Parameterize the LOW threshold of the LO alarm
Press the SET key repeatedly/ to go to the LOW alarm thres-
hold configuration menu.
The keys can be used to increment or decrement the
value that will be used as low alarm limit. Long-press the
arrows to scroll through the values rapidly. If nothing is
done for 5 seconds, the thermometer exits from the alarm
configuration menu.
Parameterize The emissivity (C.A 1862)
Press the SET key of the C.A 1862 repeatedly to go to the
emissivity configuration menu. The keys can be used
to increment or decrement the value that will be used for the
emissivity. Long-press the arrows to scroll through the values
rapidly. If nothing is done for 5 seconds, the thermometer exits
from the emissivity configuration menu.
Choosing the temperature unit
Press the SET key repeatedly to go to the temperature unit
configuration menu. The keys can be used to change
the unit (°C or °F). If nothing is done for 5 seconds, the ther-
mometer exits from the temperature unit configuration menu.