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V300 control adjustments for ball errors
V300 control adjustments for ball errors
The iPong Tilt Stand is a multi-tiered iPong el
Frequency Settings
V300 control adjustments for ball errors
evation tool, designed to change ball trajectory and
Frequency is the rate at which table tennis
increase shot variation. Three heights are available:
balls shoot out of the iPong. The higher the
V300 control adjustments for ball errors
9mm,17mm, or 26mm. The tilt stand is especially
Frequency setting, the greater the number of
useful when setting the iPong to shoot slow
balls shoot out per minute. "1" is the lowest
balls, or fast backspin balls - that otherwise might
frequency while "8" is the highest frequency.
NOT go over the net. A bit of experimentation will
V300 control adjustments for ball errors
be required. With the tilt stand on the front of the
Oscillation (Side-To-Side) Settings
Oscillation is the setting used for shooting balls
iPong, go up in elevation if balls go into the net.
4 0 7 3
Using the iPong Tilt Stand
to random locations on the table. The higher
the Oscillation setting, the faster the iPong
side-to-side motion. "1" is the slowest oscillation
while "8" is the fastest oscillation.
Using the iPong Tilt Stand
The Memory Function
4 0 7 3
The iPong V300 has the ability to save your
favorite settings. When you have your favorite
settings tuned on the iPong V300, press the
pause button
on the remote, followed by
4 0 6 2
pressing the memory button.
When you want to recall your saved setting,
make sure you're in play mode
Using the iPong Tilt Stand
and press
the memory button. You'll notice that iPong
The iPong Tilt Stand is a multi-tiered iPong elevation tool,
For slower balls, position iPong near center of
V300 changes your saved settings. To change
designed to change ball trajectory and increase shot variation.
Using the iPong Tilt Stand
table. Start with tilt stand in lowest position,
Three heights are available: 9mm,17mm, or 26mm. The tilt stand
your saved setting, repeat steps 1 and 2 above.
is especially useful when setting the iPong to shoot slow balls, or
and adjust upward as needed.
The iPong Tilt Stand is a multi-tiered iPong elevation tool,
4 0 6 2
fast backspin balls - that otherwise might NOT go over the net. A
For slower balls, position iPong near center of
designed to change ball trajectory and increase shot variation.
iPong Maintenance
bit of experimentation will be required. With the tilt stand on the
Three heights are available: 9mm,17mm, or 26mm. The tilt stand
table. Start with tilt stand in lowest position,
front of the iPong, go up in elevation if balls go into the net. And
is especially useful when setting the iPong to shoot slow balls, or
go down in elevation if balls go off the table.
fast backspin balls - that otherwise might NOT go over the net. A
Using the iPong Tilt Stand
and adjust upward as needed.
bit of experimentation will be required. With the tilt stand on the
After each use of the iPong, we suggest
front of the iPong, go up in elevation if balls go into the net. And
The iPong Tilt Stand is a multi-tiered iPong elevation tool,
you remove the power adaptor.
go down in elevation if balls go off the table.
designed to change ball trajectory and increase shot variation.
Three heights are available: 9mm,17mm, or 26mm. The tilt stand
is especially useful when setting the iPong to shoot slow balls, or
Clean the balls used in the iPong after
fast backspin balls - that otherwise might NOT go over the net. A
For fast backspin balls, position iPong near
several uses. (Balls will collect dust on the
For slower balls, position iPong near center of
bit of experimentation will be required. With the tilt stand on the
front of the iPong, go up in elevation if balls go into the net. And
end of table. Start with tilt stand in highest
table. Start with tilt stand in lowest position,
go down in elevation if balls go off the table.
position, and adjust downward as needed.
and adjust upward as needed.
the iPong).
For slower balls, position iPong near center of
table. Start with tilt stand in lowest position,
and adjust upward as needed.
Place tilt stand on rear of
Wipe the iPong after several uses, and
iPong. Use for very fast topspin balls.
put it back into the box (or a bag) to avoid
Position iPong near end of table - OR
collecting dust.
in middle of table! Start in lowest
For fast backspin balls, position iPong near
For slower balls, position iPong near center of
end of table. Start with tilt stand in highest
position, and adjust upward as needed.
table. Start with tilt stand in lowest position,
position, and adjust downward as needed.
and adjust upward as needed.
