Buki My Magic Castle 6061 Folleto De Instrucciones página 16

Mingea calatoare • The travelling ball
Die wandernde Kugel
Het reizende balletje
La pelota viajera • La palla viaggiatrice
Pregatire: deschide usa podului mobil si clapeta si lasa-le deschise in timpul trucului.
Deschide cele trei usi. Plaseaza mingea moale inauntrul usii din partea dreapta.
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Inchide usile.
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n spatele castelului, muta discret manerul din dreapta catre mijloc.
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Deschide usa din dreapta, apoi pe cea din stanga. Mingea a disparut. Unde este?
Deschide usa din mijloc. Mingea a disparut!
Scoate sertarul magic. Mingea a reaparut!
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Preparation: open the drawbridge door and flap and leave them open throughout the trick.
Behind the castle, push the tabs out to the sides.
Open the three doors. Place the foam ball inside the right-hand door. Close the doors.
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Behind the castle, discreetly move the right-hand tab into the middle.
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Open the right-hand door, then the left-hand door. The ball has disappeared. Where
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is it? Open the middle door. The ball has disappeared!
Pull out the magic drawer. The ball has reappeared!
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