Robot trapped. Clear obstacles
Error 8:
surrounding robot.
Error 9:
No dustbin. Install dustbin and filter.
Error 12: Low battery. Recharge and retry.
Charging error. Clean charging
Error 13:
contacts and retry.
Error 14: Battery error.
Robot tilted. Move to level ground and
Error 16:
Error 17: Side brush error. Reset robot.
Error 18: Fan error. Reset robot.
Vertical bumper pressed. Move robot
Error 21:
and retry.
Error 22: Dock locator error. Clean and retry.
Could not return to dock. Clean dock
Error 23:
location beacon and retry.
Error 26: Wall sensor dirty. Clean wall sensor.
Filter blocked or wet. Clean, dry, and retry.
No-go zone or Invisible Wall detected. Move
robot from this area.
Internal error. Reset the robot.
Note: A system reset may resolve some problems.
If the problem persists after using the
recommendations in the table above, contact our
support team at:
1-855-960-4321 (United States only)
1-833-421-1915 (Canada only)