Clean the wheels of iPong often! This is an
important step in maintaining this product.
Place tilt stand on rear of
Wet a clean cloth with water, or alcohol, and
iPong. Use for very fast topspin balls.
wipe the wheels a few times by running the
Position iPong near end of table - OR
cloth along the surface of the wheel.
in middle of table! Start in lowest iPong
position, and adjust upward as needed.
Clean the motor under the agitator. First,
disassemble the horn, then pull the agitator
straight up lightly, to remove the agitator.
You will see dust or hair around the motor.
Carefully remove with a clean cloth.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Contents of the Box/Inhalt der Box/Contenu du carton/Con el iPong se incluye
A. Core Engine
B. Agitator
C. A/C Adapter
iPong Motor
iPong Drehteller
iPong Netzteil
Assiette rotative
Motor Central
A/C Adaptador
E. Wireless Remote
F. Tilt Stand
Kabellose Fernbedienung
Télécommande sans l
Réglage en hauteur
Soporte Inclinable
Control Remoto Inalámbrico
Quick Start Assembly instructions
1. Remove all contents from the box.
2. Attach the Agitator (B) to the top of the Core Engine (A) by aligning the plastic rod
on the Core Engine (A) to the hole on the bottom of the Agitator (B) and pressing
down until secure.
3. Align the tabs on the Bottom Assembly (D) to the slots at the bottom of the Core
Engine (A). Insert and turn clockwise to lock.
4. Align the tabs on the Top Assembly (D) to the slots at the top of the Core Engine
(A). Insert and turn clockwise to lock.
5. Before plugging into the electric outlet, insert the A/C Adapter (C) into the back of
the Core Engine (A).
4 0 7 3
FAQ/Troubleshooting Tips
4 0 7 3
Having trouble with Topspin/Backspin settings?
Balls are loaded but agitator is not moving?
- Remember that when the Topspin and Backspin set-
- Remove some of the balls from the top assembly.
tings are the same, no spin is generated on the ball.
Overloading the top with balls may be too heavy for the
- Check the Settings Customization in the beginning
agitator to rotate.
of the user guide.
Balls getting jammed?
4 0 6 2
- Be sure you are using the correct sized balls. iPong
iPong won't turn on?
-Check to see that the A/C adapter is plugged in all
robots work only with 40mm table tennis balls, and
the way.
work best with plastic table tennis balls.
- The maximum ball capacity of the top assembly is 100
Core engine not running?
balls. 60-100 table tennis balls is the recommended
-Check to see that the A/C adapter is plugged in all
4 0 6 2
4 0 7 3
The iPong Tilt Stand is a multi-tiered iPong elevation tool,
the way.
- If the round gap on the agitator stops directly above the
designed to change ball trajectory and increase shot variation.
ball entry hole, multiple balls could enter into the core
Three heights are available: 9mm,17mm, or 26mm. The tilt stand
there are obstructions (dust, hair, pet dander, etc.)
engine at once and stall. To prevent this, avoid turning
The iPong Tilt Stand is a multi-tiered iPong elevation tool,
is especially useful when setting the iPong to shoot slow balls, or
keeping the motor from spinning. Remove any
designed to change ball trajectory and increase shot variation.
fast backspin balls - that otherwise might NOT go over the net. A
obstructions, re-plug A/C adapter and try again.
Three heights are available: 9mm,17mm, or 26mm. The tilt stand
gap aligned.
is especially useful when setting the iPong to shoot slow balls, or
bit of experimentation will be required. With the tilt stand on the
fast backspin balls - that otherwise might NOT go over the net. A
Rubber wheels not spinning?
front of the iPong, go up in elevation if balls go into the net. And
bit of experimentation will be required. With the tilt stand on the
Balls getting jammed immediately after reloading?
-Check to see that the A/C adapter is plugged in all
front of the iPong, go up in elevation if balls go into the net. And
go down in elevation if balls go off the table.
- This is often caused by the Topspin and/or Backspin set-
go down in elevation if balls go off the table.
the way.
tings starting at "0" when rst turning on the iPong.
