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Alliance A9 Machine Assembly Instruc�ons
Product Warranty Policy
Dedoes Industries warrants the Dedoes Allliance A9 Machine against defects due to defec�ve material, design or manufacturing to
the end user.
This warranty covers all manufactured parts on the products that are defec�ve or damaged. All products, goods, services and
equipment comply with all applicable environmental, safety, design, and regulatory laws, regula�ons, customs, and requirements of
the region in which they are delivered and put into service.
This warranty does not cover any items that have been damaged due to mu�la�on,
altera�on, misuse, or abuse. Corrosion due to neglect or chemicals is not covered by this warranty. Dedoes will not be responsible
for loss of �me, inconvenience, or other consequen�al damages. Dedoes assumes no liability if proper wiring is not completed by a
cer�fied electrician.
The warranty is void:
• if the equipment is not properly wired to all applicable codes by a cer�fied electrician
• if the equipment is not installed, assembled, or aligned properly
• if Dedoes parts are not used for repairs or installa�on
This is the only warranty on Dedoes products and no other expressed warranty by anyone other than Dedoes, in wri�ng, will be
binding on the manufacturer. This warranty is transferable from the loca�on of the original installa�on of the equipment to any
addi�onal installa�on loca�ons within the warranty �me period.
Warranty Return Policy: Under no circumstance should the product or any part there-of be returned to Dedoes for inspec�on,
replacement, and/or repair without the wri�en consent from Dedoes Industries Inc. Returned items must be in original unused
condi�on, unless there is a manufacturer defect. Please contact Dedoes to obtain a Returned Goods Authoriza�on Number and to
discuss other specifics of the return.
Alliance Machine Care and Maintenance Guidelines


All mixing units should be kept clean and free of dust and dirt. A vacuum works well for this purpose.
Periodic lubrica�on to the three pulley shoulder bolts under each mixing shelf will help maintain quiet
opera�on of the machine. A small drop of lubricant under the head of the shoulder bolt should be all that is
required. Make sure the shoulder bolt is free of dirt before lubrica�ng. We suggest using spray Gun Lube or a
lubricant that your paint manufacturer recommends.
Caution: Do not use silicone based lubricants.
Note: In extremely dirty environments it may be necessary to remove the shoulder bolt from the pulley
assembly and clean off the dirt before lubrica�ng.
The belts are made of steel reinforced polyurethane. In most cases the belts will not need to be adjusted. The
belts do not need to be �ght to operate properly. It is OK and correct if the belt has slack along the backside
of the mix unit.
Note: Excessive belt tension will cause noise or problems with the machine opera�on.
248-624-7710 /
P1688 KD RV.6 2022-05-25
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