TRENDnet TEG-082WS Guía De Instalación Rápida página 9

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rapaHTifl KOMnami
raparnria KoMnaHiT T R E N D n e t nowuproeTbca Ha ge^eK Tu, mo
o6cnyroByBaHHa npoTaroM BCTaHoBneHoro nepiogy 3 MoMemy npug6aHHa. (n pogyK T 06M eweHa rapaHTia: 3 poKM o6MeweHoT
rapaHTiT (nowuproeTbca: npoTaroM 1 poKy Ha cunoBi aganTepu, g x e p e n a xuBneHHa i KoMnoHeHTu BeHTunaTopa oxonogxeHHa)
noBHy Bepciw rapaHTiMHux 3o6oB'a3aHb, a TaKox npaBa KopucTyBana Ta o6MeweHHa npu eKcnnyaTa^T gaHoro npogyKTy guBiTbca Ha
Be6caMTi TR E N D .
Th is device com plies w ith Part 15 o f the FCC Rules.
O peration is subject to the follow ing tw o conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harm ful interference.
(2) This device m ust accept any interference received.
Including interference that may cause undesired operation.
W aste electrical an electronic products m ust not be
disposed o f w ith household w aste. Please recycle
w here facilities exist. Check w ith yo u r Local
A uthority o r R etailer fo r recycling advice.
T e c h n ic a l S u p p o r t
If y o u have a n y q u e s tio n s re g a rd in g th e p ro d u c t
in s ta lla tio n , p le a s e c o n t a c t o u r T e c h n ic a l S u p p o rt.
Toll f r e e U S /C a n a d a : 1 - 8 6 6 - 8 4 5 - 3 6 7 3
R e g io n a l p h o n e n u m b e rs a va ila b le
a t w w w .t r e n d n e t . c o m / s u p p o r t
TEG-082WS (V1) /07.22.2014
All manuals and user guides at
E H t
20675 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501. USA
Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved. TRENDnet.
Bupo6HuKa, npu goTpuMaHHi yMoB eKcnnyaTa^T Ta
b u h u k h u
b u h u
The M a n ufacturer is not responsible fo r any radio or TV interference
caused by unauthorized m odifications to this equipm ent. Such
m odifications could void the user's authority to operate the
equipm ent.
A dvertencia
En tod o s n uestros e quipos se m e n cion a n cla ra m e nte las
caracteristicas del ada pta do r de alim entacon necesario para su
funcionam iento. El uso de un adapta do r distinto al m encionado
puede p roducir danos fisicos y/o danos al equipo conectado. El
adaptador de alim entacion debe o pe ra r con voltaje y frecuencia de la
energia electrica dom iciliaria exitente en el pais o zona de
P r o d u c t W a r r a n t y R e g is tr a tio n
P le a s e ta k e a m o m e n t to r e g is t e r y o u r
p r o d u c t o n lin e . Go t o T R E N D n e t's w e b s ite a t:
h t t p : / / w w w . t r e n d n e t . c o m / r e g is t e r
TEG -082W S
T R E n D n E T
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