- Unplug A/C adapter. Remove top and bottom as-
Turn o the iPong and remove all balls from the core
sembly. Remove front plastic casing by pressing the
4 0 6 2
engine and top assembly. Let the iPong run empty,
top and bottom tabs. Check to see if there are any
making sure that the Topspin and Backspin settings are
obstructions (dust, hair, pet dander, etc.) keeping the
set to "1" or higher. Then, reload the balls while the
For fast backspin balls, position iPong near
rubber wheels from spinning. Remove any obstruc-
end of table. Start with tilt stand in highest
iPong is running.
tions, re-plug A/C adapter and try again.
position, and adjust downward as needed.
For fast backspin balls, position iPong near
A ball is jammed or stuck inside the iPong?
Balls hitting the side of the projection hole?
end of table. Start with tilt stand in highest
Unplug the iPong. Manually reach in and sh the
-Be sure you are using the correct sized balls.
Place tilt stand on rear of
ball out. You can also tip the unit upside down and
iPong. Use for very fast topspin balls.
position, and adjust downward as needed.
iPong robots work only with 40mm table tennis balls,
shake it gently to get the ball to fall out.
Position iPong near end of table - OR
and work best with plastic table tennis balls.
in middle of table! Start in lowest
Agitator tab broken?
position, and adjust upward as needed.
Balls falling out of projection hole, not shooting?
Place tilt stand on rear of
- The agitator is a sensitive part and can break if the
- Be sure you are using the correct sized balls.
iPong is not handled carefully. Once the agitator is
iPong robots work only with 40mm table tennis
iPong. Use for very fast topspin balls.
balls, and work best with plastic table tennis balls.
Position iPong near end of table - OR
service for a replacement part.
For fast backspin balls, position iPong near
in middle of table! Start in lowest
end of table. Start with tilt stand in highest
Core engine is very loud?
- Be sure you are using the correct sized balls.
position, and adjust downward as needed.
position, and adjust upward as needed.
Power o the iPong and examine for any obstruc-
iPong robots work only with 40mm table tennis
tions in the wheel motors. Also, check that iPong is
balls, and work best with plastic table tennis balls.
Place tilt stand on rear of
on a level surface to prevent the motors from vibrating
iPong. Use for very fast topspin balls.
Balls not shooting at a consistent speed?
and moving around.
Position iPong near end of table - OR
-Check to see that the A/C adapter is plugged in all
in middle of table! Start in lowest
Last few balls in the top assembly aren't shooting out?
the way.
position, and adjust upward as needed.
-This is an indicator that it is time to reload the balls.
Does the iPong require any maintenance?
- Be sure you are using the correct sized balls.
- It does not require any maintenance, although it is
iPong robots work only with 40mm table tennis
important to make sure the wheels are clean and free
balls, and work best with plastic table tennis balls.
from dust, hair, and pet dander.
-Try moving the iPong further back, closer to the
edge of the table.
- Decrease the Backspin setting and/or increase the
- Try our Table Tennis Ball Catch Net or Table Tennis Ball
Topspin setting incrementally and test until the balls
Pickup Net to make collecting balls faster and easier.
start hitting the table again.
Available at www.ipong.de under Accessories.
If your problem or question isn't helped by any of these
Operating Instructions
NOTE: iPong should only be used with 40mm table tennis balls.
1. Place the assembled iPong V300 on the table, close to the back end and along the middle line. Then, angle
D.Top/Bottom Assembly
the projection hole to the desired left or right position on the table.
iPong Oberteil Unterteil
Pièce dessus/dessous
2. Before turning on the iPong, make sure that there are no table tennis balls inside the core engine. Rotate the
Piezas de montar (inferior/superior)
agitator manually so that the round gap in the agitator is not lined up with the ball entry hole. This will reduce
the possibility of jamming.
3. Dispense table tennis balls into the top assembly. 60-100 table tennis balls is the recommended amount.
4. Press the power button
and play/pause button
each setting on the remote to your preferences. Then, press the play/pause button to start playing. Review the
instructions below on how to customize your settings.
Settings Customization
The iPong V300 uses an upper wheel and lower wheel to control ball spin, speed, and trajectory. When the
upper wheel spins faster than the lower wheel, topspin is generated. When the lower wheel spins faster than the
upper wheel, backspin is generated. When both wheels are spinning at the same speed, the ball is traveling across
the table with no spin.
Topspin Ball
Note: Due to varying conditions (ball size, dust, humidity, altitude, etc.), the remote control
settings provided for the iPong may not be exact. Adjust these settings to meet your desired need.
