EMS The PUTNEY VCS3 Manual De Usuario página 58

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TARJETA C. Contiene:
Generador de Ruido.
Oscilador 1.
Oscilador 2.
Oscilador 3.
Amplificador del Medidor.
NOTA: No intente realizar ajustes de frecuencia, sin un medidor de frecuencia preciso.
PR 14(10 Kohms) Meter amplifier DC zero. Ground the input to the meter amplifier, and trim
so that meter reads 0.5 (half scale) when switched to Control Voltages.
PR 15(100 Kohms) Osc.1 frequency offset. Set frequency dial at 6 and trim to obtain 261.6 Hz.
PR 16 (100 ohms) Osc.1 frequency control sensitivity Adjust to get precisely 1.5 octaves per
major division on frequency dial. Calibration points a:
Frequency 32.7 Hz
PR 17 (10 Kohms) Osc.1 sine purity (flyback suppres sion). Adjust for purest sine wave at
about 400 Hz.
PR 19(100 Kohms) Osc.2 frequency offset. Adjust a! PR15.
PR20 (100 ohms) Osc.2 frequency control sensitivit} Having adjusted Osc.1 (P R 16), apply
the same control to Oscs. 1 and 2 (e.g, from joystick) ar adjust PR20 so that both oscillators
track perfectly in unison (listen for zero beats).
PR21 (100 Kohms) 0sc.3 frequency offset. Set frequency dial to 10 and adjust to 500 Hz.
261.6 Hz
2093 Hz
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