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Hereby, MOB, declares that item MO6599 is in Compliance with
the essential requirements and other relevant conditions of
Directive 2004/1935/EC. The full text of the EU declaration of
conformity is available at the following internet address:
MOB, PO BOX 644, 6710 BP (NL).
Made in China

Resumen de contenidos para MOB MO6599

  • Página 1 USER MANUAL Hereby, MOB, declares that item MO6599 is in Compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant conditions of Directive 2004/1935/EC. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: www.momanual.com. MOB, PO BOX 644, 6710 BP (NL).
  • Página 2 MO6599 Ceramic grinder with 4 storage jars Instructions: 1. Rotate the clear plastic counterclockwise to open the storage jar and add the dried spices. salt and pepper. 2. After adding the spices, rotate clockwise and return to storage jar, then invert the pepper mill and turn the grinder clockwise to use.
  • Página 3 Moulin en céramique avec 4 pots de stockage Instructions: 1. Tournez le plastique transparent dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre pour ouvrir le bocal de stockage et ajoutez les épices séchées telles que le sel et le poivre. 2.
  • Página 4 Macinatore in ceramica con quattro comparti Istruzioni: 1. Aprire il macinatore in ceramica e aggiungere delle spezie secche. 2. Dopo aver aggiunto le spezie, ruotare in senso orario, capovolgere il macinapepe e ruotarlo in senso orario per utilizzarlo. 3. Ci sono 4 comparti per 4 diverse spezie. 4.
  • Página 5 Młynek ceramiczny z 4 słoikami do przechowywania Instrukcje: 1. Obróć przezroczysty plastik w kierunku przeciwnym do ruchu wskazówek zegara, aby otworzyć słoik do przechowywania i dodać suche przyprawy: sól i pieprz. 2. Po dodaniu przypraw obróć przezroczysty plastik w kierunku zgodnym z ruchem wskazówek zegara, aby zamknąć...