Mit den Schablone gestalten Sie ganz einfach partiell ab-
gedeckte Flächen. So entstehen Ränder, Büschel, Streifen,
Flächen und verschiedene Grasflecken.
Sie können die Schablonen auf zwei Arten verwenden:
Entweder streichen Sie erst den Untergrund mit Gras-Kleber
(Art.-Nr. 61130 bzw. 61131) ein, halten die Schablone lose
darüber und beflocken durch die Aussparung in den feuchten
Leim, oder Sie sprühen Sprüh-Kleber »Haftfix« (Art.-Nr.
61151, siehe unten) über eine auf dem Untergrund aufliegen-
de Schablone auf eine Fläche. Anschließend können Sie ohne
Halten der Schablone beflocken. Einzelne Aussparungen der
Schablonen können mit Maler-Krepp geschlossen werden.
Auch hier gilt: Trauen Sie sich zu experimentieren!
5 Stück
Der NOCH Gras-Kleber wurde speziell für die elektrostatische
Beflockung entwickelt. Er bietet im Vergleich zu herkömm-
lichem Leim und Holzleim folgende Eigenschaften und
– perfekte Konsistenz: lässt sich leicht verstreichen, ohne
zu verlaufen
– bindet langsam ab: Sie können Ihre Fläche in Ruhe
Begrasen, dadurch entstehen keine »kahlen« Stellen in
Ihrer Wiese
– trocknet perfekt transparent aus: keine weißen Schlieren
– hohe Klebekraft: deutlich stärkere Klebekraft als z. B.
verdünnter Holzleim
250 g
Der universell einsetzbare Sprüh-Kleber ist für alle Klebear-
beiten geeignet – im Modellbau genauso wie im Haushalt.
400 ml
Thank you for purchasing the NOCH Gras-Master 3.0. This
third generation of the NOCH flocking device makes it
Find application possibilities, recipes and ideas for your
model landscape design on and on the
YouTube channel
Brush some NOCH Grass Glue, item no. 61130 or the NOCH
Grass Glue XL, item no. 61131 onto the area that you want to
flock with grass. Fill the grass container of the Gras-Master
3.0 maximally 2/3 full with NOCH Grass. Depending on the
length of the grass fibres choose the suitable sieve. The
fine sieve can be used for 1.5 mm to 2.5 mm grass and for
snowflakes. The medium sieve is appropriate for grass fibres
of 2.5 mm to 6 mm length (Scatter Grass, Master Grass
Blends, Wild Grass). The coarse sieve is to use for 6 mm to
12 mm long fibres (Wild Grass and Wild Grass XL). These are
recommendations and may be adjusted by yourself according
to your requirements. Now attach the alligator clip to the
landscape in the area that you want to cover with grass. For
this purpose you can use a small nail or a fixing pin. Switch
on the Gras-Master 3.0 (the red LED lamp is on) and gently
shake the device over the area covered with glue. After the
glue has dried you can vacuum off the loose grass fibres and
apply them later again. When you finished your work, always
switch the Gras-Master 3.0 off (the LED lamp goes out).
Gras-Master 3.0, counter-pole cable with crocodile clip,
three sieves for the flocking with grass fibres of different
lengths, 9 V battery
The centerpiece of the Gras-Master 3.0 is an electronic
circuit transforming the 9 V battery voltage into a stable,
negative high voltage of up to approximately 11 kV DC. The
bottom of the grass container is coated with a conductive
possible for you to achieve better and more realistic results
in creating meadows and patches of grass.
special varnish. This layer is connected with the high voltage
(up to approximately 11 kV ), while the earth (0 V) is connect-
ed to the earth cable.
During operation, a strong electric field is formed between
the high voltage and the earth. The grass fibres are
negatively charged in the container by the escaping elec-
trons. After passing through the sieve, the fibres are attract-
ed by the substrate surface connected to the earth, where,
after adhering to the previously applied adhesive layer, they
align themselves vertically due to the electric field. Therefore
an electrically conductive substrate is necessary for a good
function, which is achieved by the conductive special ad-
hesive. Even after switching off the device, the high voltage
is still present for a short time. Therefore do not touch the
bottom of the grass container, not even when removing the
remaining material. Due to the special construction, that is
protected by registered design, a minimum power consump-
tion and a maximum of safety is achieved.
Operating voltage: 9 V
Power consumption: approx. 120 mA
Output voltage: up to approx. 11 kV
Power supply: 9 V battery block, alkaline
Operating time: approx. 3-4 h
Function indication by red LED
On/Off switch
This product is a scale modeling article aimed at ambitious
modellers, and no toy. It is designed for use on a model