Worldwide Construction And Forestry Division 755K Manual Del Operador página 15

a rra n ty S ta te m e n t 2019 th ro u g h 2021
To deter mine if the John Deer e engine qualifie s for the additional war ranties set forth below , look for the "Emis s ion Cont rol Informa tion" label loca te d
on the engine. If the engine is oper ated in the United States or Cana da and the engine label state s : "This engine complie s with US EPA re gula tions
for nonr oad and stati ona ry dies e l engines", or "This engine compl ies with US EPA re gula tions for s ta tiona ry e me rge ncy dies e l engines ", re fe r to the
"U.S . and Cana da Emis s ion Contr ol Warr anty Statement." If the engine is oper ated in California, and the engine label s ta te s : "This engine complie s
with US EPA and CARB re gula tions for nonr oad dies e l engines" als o re fe r to the "Ca lifornia Emiss ions Cont rol Wa rra nty S ta te me nt."
Warr anties stated on this certificate refe r only to emis sions -re la te d par ts and components of your engine. The comple te engine war ra nty, les s
emis sion -re la te d par ts and components, is pro vide d separate ly. If you have any questions about your war ra nty rights and re s pons ibilitie s ,
you should contact John Deer e a t 1-319 -292 -5400.
The California Air Resour ce s Board (CARB) is pleased to expl a in the emis sion -contr ol s ys te m war ra nty on 2019 through 2021 off-roa d dies e l
engines. In California, new off-roa d engines must be desi gne d, built and equipped to meet the S ta te 's s tringe nt ant i-s mog s ta nda rds . J ohn Deer e
must war rant the emis sion control s ys te m on your engine for the per iods of time lis te d below provide d the re has been no abus e , neglec t or
improper maintenance of your engine.
Your emis sion control s ys te m may include par ts suc h a s the fuel injection s ys te m and the air induc tion s ys te m. Als o included ma y be hos e s , belt s ,
connectors and other emis sion -re la te d ass emb lie s .
John Deer e war rants to the ultimat e pur cha s e r and each subs e que nt pur cha s e r that this off-roa d dies e l engine was des igned, built, and equipped
s o a s to conform a t the time of sal e with all applic able re gula tions adopted by CARB and is fre e from def e cts in ma te ria ls and workma ns hip which
would caus e the failure of a war ranted par t to be identic a l in all mater ia l re s pe cts to the par t a s de s cribe d in J ohn Deer e's applic a tion for ce rtifica tion
for a per iod of five years from the date the engine is deliver e d to a n ultima te pur cha s e r or 3,000 hour s of oper a tion, whichev e r occurs firs t for all
engines ra te d a t 19 kW and gre a te r. In the absence of a devi ce to measur e hour s of use, the eng ine s ha ll be war ra nte d for a per iod of five ye a rs .
John Deer e may deny war ranty cla ims for failure s caus e d by the use of a n add -on or modified par t which has not been e xe mpte d by the CARB. A
modified par t is a n after market par t intended to re pla ce a n origina l emis sion -re la te d par t which is not functiona lly ident ica l in all re s pe cts and which
in any way a ffects emis sions . An add -on par t is any after market par t which is not a modified par t or a re pla ce me nt par t.
In no event will John Deer e , any author ize d engine dis tributor, dealer , or re pa ir facility, or any compa ny a ffilia te d with J ohn Deer e be liable
for incidental or cons e que ntia l damage .
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