bebe-jou bath seat Manual página 7

Puhastamine. Vannirõngas on mugav beebivannist eemaldada, tõmmates iminapa trippi (C). Puhastage vannirõngas leige
vee ja pehmetoimelise seebiga. Seejärel kuivatage lapiga. Ärge kunagi kasutage keemilisi puhastusvahendeid. Ärge kunagi
hoidke vannirõngas viisil, mis võib iminappa deformeerida.
Garantii. Külastage meie veebisaiti, et lugeda lähemalt meie garantiitingimuste kohta. Oidke enda juhendit
ja ostutšekki turvalises kohas.
bébé-jou bath seat 175 manual. Please read this manual carefully before you start using the bath seat and keep it some-
where safe in case you want to consult it again at some later stage. Your child's safety can be in danger if you do not follow
these instructions.
Bath seat 175. De bath seat eases the transition from a babybath to a normal bath tub. The bath seat makes bath time for
your child much more enjoyable. Your child can play in the water and can be washed easily.
Instructions for use. A small child is vulnerable. Therefore make sure you never leave your child alone and always hold him or
her whilst bathing! Always check to make sure the surface you are planning on positioning the bathseat is smooth (A) and wet
the suction pads. You can then position the bath seat in the bath. Press the suction pads down firmly and check it by trying to
pull the bath seat up again (B). Now fill the bath with water up to the level indicated on the bath seat. Make sure the bath water
isn't too hot. The water should be warm enough if it's between 36 and 38 degrees.
Matching items. Please visit our website for more information about our complete product assortment.
BEWARE! Never leave your child unattended! An adult always needs to be present to hold and support the child in
order to prevent drowning! Never react to any external influences.
Children can drown very quickly and can do so in very low water (±2 cm).
The bath seat offers no protection against drowning. Children have drowned in baths.
If you have no option but to leave the room, then always take your child with you.
The bath seat can no longer be used when the suction pad cup isn't working anymore.
Don't use the bath seat if your child can't sit by herself / himself.
Don't use the bath seat in a bath with different levels.
Make sure the bath seat has been set up properly and has been effectively secured to the bath (B).
Always check to make sure the surface you are planning on positioning the bathring is smooth, clean, undamaged and no
antiskid (A).
Never fill the bath passed the level indicated on the bath seat (this includes your child).
Always check the water's temperature before putting your child in the bath.
Never fill the bath up using the tap whilst your child is in the baby bath.
Make sure your child can't reach the tap whilst bathing.
Recommended bathing time is approx. 15 minuts.
The bath seat is suitable for children from 7 untill approx 16 months with a weight up to max 13kg.
Cleaning. You can easily remove the bath seat from the baby bath by pulling on the suction pad's tab (C). Clean the bath seat
with lukewarm water and mild soap and subsequently dry it with a cloth. Never use chemical cleaning agents. Never store the
bath seat in such a way that the suction pad can become deformed.
Guarantee. Visit our website for more information about our guarantee conditions. Keep your manual and
proof of purchase in a safe place.
Manual de asiento de baño de bébé-jou 175. Lea atentamente este manual antes de utilizar el asiento de baño y consérvelo
para poder consultarlo posteriormente, si fuere necesario. La seguridad de su bebé puede verse amenazada si no sigue estas
Asiento de baño 175. El asiento de baño BathRing facilita la transición de un baño para bebés a una bañera normal de baño.
El asiento de baño hace el momento del baño mucho más agradable para su hijo y ahora podrá jugar en el agua y ser lavado
Instrucciones de uso. Los bebés son vulnerables. Por eso, no deje nunca solo a su bebé y manténgalo sujeto todo el tiempo
mientras lo baña. Asegúrese siempre de que la superficie sobre la que va a colocar el asiento de baño BathRing es suave y
humedezca las ventosas (A). A continuación, podrá colocar el asiento en la bañera. Presione las ventosas hacia abajo firme-
mente y compruébelas tirando de nuevo del asiento (B). Ahora llene la bañera con agua hasta el nivel indicado en el asiento
de baño. Si el agua está entre los 36 y los 38 grados, está suficientemente caliente.
Accesorios complementarios. Para más información sobre nuestro surtido completo de productos, visite nuestra página