Super Prism Projector
User's Guide
Super Prism Projector User's Guide ........................................... 1-4
Manual del usuario del proyector Super Prism ......................... 5-8
Guide de l'utilisateur du Projecteur Super Prisme .................9-13
Benutzerhandbuch für den Super Prism Projektor ..............14-18
Proiettore Prism manuale per l'utente per il proiettore ........19-23
Handleiding voor Super Prism Projector ................................24-28
Thank You...
for purchasing our Artograph Super Prism! The Super Prism™ projector has
become the standard for the discriminating artist, crafter and designer. It offers
increased performance and special features to make scaling artwork and designs
faster and easier than ever before. You will fi nd your Super Prism projector ideal
for projecting all varieties of high contrast line art, photos, patterns, and designs
for an almost endless range of applications. We hope you enjoy your new Super
Prism! If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us toll free at
525 9th Street S., Delano, MN 55328-8624 U.S.A.
Phone: 763-553-1112 Fax: 888-388-3489
Toll-Free: 888-975-9555