Settings Overview
Start with the iPong in pause mode
setting accordingly. For example: Frequency: "1" and Oscillation: "0". (See below for Topspin and Backspin
settings.) Then press play/pause button to start
Beginner topspin:
This setup will create a slow topspin ball which is ideal for beginning players. First
set the robot 12" inward from the back edge of the table. Then set Topspin: "2" and Backspin: "1".
Typical Master V300 setup for specific ball types:
Topspin balls:
Topspin Settings:
First set the iPong at back edge of table. Then set Topspin: "3" and Backspin: "1". For
TOPSPIN control between 5 and 7
a stronger topspin, and increased distance, change these settings from 3:1 to 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 7:1 or 8:1. If balls
BACKSPIN control between 2 and 4
are going o the table, decrease the Topspin setting accordingly.
Backspin balls:
TOPSPIN control between 2 and 4
Backspin Settings:
First set the iPong at back edge of table. Then set Topspin: "0" and Backspin: "6". For
BACKSPIN control between 5 and 7
a stronger backspin, and increased distance, change the settings from 0:6 to 0:7 or 0:8. If balls are going o
the table, decrease the Backspin setting accordingly.
1. Nehmen Sie die Teile aus der Box.
2. Setzen Sie den Drehteller mit dem Loch auf den Plastikstab auf der Oberseite
des Motors und drücken Sie bis zum Einrasten.
3. Setzen Sie den Motor mit den Löchern auf das Unterteil und drehen ihn bis
zum Einrasten.
4. Setzen Sie den Motor mit den Löchern auf das Oberteil und drehen ihn bis
zum Einrasten.
5. Schließen Sie den Netzstecker hinten am Motor an und verbinden Sie ihn mit
der Steckdose.
HINWEIS: iPong sollte nur mit 40 mm iPong -Bällen benutzt werden.
Platzieren Sie den zusammengebauten iPong auf dem Tisch nahe dem hinteren Ende sowie entlang der
Mittellinie. Danach richten Sie das Auswur och auf die gewünschte Position auf dem Tisch.
"Stellen Sie sicher, dass sich keine Bälle im Motor be nden, wenn Sie den iPong in Betrieb nehmen.
Drehen Sie den Drehteller so, dass sich die Aussparung nicht über dem Balleingang be ndet."
Legen Sie die Bälle in das Oberteil. Die empfohlene Menge beträgt 60 - 100 Stück.
Drücken Sie den Einschaltknopf und direkt danach Play/Pause.
Einstellungen an der Fernbedienung auf Ihre Wünsche einzustellen. Danach drücken Sie wiederum Play/
Pause, um zu beginnen. Beachten Sie für Ihre individuellen Einstellungen untenstehende Hinweise.
Individuelle Einstellungen
Der iPong benutzt ein oberes und unteres Rad, um Ballspin, Geschwindigkeit und Auswurf zu kontrolieren. Wenn sich das
obere Rad schneller als das untere dreht wird Topspin erzeugt. Wenn sich das untere Rad schneller als das obere dreht,
wird Backspin erzeugt. Wenn sich beide Räder mit der gleichen Geschwindigkeit drehen wird der Ball ohne Spin
Hinweis: Durch wechselnde Bedingungen (Ballgröße, Staub, Feuchtigkeit, Höhenlage usw.) können die Einstellungen
der Fernbedienung abweichen. Ändern Sie diese Einstellungen um das gewünschte Ergebnis zu erzielen.
Übersicht Einstellungen
Starten Sie den iPong im Pausenmodus.
Einstellungen entsprechend zu ändern. Zum Beispiel: Frequenz „1" und Oszillation „0" (Topspin- und
Backspin-Einstellungen siehe unten). Drücken Sie danach Play/Pause, um zu beginnen.
Diese Einstellung erzeugt einen langsamen Topspin-Ball, der ideal für Anfänger ist.
Stellen Sie zuerst den iPong etwa 30cm vor der hinteren Tischkante auf. Dann nehmen Sie die Einstellungen
Topspin „2" und Backspin „1" vor.
Stellen Sie den iPong zuerst an die hintere Tischkante. Stellen Sie dann
Topspin 3 und Backspin 1 ein. Für einen stärkeren Topspin und eine größere Entfernung, ändern Sie die
Einstellungen von 3:1 auf 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 7:1 oder 8:1. Sollten die Bälle über den Tisch iegen, verringern Sie die
Topspin-Einstellung entsprechend.
