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alcohol, solvent To clean the machine, use a pneumatics air or soft cloth. First remove the mains plug from the wall socket. Do not use alcohol, solvents, or hard brushes. Do not let water or other liquids get inside the machine. Per pulire la macchina, utilizzare aria compressa o un panno morbido.
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mark affixed to the product certify that the product satisfies the basic safety requirements. Il marchio applicato al prodotto certifica che il prodotto stesso soddisfa i requisiti base di sicurezza. Le label appliqué sur le produit certifie que le produit même satisfait les qualités requises de securité...
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Si richiama l'attenzione sulle seguenti azioni che possono compromettere la conformità sopra attestata, oltre, naturalmente, le caratteristiche del prodotto: Leggete e conservate le istruzioni seguenti; Seguite tutti gli avvisi e le istruzioni indicate sulla stampante; on collocate la stampante su una superficie instabile. Essa potrebbe cadere e danneggiarsi seriamente; Non collocate la stampante su superfici morbide o in ambienti che non garantiscono la necessaria ventilazione;...
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Table of contents Indice Table des matières Inhaltsverzeichnics Indice SETUP AUTOTEST Installation for drivers Windows 95/98 Windows ME Windows NT/2000 Windows XP Appendix: - A1 Tecnical specification - A2 Accessories and spare parts...
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UNPACKING THE PRINTER 1. User manual (and/or CD-ROM, and/or data sheet ) 2. Upper foam packing shell 3. Carton 4. Lower foam packing shell 5. Printer 6. Power supply cable 7. Label roll DISIMBALLO DELLA STAMPANTE 1. Manuale utente (e/o CD-ROM, e/o foglio informativo) 2.
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off - spento - éteint - aus - apagado = on with paper insert [green] acceso con carta inserita [verde] En marche avec le papier inséré [vert] Laufender mit das papier angefügt [grün] · Insert serial interface connector Alumado con el papel insertado [verde] ·...
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• Connector • Connettori. • Connecteur • Schnittstellen • Conectador J4 - RS232 Serial Connector (DB9M) SEGNALE DESCRIZIONE Data Carrier Detect Data trasmission Data reception N.C. Not connected Ground signal Pin 1 Data terminal ready Clear to send Ready to send Back Wiew +VIN Power supply...
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• Pressing the button “Stand-by” up to turn off of the led, the printer turns off (Stand-by on) • Premendo il tasto Stand-by fino allo spegnimento del led, la stampante si spegne. (Stand-by on) • En appuyant sur la touche “Stand-by” jusqu’à l’éteignement du led, l’imprimante s’éteigne (Stand-by on) •...
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Label roll insertion Inserimento del rotolo etichette Introduire le rouleau de étiquette Einsetzen der Papierrolle Introducir el rollo de escritura de la etiqueta Lola-lp2-SS-PS 5 5 5...
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• Open the front cover and than open the paper cover. • Dopo aver aperto il coperchio anteriore, aprire il coperchio carta. • Ouvrez le couvercle antérieur et puis le couvercle du papier • Offnen sie der vonderdeckel una dann öffnen sie der papierdeckel.
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• Insert the roll end into the peeler. • Inserire l’estremit à del rotolo nello spellicolatore. • Inserez le bout du rouleau dans le décolleur d’étiquettes. • Stecken sie die rolle ende in dem spenderante. • Insertar la extremidad del rollo en lo despegador. •...
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• Verify the led color • Verificare il colore del led • Verifiez la couleur du led • Kontrollieren sie das ledcouleur • Averiguar el color del led • The printer is ready to print. = [Green] on with paper insert •...
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Label roll insertion Inserimento del rotolo etichette Introduire le rouleau de étiquette Einsetzen der Papierrolle Introducir el rollo de escritura de la etiqueta Lola-lp2-S-PS 9 9 9...
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Paper jam Inceppamento carta Coincement papier Papierklemmen Papel encajado Remove the paper from the peeler, pull up the paper and then tear up the paper jam Rimuovete la carta dallo spellicolatore tirandola verso l'alto in seguito strappare la carta inceppata Remuer le papier du décolleur d’étiquettes en le tirant vers l’haut et puis arracher le paier çoinçu...
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Pull the lever of the mechanism of printing and pull back the paper from the mechanism. Alzare la levetta del meccanismo di stampa, tirare indietro la carta dal meccanismo. Lever le levier dú mécanisme d’impression et tirer en arrière le papier du mécanisme. Der hebel druckgetrieben und das papier von das druckgetriebe züruckziehen.
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Si el led permanence encendido en el color rojo, apagar l’a impresora y dejar enfriar. Si, después haber dejado enfriar la impresora, el led permanece encenido fijo sobre el rojo: llamar al Servicio de Asistencia Técnica. HOT LINE +0039-0521680163 Monday-Friday at 9-12 and 14-17 e-mail: [email protected]...
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1 Go into SETUP mode by pressing Stand-BY and Feed on at the same time when the printer switches 2 The printer should print all list of the parameters : • Printer emulation: ESC/POS™. • Baud Rate: 57600,38400, 19200, 9600 , 4800, 2400, 1200.
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AUTOTEST Condition of AUTOTEST: press the button FEED and at the same time turn the printer on to achieve the font test printout AUTOTEST press the button Stand-BY for a few second when the printer switches on to achieve the graphic test printout Modalità...
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1 Download the SW from the “www.custom.it” web site. 2 Use the following procedure to install the printer software: a) WINDOWS 95/98/ME/Nt4/2000/XP From the START menu, press Enter and key-in the path where the SW was saved on your PC, then click OK.
A1 TECNICAL SPECIFICATION A1 TECNICAL SPECIFICATION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Resolution 204 DPI (8 dot/mm) Paper specifications Thermal label rolls Type of paper Heat-sensitive side on outside of roll FASSON Thermal ECO / S2000T / BG40 Recommended types of paper or Equivalent FaceStock Basis weight 76 g/m2 ISO 536...
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ESC/POS emulation Paper from 60 mm 11 cpi 15 cpi 20 cpi Number of columns Characters / sec 1190 1680 Lines / sec Character (W x H mm) Normal 2.2 x 3 1.6 x 3 1.2 x 3 Double height 2.2 x 6 1.6 x 6 1.2 x 6...