turck PT1500 Guia De Inicio Rapido página 4

Guía de inicio rápido
Los dispositivos pueden montarse en cualquier posición (alineación) (revise el error de
posición, consulte los datos técnicos). El medio que se va a medir debe ser adecuado para las
piezas del transmisor de presión en contacto con el medio.
Antes del montaje: Compare los datos del proceso con los datos de la placa.
Fije el dispositivo a la hexagonal de la carcasa. Para conexiones de presión de G1/2", el par de
apriete máximo es de 30 Nm. Para todas las demás conexiones de presión, el par de apriete
máximo es de 20 Nm.
Conecte el dispositivo según el diagrama de cableado "Wiring diagrams"
Cuando se utiliza en áreas con riesgo de explosión:
Conecte el dispositivo al sistema de conexión equipotencial de la planta mediante la carcasa
metálica (conexión de proceso) o a través del conductor a tierra del conector.
Conecte la fuente de alimentación a través de los circuitos intrínsecamente seguros de la
clase de protección ia.
El usuario no debe reparar el dispositivo por su cuenta. El dispositivo se debe desinstalar si
presenta fallas. Consulte nuestras políticas de devolución cuando devuelva el dispositivo a
Eliminación de desechos
Los dispositivos se deben desechar correctamente y no se deben mezclar con desechos
domésticos normales.
Technical data | Certification data
Pressure range
From -0.3...0 bar to 0...0.6 bar, see device label or data sheet
Burst pressure
2 bar
Permissible negative pressure -0.3 bar
Depending on chosen sealing material
FKM (.../D840)
-15...+85 °C
EPDM (.../D830)
-25...+85 °C
NBR (.../D831)
-20...+85 °C
-25...+85 °C
-40...+85 °C
Stainless steel 1.4404/AISI 316L
Polyarylamid 50 % GF UL 94 V-0
Media contact
Sealing material: FKM, EPDM, NBR
Measuring element: ceramics Al2O3 (99.6 %)
Pressure Connection: stainless steel 1.4404/AISI 316L
Electrical specifications
2-wire 4...20 mA
10...30 VDC
Supply voltage -10 V
0.02 A
3-wire 0...5 V
7...33 VDC
> 10 kΩ/< 100 nF
0...10 V
12...33 VDC
> 10 kΩ/< 100 nF
Ratiom. 10...90 %
5 VDC ± 10 %
> 10 kΩ/< 100 nF
Reverse polarity protection
Short-circuit proof and reverse-polarity protection, with max.
supply voltage
Dielectric strength
500 VDC
Protection class
Protection class III
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | Witzlebenstraße 7, 45472 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany | Tel. +49 208 4952-0 | Fax +49 208 4952-264 | [email protected] | www.turck.com
Dynamic behavior
Response time
< 150 ms
Load change
< 100 Hz
Switch-on time
< 200 ms
± 0.35 [% FS] < 100 mbar
± 0.7 [% FS] ≥ 100 mbar
< 0.1 [% FS]
Temperature behaviour
Max. ± 0.07 [% FS/10K]
Long-term stability acc. to
Max. ± 0.25 [% FS]
IEC 60770-1
Error mounting position
Horizontal: max. +0.1 mbar
Vertical, pressure connection upward: max. +0.2 mbar
Electromagnetic compatibility CE conform acc. to EN 61326-2-3
Shock resistance
50 g, 6 ms, half sinusoidal curve, all 6 directions, free fall from
IEC 60068-2-27
1 m onto concrete (6x)
Vibration acc. to IEC 60068-2-6 20 g, 15...2000 Hz, 15...25 Hz with amplitude ± 15 mm,
1 octave/minute all 3 directions, 50 continuous loads
< 23 mA
< 5 mA
< 5 mA
< 5 mA
빠른 시작 가이드
배선도에 따라 장치를 연결하십시오("Wiring diagrams" 참조).
폭발 위험 지역에서 사용할 때:
금속 하우징(프로세스 연결) 또는 커넥터의 접지 도체를 통해 장치를 플랜트의 등전위 본딩 시
스템에 연결하십시오.
보호 등급 ia의 본질 안전 회로를 통해 파워 서플라이를 연결하십시오.
