National Technical Approval
Materials, characteristics and assembly
Only the moulding compound and materials listed in Annex 2 may be used to manufacture the
Construction details for the containers must correspond to the information contained in
Annexes 1.1 to 1.5 and that filed with DIBt.
Certification of structural stability
When used under the applicable conditions of use, the containers are structurally stable up to
an operational temperature of 30 °C.
Fire behaviour (resistance to flame)
The containers pursuant to this National Technical Approval, consisting of interior and exterior
containers, are equipped to resist fire without becoming unsealed for 30 minutes inside
buildings that conform to the requirements of the building code for heating and heating oil
Leakage recognition/fill-level monitoring
See Section 1(4) and Section 5.1.1(3) on the use of a leakage detector. The containers must
be equipped with a system for measuring the fill level.
Manufacture, packaging, transport, storage and marking
Manufacture must proceed according to the manufacturing description filed with DIBt.
The requirements of Annex 3, Section 1 must also be observed in addition to the
manufacturing description.
The containers may only be manufactured in factory 3
(4) The interior containers may be treated with fluoride.
Packaging, transport, storage
Packaging, Transport and storage must be in accordance with Annex 3, Section 2.
The containers must be marked by the manufacturer with the conformity mark pursuant
to the conformity mark regulations of the German states. The mark may only be placed if the
requirements pursuant to Section 2.4 have been fulfilled.
Moreover, the manufacturer must mark the containers on the exterior wall of the
collector visibly and permanently with the following information:
Manufacture number;
Date of manufacture;
Volume in litres at the permitted fill-level for the interior container (pursuant to ZG-ÜS
Material (the moulding compound used must be evident from the marking) for interior
and exterior container;
the fluoridated tanks must also be marked in regard to material with the acronym "CPA";
approved operational temperature;
The name and address of the company are known to DIBt
Approval Principles for Overfill Safety Mechanisms (ZGÜS), last amended May 1993 in DIBt Book 6, "Approval Principles for
Safety Mechanisms in Containers and Pipelines," last amended: January 1996
National Technical Approval
the fill level corresponding to the approved fill degree (see Section 5.1.3); (fill level mark
– maximum);
Notice about non-pressurised operation;
Notice "Outdoor placement prohibited";
"Only for storing substances pursuant to the National Technical Approval No.
(3) The fill level corresponding to the approved fill degree (see Section 5.1.3) must be
marked on the fill-level indicator (fill level mark – maximum).
Certificate of conformity
2.4.1 General
The certification that the containers conform to the provisions of this National Technical
Approval must be carried out for each manufacturing site by means of a certificate of
conformity based on internal factory production monitoring, as well as external monitoring on a
regular basis, including an initial inspection of the containers pursuant to the following
To obtain the certificate of conformity and the external monitoring, as well as the
associated product inspections, the manufacturer of the containers must make arrangements
with a certification agency recognised for this purpose, as well as a monitoring agency
recognised for this purpose.
The manufacturer must mark the constructed products with the conformity mark,
specifying their use, as a declaration that a certificate of conformity has been issued.
A copy of the certificate of conformity granted by the certification agency must be
submitted to the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik.
A copy of the initial inspection report must also be given to the DIBt.
The professional installers instructed by the applicant and/or the manufacturer with their
own professional staff must issue the confirmation that the containers conform to the
provisions of this National Technical Approval in their installed state with a declaration of
conformity based on the installation/assembly instructions of the applicant.
In-house production monitoring
In-house production monitoring must be set up and carried out in each production
factory. In-house factory production monitoring means the continuous monitoring of production
by the manufacturer with the aim of ensuring that the containers produced by the manufacturer
conform to the provisions of this National Technical Approval.
The in-house factory production monitoring must include at least the inspections listed
in Annex 4, Section 1.
The results of in-house factory production monitoring must be recorded and evaluated.
The records must contain at least the following data:
Designation of the product and/or the starting material;
Type of monitoring or inspection;
Date of manufacture and inspection of the product and/or starting material or its
Result of monitoring and inspections and comparison with requirements:
Signature of the person in charge of in-house factory production monitoring
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of CHEMOWERK GmbH 71384
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National Technical Approval
The records must be preserved for at least five years and submitted to the external
monitoring agency. They must be submitted to the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik and to the
most senior competent building monitoring agency if requested.