Stellen Sie den iPong zuerst an die hintere Tischkante. Stellen Sie dann
Topspin 0 und Backspin 6 ein. Für einen stärkeren Backspin und eine größere Entfernung ändern Sie die
Einstellungen von 0:6 auf 0:7 oder 0:8. Sollten die Bälle über den Tisch iegen, verringern Sie die
Backspin-Einstellung entsprechend.
immediately after. This gives you time to adjust
4 0 7 3
Backspin Ball
4 0 7 3
4 0 3 7
Typical Master V300 setup for specific ball types:
Topspin balls:
TOPSPIN control between 5 and 7
BACKSPIN control between 2 and 4
Backspin balls:
. Using the plus buttons
and minus buttons
, adjust each
TOPSPIN control between 2 and 4
BACKSPIN control between 5 and 7
4 0 3 7
Frequenz regelt die Ballauswurf-Geschwind-
igkeit des iPong. Je höher die Frequenz-Ein -
stellung, desto mehr Bälle werden pro Minute
ausgeworfen. "1" ist die niedrigste Frequenz, "8"
die höchste.
Oszillation (Seite-zu-Seite) Einstellungen
Oszillations-Einstellungen werden benutzt, um
Bälle auf verschiedene Bereiche des Tisches zu
werfen. Je höher die Oszillation-Einstellung,
desto schneller vollzieht der iPong die
"Seite-zu-Seite Bewegung". "1" ist die langsamste
Bewegung, 8 die schnellste Oszillation.
Der iPong hat die Möglichkeit Ihre bevorzug -
ten Einstellungen zu speichern. Wenn Sie Ihre
bevorzugten Einstellungen vorgenommen
haben drücken Sie den
der Fernbedienung, gefolgt vom Betätigen des
Memory-Knopfs. Wenn Sie Ihre gespeicherten
Dies gibt Ihnen Zeit, die richtigen
Einstellungen abrufen möchten, stellen Sie
sicher, dass sich das Gerät im Play-Modus
be ndet und drücken Sie Memory. Der iPong
wechselt dann zu den gespeicherten Einstel-
lungen. Um Ihre gespeicherten Einstellungen zu
ändern, wiederholen Sie die Schritte 1 und 2.
Benutzen Sie die Plus
und Minus
Taste um die
JOOLA Tischtennis GmbH & Co. KG
Wiesenstr. 1
76833 Siebeldingen
49 (0) 6345 - 9547-
V300 control adjustmen
Reinigen Sie den Motor unter dem
Drehteller. Entfernen Sie zunächst den
Trichter, dann ziehen Sie den Drehteller
V300 control adjustments for ball err
leicht nach oben um ihn zu entfernen.
Entfernen Sie den Schmutz sorgfältig mit
einem sauberen Tuch.
Benutzung des TILT STAND
Der iPong TILT STAND ist ein mehrstu ges iPong
V300 control adjustments for ball errors
V300 control adjustments for ball errors
Erhebungs-Feature, entwickelt um Ballauswurf zu
ändern und Schlagvariationen zu erhöhen. Drei
Stufen sind verfügbar: 9mm, 17mm, 26mm. Der
TILT-STAND ist besonders nützlich bei langsamen
V300 control adjustments for ball errors
oder schnellen Backspin-Bällen - welche ohne diese
Funktion möglicherweise im Netz landen. Ein wenig
Experimentierfreude wird vorausgesetzt. Erhöhen
4 0 7 3
Sie den TILT-STAND an der Vorderseite des iPong,
wenn die Bälle ins Netz gehen und verringern Sie es,
Using the iPong Tilt Sta
Pause-Knopf auf
wenn die Bälle hinter dem Tisch landen.
4 0 7 3
Using the iPong Tilt Stand
The iPong Tilt Stand is a m
designed to change ball tra
Three heights are available
is especially useful when se
fast backspin balls - that ot
bit of experimentation will b
4 0 6 2
front of the iPong, go up in
go down in elevation if ball
Using the iPong Tilt Stand
Using the iPong Tilt Stand
The iPong Tilt Stand is a multi-tiered
The iPong Tilt Stand is a multi-tiered iPong elevation tool,
4 0 6 2
designed to change ball trajectory a
designed to change ball trajectory and increase shot variation.
