Product manufactured in accordance with Directive 2006/42/EC
Serial number
Product identification code
Lot number
See the instructions for use
Wear protective gloves
Wear protective footwear
Spencer Italia S.r.l. guarantees that products are free from defects for a period of one year from the date of purchase.
For information on correct interpretation of the use, maintenance, installation or return instructions, please contact the Spencer Customer Assistance at tel. +39 0521 541111,
To facilitate service, always indicate the lot number (LOT) or serial number (SN) on the label attached to the package or device itself.
Warranty and service conditions are available at http://support.spencer.it.
Note: Record and keep with these instructions: lot (LOT) or serial number (SN), if present, place and date of purchase, date of first use, date of checks, user name and comments.
To ensure the traceability of the products and protect maintenance and service procedures on your devices, Spencer has made the SPENCER SERVICE portal
spencer.it/) available to you. From this site, you can view the data of the products in your possession or placed on the market, monitor and update schedules for periodic
checks and view and manage special maintenance.
Warnings, notes, and other important safety information are provided in this section and are clearly visible throughout the manual.
User training
Note: despite all efforts, laboratory tests, trials, and instructions for use, standards do not always reproduce practice, so the results obtained under actual conditions of product
use in the natural environment may sometimes differ significantly.
The best instructions are the continuous practice of use under the supervision of competent and trained personnel.
• Only suitably trained and qualified personnel may use the lifting trolley. Read each section of this manual carefully before performing any operation on the product.
• Regardless of your level of experience with similar devices in the past, you should carefully read and understand the contents of this manual before installing, operating, or
servicing this product. In case of any questions, please contact Spencer Italia S.r.l. for the necessary clarifications.
Note: Spencer Italia S.r.l. is always available for training courses.
Installer training
The device does not require installation.
If these conditions are not met, product and operator safety is compromised.
Product features
Use of the product for any purpose other than that described in the User Manual is prohibited.
• Before each use, always check the conditions of the product, as specified in the User Manual. In the event of faults/damage that could compromise its functionality/safety,
immediately remove it from service and contact the Manufacturer.
• If the product is found to be malfunctioning, take the vehicle out of service.
• The product must not be tampered with (modification, tweaking, additions, repair). Should these operations be performed, we decline any responsibility for incorrect opera-
tion or any damage caused by the product itself; moreover, the CE certification (when required by law) and the product warranty shall be null and void.
• Anyone who modifies or causes products manufactured by Spencer Italia S.r.l. to be modified or re-processed in such a way that they no longer serve the intended purpose
or no longer provide the intended performance shall comply with the conditions valid for the first placing on the market.
• Be sure to take every precaution to avoid hazards from contact with blood or body secretions, if applicable.
• Before use, carefully assess all safety symbols on the product in addition to the warnings in this manual.
• Operating temperature: from 0°C to +40°C.
• The product must be stored in a closed, dry and clean environment. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight; a maximum of two devices may be stacked in their original packaging
and with the pallets in good condition. Stacking is prohibited if these conditions are not met.
• Do not store the product under other more or less heavy materials that may damage the structure of the product.
• Store and transport the product with its original packaging, otherwise the warranty shall be invalidated.
• Storage temperature: 0°C to + 40°C.
• Storage humidity: max 80%.
Spencer Italia S.r.l. declines all responsibility for any direct or indirect damage which is the consequence of improper use of the product and spare parts and/or in any
Direct current
Notice for proper disposal in accordance with European Directive 2012/19/
Maximum permissible load
Do not use pressurised water jets
No sitting
No climbing
Crushing hazard
Generic danger