Perel Tools GZB5 PRO Manual Del Usuario página 3

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Use r m a n u a l
1 . I nt r oduct ion
Thank you for choosing Perel! I f t he package was dam aged in t ransit , do not inst all or use it and
cont act your dealer.
2 . Sa fe t y I nst r uct ions
Follow t hese inst ruct ions carefully t o avoid hands/ fingers inj ury due t o m oving part s.
Set up and break down requires t wo adult persons.
Make sure t he weat her condit ions are suit able ( e.g. not t oo windy) for set t ing up or
breaking down t he gazebo.
The cover m at erial of t his gazebo is flam m able. D O n ot m ake open fires ( e.g.
barbeque) under or near t he gazebo.
Dam age caused by disregard of cert ain guidelines in t his m anual is not covered by t he warrant y
and t he dealer will not accept responsibilit y for any ensuing defect s or problem s.
3 . Genera l guidelines
Prot ect t he gazebo from shocks and abuse. Avoid brut e force when deploying, folding up or during
Only use t he gazebo for it s int ended purpose. Using t he gazebo in an unaut horised way will void
t he warrant y.
NEVER st ore t he gazebo unless it is com plet ely dry. St oring when dam ped allows t he form at ion
of m old and m ildew, which will rot nat ural fibers, dam age t he coat ing t o t he fabric and leave
indelible st ains.
4 . Fea t ures
foldable and easy t o set up
cover in wat erproof nylon
5 . Set t ing up
Refer t o t he illust rat ions on page 2 of t his m anual.
1. Place t he gazebo at t he cent re of t he chosen locat ion. Rest t he gazebo on it s feet and rem ove
t he carry bag.
Lift t he gazebo by t he four legs and m ove t he legs as far as possible apart .
2. Hold t he gazebo at opposit e legs, lift and slowly st ep backwards unt il fully opened. A yoke slides
up over t he leg; be careful not t o get hands or fingers inj ured by t his yoke or any ot her hinging
j oint s.
3. Secure t he sliding yoke at each corner. Place one hand on t op of t he leg t o hold it down and
push t he yoke up wit h t he ot her hand unt il t he spring- loaded but t on snaps int o place. Do t his for
all 4 corners.
4. Hold t wo adj acent legs of t he gazebo. Sim ult aneously place a foot on t he foot plat e t o hold t he
inner leg down and gent ly lift t he gazebo unt il t he spring- loaded but t on snaps int o place. Repeat
t his st ep for t he ot her t wo legs.
Make sure t he legs of t he gazebo form a square and fold t he Velcro t abs locat ed at t he bot t om
side of t he t op cover around t he fram e.
Depending on t he environm ent al condit ions, secure t he gazebo t o t he ground by put t ing st akes
( not incl.) t hrough t he bases of t he legs. Drive a st ake ( incl.) int o t he ground at every corner, t ie
guy- ropes ( incl.) t o t he t op of each of t he 4 corners and connect t he ot her end t ight ly t o t he
st akes.
00 ( 13/ 01/ 2012)
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