South Shore 10040466 Instrucciones De Montaje página 3

5- y ea r W a r r a n ty o n f u r n i tu r e m a n u f a c tu r ed by S o u th S h o r e a n d 1 y ea r w a r r a n ty o n o th er
f u r n i tu r e a n d déc o r ac c es o r i es d i s tr i bu ted by S o u th S h o r e F u r n i tu r e.
O ur furniture is like fam ily to us. And we never
turn our bac k on fam ily.
O ur c o m m itm ent to our furniture - - and to
yo u - - doesn't end the m inute yo u've purc hased
the piec e. W e offer a 5- year warranty o n all o f
o ur m anufac tured furniture piec es.
R eg i s ter y o u r p r o d u c ts o n l i n e!
It w ill only take a few m inutes to fill out this
form and register yo ur pro duc ts; but in the end
it will be easier fo r us to help you in the event
yo u need a replac em ent part and you lo st your
assem bly guide or pro duc tio n c o de.
w w w .s o u th s h or ef u r n i tu r e.c o m /
r eg i s ter - y o u r - p r o d u c ts
5.T his warranty only applies under con ditions of no rmal domestic u se. It does not c over defec ts resulting from intentional damage, negligenc e,
the assembly guide.
6.W hen applying this warranty S outh Shore Furniture reserves the right to ask for the proof of purc hase of the original buyer.
7.This warranty is only valid on purc hases made at authorized S outh S horeTM Furniture retailers in C anada, the U.S.A and Mexic o.
T he warranties o ffered by So uth Sho re Furniture do not apply to the produc ts o f o ur partners o n the Loc al show c ase sec tio n of the web
site ; eac h o f those partners/ m anufac turers sell its produc ts o n o ur web platform but o ffer its o wn warranty and details c an be found on
the pro duc t page o f applic able pro duc ts.
10 - y ea r W a r r a n ty o n S o u th S h o r e W o r k p la c e p r o du c ts B I F M A tes ted a n d 5- y ea r / 2 - y ea r
o n h ei g h t- a dju s ta bl e w o r k i n g ta bl es
1.South S horeTM Furniture provides the original buy er with a warranty c overing "defec ts" on furniture parts and workmanship for a period of 10
years from the date or pu rc hase for S outh Shore Workplac e BIFMA tested products.
2.South S horeTM Furniture provides the original buy er of a height-adjustable table with a 5-year warranty from the date of pu rc hase on the
struc ture elements and a 2-year warranty on the elec tronic c omponents. This warranty covers defects on parts and workmanship.
4.This warranty is stric tly limited to the repair or replac ement of detec tive c omponents and parts. This warranty exc ludes all other direc t or indirec t
c harges and expenses ac c ording to the limit permitted by law in your state/provinc e.
5.In the event S outh S hore Furniture can not replac e a part its responsibility c an not exc eed the value or c ost of produc tion of that part or the
replacement retail value of the defective item, the c hoic e is up to South S hore.
6.This warranty only applies under c onditions of normal use. It does not cover defec ts resulting from intentional damage, negligence, abuse,
7.W hen applying this warranty South Sho re Furniture reserves the right to ask for the proo f of purc hase of the original bu yer.
8.This warranty is only valid on purchases made at authorized S outh Sho re Furniture retailers in C anada, the U.S.A. and Mexico.
3 0 - d ay r etu r n p o li c y o n d éc o r a c c es s o r i es
exc hange of, or a refund on, your unused item. We will send a courier over to take the item from your ho me. You will be c harged a return shipping
fee equal to 15% of the c ost of the items returned. South Shore Furniture reserves the right to refuse a return or an exc hange if any con dition is not
W e d o n o t a c c ep t:
Returns unless the item is unused and in its original pac kaging.
Returns or exchanges on bedding (comforters, duvet c overs, c overlets, bedshee ts, pillows, duvets, and crib sets) that has been opened or used, or
1.South S horeTM Furniture provides the original buyer with a warranty c overing
"defec ts" on furniture parts and workmanship for a period of 5 years from the date or
the date of purc hase to the original buyer on the produc ts and dec or acc ess ories
parts and workmanship.
impair the use of the produc t for whic h it was intended.
3.T his warranty is s tric tly limited to the repair or replac ement of defec tive c ompon ents
and p arts. This warranty exc ludes all other direc t or indirec t c harges and expenses
ac cording to the limit permitted by law in your state/provinc e.
4.In the event S outh S hore Furniture can not replace a part its respon sability can not
exceed the value or c ost of production of that part or the replac ement retail value of
the defective item, the c hoic e is up to S outh S hore.