This product fulfils the requirements of Eu-
ropean standard EN13613 : 2009.
Weight operational limit 50 kg.
WARNING! The use of protective equipment is rec-
ommended (helmet, wrist, elbow, knee pads and a
reflective device).
General Information
1. Using the skateboard
Before every use, check your deck on damage or cracks, all
screws, nuts and fastenings for tight fit. Check bearings for
condition and ease of operation as well as for damage and
proper adjustment of the steering mechanism.
Wear and tear will necessitate a regular maintenance of
your skateboard. Especially worn bearings and wheels will
effect the performance of your skateboard. It is therefore
imperative to maintain the skateboard on a regular basis
and to change worn parts in good time. For your own safety,
use only original parts and make sure to fit only exactly the
same parts as originally fitted.
Screws and nuts are secured against accidental loosening
by either using self-locking products or securing paint. Do
not damage the self-locking part of nuts or screws during
maintenance work. Self-locking products can loose their
effectiveness by repeated fitting. For safety reasons, we
therefore recommend to replace self-locking screws and
nuts with new ones after loosening these products. Please
do not damage the safety paint on nuts and screws during
maintenance work. We recommend to re-secure paint-
sealed nuts and screws by using fixing paint available at
technical supply shops such as car part outlets.
Using the Skateboard can cause sharp edges or
corners. These must be removed (filed down) in the
interest of safety.
Chose a suitable skating area for you. Generally, the skating
area should be firm, even, clean and dry, and, if at all
possible, away from public traffic areas. Be aware of other
road or pavement users and observe local laws/bylaws.
Control your speed and always drive on the correct side of
the pavement/road. Be especially careful when overtaking
pedestrians, cyclists or other skaters. Always overtake on
the correct side and make your intentions known clearly. Be
aware of obstacles and do not drive through water, oil, sand
or similar substances. Using a skateboard entails the same
responsibility as riding a bicycle. Always observe traffic
rules and avoid areas of motorized traffic.
Skateboarding on public highways is generally not al-
lowed except in pedestrians areas. Pedestrians always
have the right of way.
When skating, always wear a skating helmet, elbow,
knee and wrist protectors.
2. Driving skills
Adjust your speed to your skill level. Firstly, learn how to
simply roll forward, simple curves and breaking techniques.
Then you can tackle more aggressive skating. Use skating
areas which are mainly free from other traffic or find a skate
park in your area. Avoid angled surfaces running downhill.
Find the body posture right for you and try to lean forward.
Never let yourself be towed by other vehicles, this can lead
to dangerous falls with horrific injuries. Never skate faster
than your running speed.
1. Skateboarders starting to learn need to try with a friend
or parent. Most bad accidents happen in the first month.
Your first rolling-trial should be made in the presence of
a second person which can perhaps help you if needed.
Practice the most important skating techniques on non-
slip surface carpets before you graduate to faster surfac-
es such as pavements.
2. Stand in a relaxed fashion with slightly bend knees on
your Skateboard and let yourself be pulled by a second
person in order to get a feel for skating.
3. When you feel secure on your skates, try your first steps
without help. Try to push yourself forward with one leg,
then the other. Should nobody be there to help you, make
sure your practice area is large enough.
4. Before you jump off a skateboard, watch where it may
go. It could injure someone else. Always make sure not to
endanger other persons.
5. Always try to lean slightly forward, avoid leaning
6. As soon as you feel a little more secure on your skates,
try to use the stoppers in order to come to a standstill
without danger. Careful: At first, only train with another
person on a non-slip, even surface!
7. Avoid steep gradients, difficult surfaces and busy roads.
Increase your speed according to your skill.
8. Children under the age of 8 should never skate without
supervision. Performing jumps with skates can be dan-
gerous. Most skating accidents result from falls. Therefore
learn how to fall and roll properly to avoid injury. Most
serious skateboard injuries are broken bones so learn to
fall (by rolling if possible) without the skateboard first. If
you leave the skateboard, make sure that you don't hurt a
casual bystander. A good skateboarder takes always care
on himself and other people.
9. Learn everything slowly including new tricks. When losing
balance don't wait until you fall, step off and start again,
ride down gentle slopes at first.
3. Braking techniques
Your skateboard does not have any brakes. Skate always
only as fast as you have anything under control. Very
Practiced drivers brake by pushing the back part of the
skateboard on the ground till they stopped!
4. Adjusting the steering
You can adjust the steering mechanism of your skateboard
between hard and soft. This is done by loosening or tight-
ening the "kingpin" . Take care to tighten the securing part
of the self-securing nut fully on the kingpin, otherwise, the
self-securing properties of the kingpin are not working and
you could loose the kingpin while skating.
5. Taking care of your skateboard
Clean and dry (if necessary) your skateboard after each
use. Remove stones and other foreign objects, which could
have been pressed into the wheels. Remove sharp edges,
which might have been caused by use, by filing them down.
Clean the griptape of your board to make sure that You
have a non-slip stand on the board. Clean the bearings reg-
ularly, taking good care to keep them dry. If necessary, dry
the bearings by rubbing them down with a dry cloth. Always
store your skateboard in a dry room.