B - Calibration file
If automatic calibration constantly fails, you can perform calibration on your computer. To do so, insert a USB memory
Export the
calibration images
on the USB drive,
including the images
from four channels
and the xml files
C - Vehicle type
AMS Diffusion - Rue des Galeries - ZA du Chevalement - 59286 Roost Warendin - FRANCE - Tél. +33 (0) - Fax. +33 (0)3 27 94 44 45
Email :
[email protected] - www.ams-diffusion.com RCS DOUAI A 451 360 382 - CODE APE 4531Z - SIRET 451 360 382 00035 - TVA FR 55 451 360 382
stick into the reader and export the data.
Adjust the vehicle size
Adjust the vehicle length
Adjust the vehicle width
Rotate the vehicle model
Move the vehicle model
Refresh the calibration result after
Save the calibration result
Continue to settings adjustment
on your computer.
Check the file by its
2D personalised vehicle model
place the png image of the vehicle
in the USB root directory and
select the personalised model
Import the
calibration file