Wisi OE 01 Manual De Usuario página 16

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

HDMI MODULATOR (REF. 8201 & 8202)
© WISI Communications GmbH & Co. KG
Thi s pa ra meter determi nes on whi ch
output frequency the modul a ted
s i gna l wi l l be tra ns mi tted.
If a cha nnel pl a n exi s ts for your
country a nd the s el ected output
type, the modul a tor wi l l a l l ow you to
s el ect the cha nnel . If not, you wi l l
need to s et the frequency.
F.i . when output type i s s et to "DVB-
C", the frequency wi l l be di s pl a yed.
Thi s determi nes the l evel of the RF
modul a ted s i gna l on the output.
Thi s output l evel ra nges from 59 to
LCN a l l ows you to determi ne where
thi s modul a ted cha nnel wi l l be
pl a ced a fter a utoma ti c s ca nni ng of
the TV.
Thi s i s the na me whi ch wi l l be
di s pl a yed on the TV s creen.
See expl a na ti on i n "2.2 Adva nced
confi gura ti on".
Thi s wi l l a cti va te a nd s tore the new
s etti ngs .
The channel plan depends on the
country and the output type.
dBm can also be used (see
LCN will copy the frequency by default,
but can be manually modified.
max 15 characters small & capital
letters, numbers, "-" "_" "space" Scroll
till underlined arrow to confirm