How often should I change the UV bulb?
The UV bulb has an effective lifespan of 9000 hours (usually equivalent to 2 pool seasons
- may differ depending on application). This should be changed without fail in order for the
unit to remain effective and fit for purpose.
How often should I change the quartz sleeve?
We recommend changing the quartz sleeve whenever you change the bulb.
What is the correct orientation of the unit?
The UV can be installed in any orientation.
Do I still need to use chlorine / bromine or a disinfectant?
Yes, UV only disinfects the water when passing over an illuminated bulb, a residual
disinfectant is required in the pool.
How long per day should I run the UV?
The UV should run whenever the pump runs.
Is the UV suitable for salt water use?
The UV is manufactured from materials that will not corrode in salt water, however the
stainless steel bracket will. Use alternative mounting means when
using UV on saltwater systems.
How long can I leave the unit running?
UVs have been designed and manufactured to the highest standards, and can be run 24
hours a day. For external applications, if the unit is frost protected it may be left running
throughout the winter. Otherwise, the unit should be removed, drained and stored safely for
the winter.
Can I bury the unit underground?
No. The UV, although weatherproof, is not suitable for installing in any situation that may
be subject to immersion in water.
Can it be used with ozone?
Yes. The UV is safe to use with ozone units, however, the O-Rings are not.
When using ozone units please use rigid pipe.
When replacing the bulb I cannot locate it into the bulb socket at the opposite end of the
Please follow the procedure for cleaning / replacing the quartz sleeve. This will explain the
correct procedure for removing both end caps and sockets and explain the method for easy