Rules of the game: The youngest player draws a card from the stack and puts it
End of the Game:
down on the mirror element frame without looking at the picture.
Each player looks into the section of mirror in front of him/her.
One after another in a clockwise direction each player can, if (s)
he wishes, say what (s)he thinks the picture is.
NOTE: each player may make only one guess for each card. If a
player doesn‛t wish to guess, (s)he says so when it is his/her turn.
If one or more players cannot make a guess, the complete mirror
element is turned one mirror section further to the right.
Now each player sees a different section of the reflected image
and might now be able to recognise what it is.
If it is still not possible for any player to name the picture, the
mirror element is moved one section further again.
The mirror element can be turned four times. By then each
player has seen all four reflected sides. If it is still not possible
for any player to make a guess, the card is taken out of the game.
Once each player has been able to make a guess, the card is
turned around so that everyone can see the picture. The first
player to have named the picture correctly takes the card.
If no player has named the picture correctly, the card is taken
out of the game.
After that the next player in a clockwise direction places the
next card onto the mirror element and makes a guess.
Before the game the players decide how many cards a player
must collect to win the game, e.g. the first player to collect five
cards wins. Of course this quantity can be reduced or increased
to suit the age of the players.