Specifications Technical data
Product description:
Blood pressure measurement method:
Cuff inflation:
Pressure sensor:
Measurement range (pressure):
Measurement range (pulse):
Accuracy (pressure):
Accuracy (pulse):
Operating conditions:
Storage and transport conditions:
Digital automatic Blood Pressure Monitor
Cuff oscillometric method
Automatic inflation with air pump at 15 mmHg/s
Gauge sensor
0 to 285 mmHg, DIA 40 to 130 mmHg, SYS 60 to 230 mmHg
40 to 180 beats/min
Within +- 3 mmHg or 2% of reading
Within +-5% of reading
Semiconductor pressure sensor
5 to 40°C, 15 to 90% RH, atmospheric 86Kpa~106kpa, altitude: 2000m
-25 to 70°C, 10 to 95% RH, atmospheric 86Kpa~106kpa, altitude: 2000m