one of 16 billion
possible numbers), the identity number transmitted on each press of the switch. Most
receivers can learn the identity of up to 50 unique transmitters.
Note: The same transmitter may be taught to any number of receivers to create
'master keys'.
433Mhz Smart Radio module with 4 Digital and serial
data output.
HORNET-RX - 433MHz 12-32V receiver with 4 relay
Changeover Contacts, housed in an IP68 Enclosure.
HORNET-RXM - 433MHz 230V receiver with 4 relay
Changeover Contacts, housed in an IP68 Enclosure.
210-433F - 433MHz Din Rail 12—24V receiver