Three heights are available: 9mm,1
Nach jeder Nutzung des iPongs
Three heights are available: 9mm,17mm, or 26mm. The tilt stand
Für langsamere Bälle positionieren Sie den iPong in der
For slower balls, position iPong near center of
is especially useful when setting the
is especially useful when setting the iPong to shoot slow balls, or
empfehlen wir den Netzstecker zu
Nähe der Tischmitte. Stellen Sie die Neigung auf die
table. Start with tilt stand in lowest position,
fast backspin balls - that otherwise m
Using the iPong Tilt Stand
fast backspin balls - that otherwise might NOT go over the net. A
niedrigste Stufe und passen diese bei Bedarf an. Nutzen Sie
bit of experimentation will be require
bit of experimentation will be required. With the tilt stand on the
and adjust upward as needed.
front of the iPong, go up in elevatio
The iPong Tilt Stand is a multi-tiered iPong elevation tool,
front of the iPong, go up in elevation if balls go into the net. And
dafür den Untersteller.
For slower balls, position iPong near cent
go down in elevation if balls go off t
go down in elevation if balls go off the table.
designed to change ball trajectory and increase shot variation.
Reinigen Sie die Bälle nach mehrfacher Be
table. Start with tilt stand in lowest position
Three heights are available: 9mm,17mm, or 26mm. The tilt stand
is especially useful when setting the iPong to shoot slow balls, or
nutzung. (Bälle werden staubig was die
and adjust upward as needed.
fast backspin balls - that otherwise might NOT go over the net. A
Funktion des iPongs möglicherweise
bit of experimentation will be required. With the tilt stand on the
front of the iPong, go up in elevation if balls go into the net. And
go down in elevation if balls go off the table.
Für schnelle Backspin-Bälle positionieren Sie den iPong am
For fast backspin b
For slower balls, position iPong near center of
For fast backspin balls, position iPong near
For slower balls, position iPong near center of
Ende des Tisches. Stellen Sie die Neigung auf die niedrigste
end of table. Start w
table. Start with tilt stand in lowest position,
end of table. Start with tilt stand in highest
table. Start with tilt stand in lowest position,
DYs nach einer Benutzung. Lagern Sie
position, and adjust
and adjust upward as needed.
Stufe und passen diese bei Bedarf an. Nutzen Sie dafür den
position, and adjust downward as needed.
and adjust upward as needed.
ihn im Karton (oder einer Tasche) um
Verstauben zu vermeiden
Place tilt stand on rear of
For fast backspin balls, position iPong near
For slower balls, position iPong near center of
iPong. Use for very fast topspin balls.
end of table. Start with tilt stand in highest
table. Start with tilt stand in lowest position,
Position iPong near end of table - OR
position, and adjust downward as needed.
Reinigen Sie oft die Räder des iPongs.
and adjust upward as needed.
in middle of table! Start in lowest
Dies ist ein wichtiger Schritt zur Erhaltung
position, and adjust upward as needed.
Fortgeschritten: Platzieren Sie den Untersteller an die
der Funktionsfähigkeit. Benässen Sie ein
Place tilt stand on rear of
Rückseite des iPong. Erzeugt sehr schnelle Topspin-Bälle.
iPong. Use for very fast topspin balls.
sauberes Tuch mit Wasser oder Alkohol
Positionieren Sie den iPong am Ende des Tisches oder in
Position iPong near end of table - OR
der Mitte! Starten Sie in der niedrigsten Stufe und erhöhen
in middle of table! Start in lowest
Sie falls benötigt.
position, and adjust upward as needed.
einige Male ab.
The iPo
Three h
is espe
fast ba
bit of e
front o
go dow
For fast bac
end of table
position, and
in mid
iPong. Use fo
Position iPong
in middle of ta
position, and a

Resumen de contenidos para JOOLA iPong

  • Página 1 Contents of the Box/Inhalt der Box/Contenu du carton/Con el iPong se incluye NOTE: iPong should only be used with 40mm table tennis balls. 1. Place the assembled iPong V300 on the table, close to the back end and along the middle line. Then, angle A. Core Engine B.
  • Página 2 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com...