이 장치는 사용자가 수리할 수 없습니다. 이 장치에 고장이 발생한 경우 설치 해체해야 합니다. 장
치를 터크에 반품할 경우, 반품 승인 조건을 준수해 주십시오.
이 장치는 올바른 방법으로 폐기해야 하며 일반적인 가정 폐기물과 함께 배출해서는 안 됩
Explosion protection
Intrinsic safety [i]
II 1/2 GD
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga/Gb
Ex ia IIIC T120 C° Da/Db
EC type-examination certificate
SEV 19 ATEX 0129
UKCA type-examination certificate
CML 22 UKEX 2175
Connection to certified intrinsically safe resis-
Ui = 30 VDC; Ii = 100 mA;
tive circuits with peak values
Pi = 750 mW
Inductance and capacitance
Ci = 2 nF; Li = 8 μH
Versions with connector EN 175301-803-A or
M12 × 1 only
The date of manufacture can be seen on the label of the pressure transmitter:
Date as year-month-
internal identification Order position
Single part number
Declaration of conformity
EU-Konformitätserklärung Nr.
UK Declaration of Conformity No. 5362-1M
EU Declaration of Conformity No.:
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG
Witzlebenstr. 7, 45472 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, dass die
declare under our sole responsibility that the
Pressure Transmitter
der Typen /
of types
Ex-Kennzeichnung /
Gas /
II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga/Gb
Staub /
II 1/2 D Ex ia IIIC T120°C Da/Db
auf die in der von uns in Verkehr gebrachten Ausführung sich diese Erklärung bezieht, den Anforderungen der
folgenden EU-Richtlinien und den Anforderungen der folgenden UK- Statutory Instruments durch Einhaltung
der folgenden harmonisierten / designierten Normen genügen:
to which this declaration relates in the configuration placed on the market by us, are in conformity with the requirements of
the following EU-directives and the requirements of the following UK Statutory Instruments by compliance with the
following harmonized / designated standards:
Richtlinie / Directive EMC
2014 / 30 / EU
26. Feb. 2014
EMC SI* and part. sign. changes**
SI 2016/1091
EN 61326-2-3:2013
Richtlinie / Directive ATEX
2014 / 34 / EU
26. Feb. 2014
ATEX SI* and part. sign. changes**
SI 2016/1107
EN IEC 60079-0:2018
EN 60079-11:2012
EN 60079-26:2015
Richtlinie / Directive RoHS
2011 / 65 / EU
08. Jun. 2011
RoHS SI* and part. sign. changes**
SI 2012/3032
EN IEC 63000:2018
*: SI = Statutory Instrument
**: SI 2019/696, SI 2020/1460, SI 2019/188
Die aufgeführten benannten Stellen haben die Konformitätsbewertung durchgeführt und Zertifikate ausgestellt:
The listed notified bodies have carried out conformity assessment and issued certificates:
EU-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung (Modul B)
SEV 19 ATEX 0129
/ EU-type examination certificate (module B):
ausgestellt von /
issued by:
Eurofins Electric & Electronic Product Testing AG, Kenn-Nr. /
ID no.
Luppmenstrasse 3, 8320 Fehraltdorf, Switzerland
Zertifizierung des QS-Systems (Modul D)
PTB 05 ATEX Q023
/ Certification of the QS-system (module D):
ausgestellt von /
issued by:
Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt, Kenn-Nr. /
ID no.
: 0102
Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany
CML 22 UKEX 2175
/ UK-type examination certificate:
ausgestellt von /
issued by:
Eurofins E&E CML Limited, Kenn-Nr. /
ID no.
: 2503
New Port Road, Ellesmere Port CH65 4LZ, United Kingdom
UK Erklärung zur Qualitätssicherung
/ UKCA Quality Assurance Notification
ausgestellt von /
issued by:
Eurofins E&E CML Limited, Kenn-Nr. /
ID no.
: 2503
New Port Road, Ellesmere Port CH65 4LZ, United Kingdom
Mülheim, den 09.06.2022
i.V. Dr. M. Linde, Bereichsleiter Zulassungen / Head of Approvals
Ort und Datum der Ausstellung /
Name, Funktion und Unterschrift des Befugten /
Place and date of issue
Name, function and signature of authorized person
FM 7.3-12
© Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | 100003046 2022-04
: 1258