In the event of unsatisfactory inspection results, the manufacturer must immediately
take the necessary measures to correct the defect. Products that do not meet the requirements
must be handled so that they cannot be confused with compliant products. After the defect has
been corrected, the inspection in question must be immediately repeated, to the extent
technically possible.
2.4.3 External monitoring
The in-house production monitoring in each production factory must be verified by an
external body in accordance with Annex 4, Section 2 (2) on a regular basis, however at least
twice annually.
An initial inspection of the containers pursuant to Annex 4, Section 2 (1) must be
performed as part of the external monitoring. Moreover, samples can be taken for random
sample tests. Taking samples and performing inspections are the responsibility of the
recognised monitoring agency. If the usability inspections on which the National Technical
Approval is based are carried out using samples officially taken from ongoing production,
these inspections replace the initial inspection.
The results of the certification and external monitoring must be retained for at least five
years. They must be submitted by the certification agency and/or monitoring agency to the
Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik and to the most senior competent building monitoring
agency, if requested.
Provisions for design and measurement
See Section 2.2.4 for behaviour of the containers in a fire.
The conditions for installing the containers are found in the regulations relating to water,
occupational safety and the building code.
Moreover, the requirements pursuant to Annex 5 must be observed.
The containers must be protected against impact by vehicles, e.g. by installation in a
protected place, use of collision guards or installation in a suitable area.
Provisions for implementation
Installation of the containers is subject to Annex 5.
Installation and placement of the containers must be carried out only by those
businesses which are specialist firms for certain tasks within the meaning of § 19 I of the Water
Resources Act [WHG]
unless this type of work has been excepted from the specialist
requirement by state regulations, or the manufacturer of the containers performs these
activities with its own specialist staff.
The company performing the work must confirm proper installation in accordance with
the installation instructions of the manufacturer (see Section 5.1.4) and the determinations
made in Annex 5.
Containers damaged during transport or installation may not be used if the damage
compromises the seal or structural stability of the containers.
Act to regulate water resources (Water Management Act – WHG) in the version promulgated on 19.08.2002 (BGBl. [Federal
Gazette] I, p. 3245)
National Technical Approval
It is prohibited to perform maintenance on the interior container.
Assessment of damage and measures to correct damage must be undertaken in consultation with
a competent expert in synthetic materials
or with the participation of the applicant, if applicable.
Provisions for use, maintenance, servicing and inspection
Equipping the containers
The conditions for equipping the containers are found in the regulations relating to water,
occupational safety and the building code. If there are no water regulations or building-code
regulations that apply to equipping the containers, Section 9 of TRbF 20
The equipment must be designed to avoid unacceptably high or low pressure and
unacceptable loads on the container wall.
For fluids pursuant to Section 1 (3), Pos. 1 to 3, and for fluids pursuant to Pos. 4 and No.
6, if in these cases an optical leak indicator is sufficient under water regulation legislation, the
containers may be outfitted with a type "LS-3" leak detector produced by the Afriso company
with National Technical Approval No. Z-65.40-256. The containers may also be equipped with
a different leak detector suitable for the purpose if it has received a usability certificate from the
building authorities.
Stored liquids
It is not permitted to store the liquids listed in Section 1(3) when mixed with each other or
with other substances, or if a different liquid has already been stored in the container.
It is not permitted to store contaminated materials if the contaminants would lead to
altered material behaviour.
The substance listed in Section 1(3) under Pos. 3 (biodiesel pursuant to DIN EN 14214)
may only be stored in interior containers equipped with permeation resistance.
Usable container volume
The permissible fill proportion of the containers may not exceed 95% if no other fill proportion
has been set out by TRbF 20 No. If there is a safety device to avoid overfilling, it must
be set accordingly.
The container manufacturer must give the following documents to the system operator
Copy of this National Technical Approval;
Copy of the national technical approval for the overfill protection system, if used (if
contained in the scope of delivery of the container);
Copy of the national technical approval for the leak detection system pursuant to
Section 1(4) and 5.1.1(3) (if contained in the scope of delivery of the container);
Installation instructions for setting up the containers
Experts from certification and monitoring agencies, as well as other experts to be named by DIBt upon request
TRbF 20:2002-05, „Technische Regeln für brennbare Flüssigkeiten; Läger", (Technical Rules for Combustible Liquids;
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must be observed.